So what weapon does Sup Forums use?

So what weapon does Sup Forums use?


Why can't there Gauntlets? I want to punch stuff. Swords are so boring.

Dual Swords any weapon you otherwise use make a faggot out of you

>Using the most soy tier weapon in the game


The Change Axe, closest to Guts' Longsword minus the slow as shit Buster Sword

Get the second tier bone Dual Blades upgrade, looks kinda like big boxing gloves

If you're not using BIG DADDIES HAMMER then don't bother to @ me

Switch-Axe. The jumping swing in Sword mode gets me hard as diamonds.


Dual Sword and Long Sword right now. Will likely choose a blunt and a ranged one later too.

>tfw longsorded through 6 games now
Convince me to use another weapon pls

are bows and bowguns in the game yet?

Bow and HBG


Greatsword main

Great Sword all day. Landing that perfect True Charge is pure sex

Dual Blades

I've been using DB exclusively right now well learning the ins and outs. Its pretty fun and basic. But I need to be up close so learning patterns is pretty important compared to projectile users.

Anyone on PS4 wanna fight Ajna for fangs? Also, lance is love.

I'm relatively new to MH. What would you say is more important, skill with your weapon, or knowledge of positioning?

Tried dual swords, longsword, great sword, hammer, switch axe, sns so far. They all seem rather limited in terms of moveset. At the end of the day it's nothing but the same combo over and over again and nothing really to switch up the gameplay.


Main dual blades, use Hammer as a secondary, but I know how to use every weapon and love them all

positioning. not dying is infinitely more important than keeping your dps at max. If the timers are still as forgiving as they were in 4U, you have to do absolutely shite damage to let the time be an issue, and if your positioning is on point you get plenty of free hits.

thanks for that, I know what to focus on now

Where are my hammerbros

Light bowgun, I love planting those mines and kiting whatever I'm hunting all around the area blowing them to hell.

I made a character that looks like old Clint Eastwood too.

Same. Going full man mode with greatsword flexing on bitch ass monsters.

it's different for every monster which is why i love MH. You'll establish helpful habits but certain monsters will take advantage of that in ways you'll have to adapt to on the fly. Especially in the later game the curveballs get real. enjoy

I like using the long ass katana sword but I fucking suck with it. What should I even be doing? Also is it just me or do I have to sharpen it alot?

Swaxe is objectively the easiest weapon ingame

This is what I feared about the combat. Not sure if I want to get it on pc now

Same weapon since MH1, lance

Is evasion+ still in the game as an armor skill? I haven't had too much time to play

>switch gets XX with styles and arts
>everyone else gets world with mhfu-tier movesets

each time you make contact with your weapon on an enemy or object, you lose a bit of sharpness. Since weapons like the Long Sword have a high attack rate, the sharpness drains faster than if you were using a slower weapon like the Great Sword. So it's normal to sharpen it up a bunch.

also, pro tip: if you're new with a weapon, there are some pretty good tutorial videos on youtube that give you a better sense of how each weapon works and what its role is. For the record, LS is a pretty complicated weapon to git gud at, so don't feel like you have to be stuck with it if it's causing you problems.

>implying you played it
Good for you being newfag that doesn't know shit

my african americans

I couldn't disagree more. The moveset is really big in comparison to previous MH games, and they've added a bunch of QoL changes so that they're easier to use while still retaining what makes them good.

FYI, learning your weapon is only a small part of the gameplay. Learning how to use your weapons skillset on each unique monster optimally is the fun part

Dual Swords, the only weapon other than SNS that can be used with mindless button mashing.

stay mad soyny

I use Insect Glaive, When plebfags stop mountspamming/vaultspamming, it turns out the dps is pretty sweet.

Vaulting is a tool of the glaive, as is the kinsect, they are not a crutch.

it's not really causing me problems its more like I'm fucking missing my attacks sometimes and lockon sucks balls

Charge Blade, fucking hell this thing is satisfying to use. Did they make hitting guard points easier this game?

Also I wanna try to pick up the SnS, pls inform me about it.

yea one of the things you learn playing MH is that you're not supposed to use lock on to direct your attacks. That's why positioning is so important.

Greatsword main, Longsword when I feel like switching it up. Thinking about picking up Switch Axe, Hammer, Gunlance or Hunting Horn next.

charge blade
seriously the damage is fucking op when you got artillery 3 and overload, im talking about 400-600 per SAED.
but on the other hand the blade damage is next to none and you can easily miss SAED so it balance out.

I'm not, World is much better than Generations and other shit for casuals ;^)

>tfw love the lance
>but my damage output is so fucking low because I like to block alot

I'm always close to the monster when he attacks but I don't know how to use the counter, or that huge guard ability that drains all my stamina

Been using the Switch Axe since MH3U. It just feels more versatile and more powerful than other weapons, without being too gimmicky.

Also, MHW now allows you to mount a monster's side with a Sword Y+B which is sooooo satisfying.

Yes when I first saw that it was cool as shit

Is long sword good in this game?


It's pretty alright. Foresight slash is great. Spirit helm breaker is awkward to use but does okay damage if you hit a weak spot.

Hunting Horn master race. HBG is cool as well.

why wouldn't they be

I mostly use Hunting Horn with a bit of SnS and Insect Glaive.

Gunlance is funlance

So far Hammer and Charge Blade are my favs. Gunlance underrated

apparently helm breaker at level 3 is the best damage per action you can go for.

