Is Black Desert Online Pay to Win?

Tell me Sup Forums can u convince the BDO community that this game is Pay 2 Win?

they are acting like a cult at this point. they keep saying it isnt. is it, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

it isnt


Value Packs, Costume with stats, Pets to grind faster etc. we already at over 70 $. all these things are mandatory.

Yes, I'm pretty sure they say it is in the header of the /vg/ thread.

well if u go on the BDO forum and try to argue that its p2w they will start to sperg out and make abyssal mental gymnastics to try to convince themselves that this game isnt p2w. its pretty sad

official forums for any mmo will always be horrendous, this is common knowledge

this. Wow forums are abysmal

their talking point is that this game isnt p2w but pay 4 convenience. am i goin crazy or isnt that the same thing? u still win over free players bc u pay or am i wrong?

it's just semantics. of course when a $30 item gives you a 10% exp boost, or autoloot items for you and speeds up your progression by a significant amount it gives you an advantage over people who don't pay for that shit.
if artisan's memory isn't blatant p2w considering how soul crushing enhancing in this game is then nothing can be called p2w anymore.
the game is so deliberately inconvenient in every thinkable aspect that it's impossible to have a good time without spending money.
you're wasting your time trying to convince them.

>playing kimchi dogshit
Lmaoing right now.

A more important question is, what character is the most fun to play? Serously, I'm an hour in as a witch and I'm crutching so hard on magic missile+backpedal, it's not even funny.

It's pay to have an advantage which is essentially win.

So yes. You'll have to pay at least $50 to enjoy the game.

Different user; if I'm happy to shell out a bit of cash, maybe $100-$150 initially, will that make it playable and fun?

good to hear i thought i was going crazy.

it will make u a retard

>A more important question is, what character is the most fun to play?

none since at 56+ u will have to kill the same mobs without a challenge non stop to lvl up

But why? If I can, and I'm willing because I like the look of the game, what's the problem?

>user i have cancer why are you puting plutonium near me? it doesnt cure cancer, it makes only worse!
>well whats the problem ? i like the glowing of the plutonium .

That's a shit analogy and you're a faggot

shieet. alright, well what has the most interesting combat that I can spice up?

no /vg/ shill. ur contributing to the cancer. its literally the same thing

If I spent thousands on a game to shit on plebs and shortcut everything I'd be crying and lying for players too kek

DragonBall Fighter Z is $60, and the DLC characters are going to be what, $5 each, with 6 planned?
I play the fuck out of BDO, and I bought DBFZ + Pass

>enhancing a piece of gear may fail and destroy it
Yeah you guess

I always ask, what are people winning in BDO when they pay? Because I was free to play for 6 months and I had tons of fun.
I mean, I would probably have died in pvp, but I was never interested. And if I was I could have manned a cannon for sieges and still been a credit to the team.

>destroy it
That's not how it works. Or not for real gear, accessories aren't the main boost to your stats though, and are pretty common until you're in the highest of the high end, and if you're there you should have backups anyway.

>vg shill
Learn to comprehension, retard. Reading between the lines and assuming you know what is being asked is pointless and makes you look like an ass.
All I asked is if I spend money (like spending money to buy a new game) will it be fun? If it won't, or if it will require a constant trickle of money, then I'm not going to spend shit.

u get the full game without any inconvience and u try to compare it to BDO ? are you mentally instable?

in BDO VALUE PACK IS MANDATORY 20 $ EACH MONTH. u can also buy weight + 30 $ also more than one costume is also mandatory to progress even faster. we are at over 100 $ alone for making this shittty korean p2w trash convinient. 20 $ per month x 12 = 240 $ per year. DONT EVER compare these game EVER again fucking /vg/ shill

Technically yes, technically no.
BDO has this weird middle ground of predatory shit it does. You could technically argue you don't need any of the convenience items like weight carry or pets. But the game is designed in a way which deliberately feels as though you are playing a shittier game without these things. They purposefully made looting god awful to force you to buy pets. They made the game entirely about grinding for long periods, but make it where you can't hold much without stopping soon to clear your inventory. Hell 90% of margoria's underwater content is scaled strictly around you paying $22 for a diving costume otherwise it's near impossible to do.
Technically you don't need any of this, you could loot manually, taking much longer, losing half of your loot to mobs disappearing before you can loot them. Technically you could get every swimming buff and skim by with barely doing the content in underwater by taking the time to acquire several pain in the ass things every few minutes to do it. Technically you could visit town every 15 minutes instead of every 3 hours to dump inventory and repair.

But you don't, because the game actively punishes you for not coughing up the money to grind with someone that has. This can be argued heavily that it is pay to win, and if it isn't then you could consider the box price of convenience of buy to play is misleading. Which it is. Buy to play is a meme for free to play games that want their cocaine now, rather then 10 minutes later.

