I think I've figured out why I fucking hate this game, Sup Forums

I think I've figured out why I fucking hate this game, Sup Forums
Its not the weapon durability
Its not the compartmentalization of the story
Its not the lack of traditional dungeons
Its the fact that this particular implementation of Link is about as soy addled and shallow as they come, to the point that Nintenkids can whack their weenies to him and not feel like the faggots they are.

ha ha, do I fit in yet guise?!

Sup Forums is being its same contrarian self. Although I do see the bullshit from both sides. There is valid criticism, like the dungeons being too easy and being bland. The underwhelming ending, the lack of any real challenge, the unnecessary weapon system which didn't really add anything aside from just making the player check their inventory more.

I personally hate how he has to fix Zelda's mistakes, but all she has to do is cry her fake crocodile tears and suddenly Link goes full white knight. Back in my day before we called someone a cuck, we called them a whipped wimp.

I guess he kinda a cuck in that respect, ESPECIALLY given how his relationship with fishcunny is

Form your own fucking opinions you child.
Stop trying so hard to fit in with other anonymous users you will never know or meet.

That's not what that word means.
Get off Sup Forums for a while.

which word?

Is this the new cuck? Is it going to get ran into the ground like a child who discovered his first curse word and won'
t stop using it every chance he can get?

Find 1 (one) soyboy irl that could pull off the things the link does in breath of the wild. I'll be waiting

le ebbin shitpost fellow pede

He's been a "soy boy" in pretty much every game since OoT, why are people just now complaining about it?


But zelda didn't make any mistakes, she wanted to study the robots and prepare for ganon but her dad stopped her and all of her lack of preparation was because of the king

it's already been run into the ground, now they're aiming for the earth's core

We're already past that point.

Opinion discarded.

>all these redditors getting triggered by soy
just leave already
you cockmunching faggots

so edge

we are way past that point user

>all these redditors acting like soy is new
what the fug

Where are all these newfags coming from, seriously?

Those are pretty shallow reasons.

I just find it boring 60+% of the time.