SNS all day baby

GS all the way. I did craft DBs for Anjanath because fighting it made me too careless, so I had to go with a faster weapon

You do realize that World added a bunch of shit from X/XX into the regular weapon movesets, right?

Switch Axe has been my bread and butter since 3U. Secondary is Bow right now.

The shoulder charge for the GS is fucking amazing. It acts like a counter and if you can utilise it correctly, the GS becomes god-tier for damage. Diablos is now piss easy with GS because of the shoulder charge

How do people with regular PS4 feel about the performance.

Have noticed no issues in the Ancient Forest so far.

Nothing wrong with it

It's been fine, at no point have I felt I wished I had gotten a Pro

Runs fine.
>30 fps most of the time
>Noticeable drops in frames sometimes
>textures taking time to load
>30 second long load times
A bit annoying, but otherwise playable.

Hammerbros WW@
I run switch axe for cutting tails when I need to, but otherwise Hammer has been my main weapon since I got started with the series. There's something so fun about just concaving a monster's head while it's leaping around like a maniac.
Simple movepool but with a quick playstyle, I love it.

What sets give Knockout King in MHW?

Charge blade is fucking fun. People keep saying you're constantly charging but you're really not, you're just constantly changing modes which is great because they both feel incredibly useful and different while still working well together.

I've always wanted to pick up Greatsword just because big ass damage, but as a longsword user I have trouble getting over how slow you move.

My trusty Switch Axe is all I need with Great Sword/SnS as secondaries.

I've never really noticed any problems with it, myself. Longer load times than normal, only really noticable when trying to leave for a quest right after signing up for it. I don't notice too many frame drops, unless two monsters with a lot of particle effects are around at the same time. It's not amazing, but it's perfectly fine for what I care about, which is the hunting.


Switch axe. It's pretty fun.

DualBlades. they are okay, but I feel like I am just button mashing Triangle and O. I looked at some tutorials and it seems like there are only a handful of attacks and combos, and not a whole lot of opportunities to necessarily use one attack versus another.

but I keep hearing how deep the combat is in this game. Do other weapons have more complex systems?

You know, I remember hearing early on that there would be a place for you to view the monster you last captured while in town. Did that end up not being a thing?

It runs okay. I think I've only had really noticeable frame drops maybe twice in 18 hours or something. And it's only for a couple seconds

It's as bad as BOTW. I stated in the other thread I'm strongly considering an bone x because of this game if this is the future of console gaming.

Some do, but a lot of the combat is more about reading the fight and knowing what moves and combos to go for at certain times.
Hammer is a really basic weapon combo, you most often use a charge attack into triple triangle, and mash Big Bang when the monster's head is sitting still, but other weapons have a few systems like Hunting Horn, or Insect Glaive or even Switch Axe or Charge Blade.

It's on the lift next to the chief researcher's big pile of books.

From the quest board, head right, there's some stairs and you can see it taking a snooze. It'll be missing its tail if you severed it, too. Not sure about anything else being visible though.

Oh, cool. Thanks for the info, anons.

>want to play MH
>have to wait for PC.
>Plan on pickin up LBG/HBG

Newbie here, played a lot of PSO2 as RA. Am I in for a good time?

>watching as a monster bumrushes you headfirst into your mines
LBG is fun as hell in this game and can actually do some good damage with the mines. I wish there were more special ammo types though

this. Shoulder charge is borderline OP. You can KO a monster so easily with it, on top of it having super armor and knockback protection, and on top of being able to charge it, and on top of it doing decent damage in its own right

>Trying to capture this Zorah Magdaros dickbag
>going pretty well so far
>suddenly this fucker flies in to ruin your shit before just fucking off

Well fuck you too fag

PS4 Pro here. No issues. I have it set on the standard graphics setting, but there's also a setting to prioritize framerate and prioritize graphics. Not sure if those ones make any noticeable difference.

Only time I've noticed bad framerate is during one of the cooking montages in the canteen. Plays just fine.

I always liked IG but I don't care for mount mechanics, I just want to beat the shit out of it.

I loved Generations Aerial IG the most since it just tears shit apart and the vault is fast as fuck, but the MHW IG is pretty nice with the new O Aerial attack letting you stay in the air if you connect it right. Currently the Triangle attack is kind of disappointing to me right now because it takes so long to do and shit likes to move out of the way

I do however really appreciate that kinsects are just treated like separate equipment now and are upgraded just like weapons rather than having to do shitty feeding mechanics


Greatsword here

feels good knowing I can look down on everyone else who uses garbage weapons

>I have trouble getting over how slow you move
that's the beauty of using GS, you're supposed to have your weapon out as little as possible. It's basically a hit n run weapon. You position yourself right, unsheath into a charge, hit, dodge roll (99% of the time you want to dodge roll after any attack animation you're using) put weapon away, rinse repeat. You're not always gonna get that lv.3 true charge off unless you're just really good or the monster is dazed

It’s the only weapon I’ve used so far and I’m having a blast. Definitely feels easier to combo with than previous games

Hunting Horn primarily.
Dual Blades when I'm looking for something different in solo.

HH-users here: what are your thoughts of the Valkyrie Chordmaker? I'm still trying to get into it. Especially trying to make the most of Sonic Waves.


never filtered a trip so fast in my damn life

Is it ok to hit monsters while people are mounted on it in this game, or is it like the other MH where you're not supposed to?

The game is improved your reaction speed