Monster Hunter

I still can't fucking believe we finally have a real HD Monster Hunter game that's not locked on a 240p handheld.

Other urls found in this thread:

Instead it’s at 12 fps with way too detailed of leaves

Best timeline we live in.

Who's the turboshill that makes these anyway?


pc release cannot come soon enough

Doesn't it run at a solid 30 on the pro?

Who here playing on /XboxOneX/?

Get your dirty hands off Monster Hunter, HorizonShill-kun.


>upscaled 3DS port
>"Real HD"

About time.
Not a real HD monster hunter game. The assets were ported from 3DS.

Waiting for pc


>runs worse than on the handheld

I've got a PS4/PC and I definitely don't need it

And the framerate is the worse out of every release. Pathetic.

>muh framerate
damn, you nintenyear0lds sure are mad lol.

I hope someone over at Sony realizes how much of a market there is for this genre, and decides to reboot or create a sequel for Freedom Wars on the PS4 as a result. That game was WAY too good to be trapped on the vita.

Post more monhun webms

I just want my purchase of a PS4 way long ago to be validated instead of being cucked by playing sub 30 whenever I'm hunting because I didn't wait for a pro

>4 elder dragons

I´m playing it in performance mode. MH:W, Gears 4 and Forza Horizon 3 makes me glad I bought an Xbox One X.

Me but I'm having trouble connecting online with others

feals fucking good

>muh Nintendo boogeyman

Please post more

Capcom said yesterday that the online features for Xbox Live are fucked up the ass. Haven't said when they'll be fixed yet.

It's the best Monster Hunter game ever released. I literally can't stop playing it. I had to force myself to eat because I didn't want to leave my room.


This fucking guy...


>muh grafix
Shut up, Sonygro.

Question for those playing World right now.


>freedom wars
It's at best 1/4th of an actual fucking game. It's blatantly unfinished in nearly every regard, had godawful weapon balance and possibly the worst weapon upgrading system in any game of the genre, a fucking pathetic amount of enemies , a shitton of DLC for the only remotely good part of the game (character creation), and a fucking awful story that consists of a dozen hours of running errands ending the exact second it actually starts to get interesting.

How do I wait for the PC version? I have a ps4pro, actually. I’m trying to save money and don’t want to pay for PlayStation Plus + Online service. If there was free online multiplayer I likely would have bought it by now.

Same. Just got this 2 hours ago and it's the best game I've played since GTA San Andreas. Seriously, I know Capcom has screwed up in the past but this is their return to the NES Megaman glory days. Perfect combat, amazingly stunning graphics, smooth 60fps framerate and animation on every platform, amazing story and quests. It's also extremely difficult for those that think it has been casualized (don't listen to salty naysayers). You'll literally get stuck at parts because monsters react so fast and so realistically. The game is about humans fighting out of this world powerful beasts and the game makes sure you feel that sense of urgency and intensity. Being able to heal while run is just a tiny little bone the devs throw for you while you're in a cage of rabid, fire breathing dragons constantly on assault mode. Seriously, Dark Souls looks like Mario compared to the difficulty of this game.

The online is amazing. Matchmaking is easy, no disconnections whatsoever, the communication with teammates is amazing. It's damn near flawless. This is the longest I've ever played a Monster Hunter game ever. If you're on the fence about this game then you're doing yourself a great disfavor. Because you should've jumped over that fence and left behind all thoughts of doubt and hesitation a long time ago.

>mfw lancing him

I am confused about expendition and how they work

Now JUST imagine how good its going to look on PC.

>online is amazing
thanks for letting me know you're a shill

Elemental LBG is solid

>smooth 60fps framerate and animation on every platform
Stopped reading there, 6/10 bait, made me respond

>tfw heavily weighing the pros and cons of buying a ps4 since the 26th
I... I don't know if I'm gonna make it...


really stoked on some of the upgrades they gave bowguns this time around, always been a niche favorite of mine.

Haven't touched multiplayer yet. Is there any advantage to it? Assumed it would make more efficient clears till I heard monsters get buffed health and attack

tbqh if you live in a city with enough people that play videogames you could probably buy one, beat MHW (probably not much more to come content-wise for this game, treat it as the first in a new generation of MH games, so the others will have more content) then resell it maybe with the game even if the other person is also doing this and make most of your money back.

Don't fucking do it.


I'm getting the pro tomorrow. It's a 60 fps on that right?


More like 40 to 50


Looks like one of those HZD webms that always get posted here

Same shill

Hbg. I solo everything. Only trouble was odogaron but i switched to a spread hbg since he gets in your face

>12 FPS

Uh oh the pspoors are here

>It's a 60 fps on that right

Get an Xbone X instead

>trying to save money
>would willingly shell out $60 but gets upset at another $10


Or 30

Jesus fuck these quests
"find a first wyvernian"
yet they don't show on the mini map what you're supposed to do or go for FUCK THIS FAGGOT NIGGER GAME TRI WAS THE BEST FUCK YOU FAGGOT CASUAL PISS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

After spending the entire weekend with DBFZ I think I'm done with it. Will start MH tomorrow and hopefully have more fun with it.

I want it so bad but after playing the beta I can't get past the frame rate.
I wouldn't care so much if I had a pro but on base PS4 it ran like hot garbage.

permanently done with dbz or just a break and move to monsterh?

I'm strongly considering getting an xbox one x because of this stupid game. It runs like garbage on PS4

but then who will you play with

but there will be an authentic monhun sequal on switch anyway?


I'm playing it solo. The game would be too easy with others

Know the barroth set isn’t that good but had to get it, man it looks cool

who tf owned a wiiu lmao

>Love the sword and shield play style
>It hits for 5% the damage of a real weapon

Tell me the secret of unlocking sword and shields potential

Probably not permanently but for the foreseeable future. I finished the story and checked out most of the side content so only PvP remains and I'm just not that good.

If I like MH to the point where it gets addicting I don't see myself going back to DBZ at all. Plus I was more excited to play MH after seeing the character creator threads and positive impressions.

Negative skills are gone now, there's no "bad" set anymore.

Me. 3U took 200 hours out of me. Good shit

Yea but it just doesn’t have good skills and basically terrible fire resistance. Looks cool though

Fighting tobi with dual blades looks so COOL

Status effects and bombs


Make a sleep SnS and mega bomb the shit out of everything in consistency.

How long until I can start making good weapons that don't lose sharpness all the fucking time?

I just unlocked the great ravine

Reporting in, no complaints about the performance or framerate.

Use hammer :^)


how do get wyvern gem

kill wyverns

the power of Sony bribes will never stop amusing me

at least its not on nintendo anymore. It really hurt the franchise.

>It really hurt the franchise

>It really hurt the franchise.
>4 , 4.1M
>U/G 4.0M
>X, 5M
please tell me how did it hurts the franchise and not teh sonyboys feelings?

Is the Valkyrie Chordmaker a good horn?

It's so sad that a 11/10 game can only get a 10/10 score ;_;

Fucking liar.

>X, 5M
Is this real?

That being said, he's right. The 3DS killed my enjoyment for being such a piece of shit. The Switch is really not different and would only keep the series regressed for longer.

I'm glad they moved on.

>MHO doesn't exist
Newfags like op need to be forcefully removed.

>The 3DS killed my enjoyment for being such a piece of shit.
who died and made your opinion worth shit? objectively speaking, how did Mon Hun killed the franchise?

Instead you got a 19fps experience. Bravo.

>Switch is the same
You newfags are the worst thing to happen to these threads.

Any horn that doesn't have Atk Up is bad, don't fall for the support meme.

How the fuck did you get X with 5 million?