How did you react?
How did you react?
Excitement and confusion. This isn't like Bayonetta where yeah she's risque but it makes complete sense because that property and Nintendo have an actual connection and history. Metal Gear and Nintendo has never really mixed in anything as far as I'm aware and MGS4 was even excluded from being released in the Wii. The whole thing felt random and out of place, and that added to the hype.
The first two metal gear games were on NES you moron
Also Kojima remade MGS for the GameCube just so Snake could get on the next Smash.
I was like gay because they could of done skullkid isaac from golden sun toad waluigi daisy koopa kids battletoads or any thing from nes or snes.
It didn't !matter because when the game came out it lead me to get an absolute hate for Nintendo because they hate fans like me who grew up with nes and send
At this point, I never played a Metal Gear game. I thought the game trailer ended at the logo.
I was pissed he didnt return for Sm4sh.
what if...
I was more hyped for the Halberd stage.
At the time I didn't cared, but after playing with him I want it back so much....
No. A shit port and a shit side game. The real MG 2 was godly though. It's a shame we got it so late.
>oh yeah, twin snakes was a thing.
Huh. Interesting!
This explains it all
If you have a fuck about mgs you bought a ps
>Japan Time
That takes me back.
And Ghost Babel.
Obviously the most hype characters they have ever dropped before they went full retard and started throwing in people like fucking cloud strife.
I was only 6 so I missed the announcement.
>Megaman wasn't hype.
Only a video made Nintendo basically win an E3, but that's not saying much
> Japan Time was 11 years ago
snake and sonic are both as retarded as cloud and dont fit smash. Sonic is probably the closest but its a stretch.
First one was release on MSX2 you nigger.
I honestly wasn't sure if it was a joke.
I was super fucking hyped. That was back in the day when i was a teenager and actually played video games on a couch with my Lil bro and friends everyday.
I miss it so much. Also i was a huge mgs fan and my bro/buddies didn't really know much about the series so I got them into it all because they were curious why i was so pumped at the snake reveal.
Good goodntimes :(
>doesnt fit smash
What fits smash? Well know nintendo characters only
At the time I wasn't big into vidya, and I thought MGS was Nintendo property and being their only Rated M game ever
...which made a little sense because of how goofy the games seemed at times
>be 6 years old in 2008
>be 10 years later
>that means you're 16
underage and reported
are you still tight as you were then?
Didn't give a shit at the time. Never played a Metal Gear game.
Even in PM I thought he was fucking lame.