What are some games with isopods?

What are some games with isopods?

Pokemon Sun/Moon.

Monitoring this thread.

Why am I seeing isopods everywhere now?

isopod bois are cute c:

brofisting this thread

That's supposed to be a trilobite you mong


I have a room in my Animal Crossing home that has two isopods sitting next to the entrance facing you as you walk in

>pewdiepie posts video on isopods
>now everyone is posting about them
really makes me think

That is cool

Its ok to like pewdiepie on Sup Forums now shutup

I just saw a video pewdiepie did about them, I guess its the cool thing to spam now for normies. Give it a couple days until the next dead meme arrives.

why would a youtuber make a video about fucking isopods? just give me the summary, not going to watch his shit

Some Metroid games have them or things similar to them

If i'm right, he was doing his meme review video and a group of people found an isopod and took it to hooters and pretended it was their pet or baby.

>I have no tongue and I must scream

Because he has literally no fucking clue as to what to make videos about anymore.

Most of his content revolves around sitting on /gif/ for 2 hours a day and "reacting" (aka laughing" to every YLYL threads. I'm not shitting you, that's literally all he does now, so whenever something mildly interesting comes around he just eats it up like a hungry nigerian discovering food for the first time on his life.


>Being on Sup Forums
>Criticizing a YouTuber

>coming to Sup Forums to defend a youtuber

There is nothing lower than that.


Pewdiepie isn't funny, he was never funny. Just because he goes against left leaning PC bullshit doesn't make him funny. He's as unfunny and shitty as he always was.

Haven’t we gone far enough?!

>not baineaters with the isopod eating some schoolgirl poop
you're like a baby

Nah, that is just generic horror/rape/guro

This gets alot more fucked up.

I have a plush isopod and i take him on trips with me

Golisopod is the best Pokemon ever made

>Pewdiepie isn't funny, he was never funny. Just because he goes against left leaning PC bullshit doesn't make him funny. He's as unfunny and shitty as he always was.
These are tough times, user. We have to take what we can get.

What's the difference?

One is so pod but the other tries low bite?

Did you call them rollie pollies or pill bugs?

How many people do you think are going to buy a fucking isopod now and abandon it in 2 months because they don't find it funny anymore, just like the basic bitches that bought into the miniature pig meme just to fucking leave it on the streets once they realized those animals aren't meant to be pets.

Well Trilobites are all extinct and isopods arent

Good luck fishing one out of the ocean, pillbugs are just land isopods and people generally don't care about them

Pill bugs because I ain't no bitch

Dude I don’t even watch his shit, you just sound crazy autistic over there over some popular YouTuber who just found a way to keep being popular while doing nothing.

I’m willing to bet that dude lives the exact life he wants to and you never will, how does that make you feel, user?

Rolly pollies because I don't have autism.

Miniature Armadillos

You can't buy these animals the same way you can buy a hamster. They're deep sea crustaceans, not some cheap hermit crab you can find in a pet store.


You've got a lot of people to convince.

But I am living the life I want to live, doing things that actually interest me and fullfill me, and not just doing the bare minimum effort to satisfy a 15 year old crowd while getting 0 enjoyment out of it.

>but you're posting on Sup Forums so that can't be true xdddd

It doesn't work like that.

my friend wants to know if you have the source?

I agree

In my native language we call them "little sand piggies"

Awe, user, I’m happy for you. Always good to see people living their best life.

i like you


In general it's unlikely for people, much less the average Sup Forums user, much less a Sup Forumsirgin whose every word drips with bitterness and salt, to be happier than a millionaire who spouts dumb memes for a living, but the way you just tried to convince an anonymous stranger that "no I'm happy I swear!!" is just awful.
Reconsider your life choices, there was literally nothing you could've said that could've made you seem like more of a depressed misanthrope.

They're called wood lice out here. They com in the rollable variety and the flat variety.

You're got THIS mad that I live a good life?
>he's a millionaire, he must be so happy!!!

Where are you from?

You guys should watch The Bay. It's not great but the scene with the cops entering the house with the infected was brutal.

Animal Crossing

that's either supposed to be a trilobyte or a weird horseshoe crab. It seems to have features of both.

Those eyes are wrong


i remember using this as my spray in CS source in like 2005-2006

Land Shrimp.

isopods are life
so says this tired user

In E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy, they roam around on the floor

I always called them rolly pollies but I've also heard potato bug and pill bug

What about Iso-Cubes?

Endless Ocean 1 and 2