I played without the value pack though, I was able to login and play the whole time.
I actually bought a few off of the marketplace for silver that I earned by selling logs on the marketplace.
The extra slots were nice I guess, but I bought a bunch with loyalty, which is given just for logging in, or from events, so it wasn't a problem for me anyway.

look at u have to throw over 100 $ in the fire pit alone for the game to be somewhat fun, and also pay monthly for the value pack or you can forget to ever progress, since the value pack literally deletes 30 % market fee and gives some sick buffs.

well ur playing it wrong, since the only thing worth for loyality points is the artisan p2w item.

also u only get 100 loyality point and the artisan costs 400 so u have to wait for 4 days to get it, or pay real money.

The thing about the value pack is that you lose 14.6% of your money if you don't have one. It pays for itself to have one and not having one just means you're actively gimping yourself.

When does the fucking xbone version come out? I want to play this game but my pc keeps rebooting at random times when I use it.

30% to marketplace is misleading it's actually 30% of the 35% tax. So you only pay about 17% in taxes roughly instead of 35%.

even ur computer doesnt want that trash game. ur computer has good taste

But I didn't notice, I still earned millions of silver easily between grinding and workers collecting stuff to sell. I was able to buy costumes from people, and could go kill things when I wanted to. There was nothing me stopping me from doing anything in the game, except me being too lazy to build a faster boat.

Do you really expect console black desert to be any better when you know for a fact, they are going to gimp the ever living shit out of it just to make it run. Hell you are starting with base patch. None of the content past 52.

still huge. without it ur literally crippling urself

Read this for an explanation of why BDO is pay to win:

And all that stuff you sold on the market would be worth more if you had a value pack running, just because you don't give a shit about gimping yourself doesn't mean you aren't gimping yourself. It just means you choose to not acknowledge it.

How do people find this type of game fun? Got a 7 day guest pass, couldn't get past level 20 before I was bored to tears.

The only slightly thing above average was the character creator, but for some reason they designed it around gender locked classes and most of the characters stuck looking like a chink who dyes her hair.

The UI is a cluttered shithole, the cash shop is absolute piece of shit full of jarring cancer

It would need to have something to win for it to be pay to win

But money is money, and I still earned way more than enough to buy what I wanted, I achieved my goals and didn't need it. What value is there in something I didn't need?

this is what i encounter on the forums. legit retards without any retrospect. pretty sad desu

My pc reboots at random even when I'm not playing that game. I'm saying my pc is fucked.

this game has so far:
Pay to play

Pay to win


item Shop.

isnt this game pure cancer?

Then reinstall windows, troubleshoot it with google or replace faulty hardware.
You cannot be this incompetent with computers if you spend a lot of time on one unless you're old,stupid or a woman.

Basically, yes.
It's too bad because it has really fun combat, and other parts about it that are really good, but all the good things are handcuffed to complete cancer.

It's korean.

Yes. You don't actually play the game. The term of meaningful content is putting mobs into a blender. Nothing is of substance, there is no challenge, pvp is a clusterfuck, the combat might as well be all cone aoe the only difference is that you don't see the red boxes like Wildstar, new content is the form of a new class or just more scenery that means nothing because no one will leave the older grind spots. The game practically plays itself also if you aren't actively grinding mobs with the attentiveness of one brain cell then you are auto running quest objectives or life skills, it plays almost worse than a phone game where you can literally afk/semi afk 99.9% of the game

I see. Appreciate the answer.

It's not strictly p2w because time put in yields similar results.
It's p2(not be dicked around and made to suffer)
But that's not as catchy as p2w

seen this on steam sales. i like pvp, how's that in black desert?

>the mental gymnastics

holy shit

Big. Need gear to get in a good guild that holds nodes, which could take some time.

have fun farming for months or year to be somewhat competitive

betas defend cute girls, whats new

Shit. Read this:

If you really don't want to be thoroughly redpilled, then here's a TL;DR: You can't PvP without gear, you can't get gear without paying in the cash shop. Gear is everything, skill means basically nothing, there is no balance and witch/wizard/warrior absolutely crush every other class with no effort.

Entirely gear dependent, and gearing is cancerous, and the power gap between the 1% and 99% playerbases became way more huge in the most recent patch as anyone in high end gear just got a huge buff that makes them pretty much one shot anyone. So the entire game is pretty much based around gearing so much that defenses no longer come into play and everyone is just one shotting each other that it's become a point of trading wars rather then actually fighting. Also the power gap has made it where some guilds will never be challenged again and regions will never be freed up until those people quit the game, and since they have no competition the power gap just keeps growing as they soak up endless money.

everything you mentioned, while far easier to get with money, doesnt require it. you can get it all on the auction house with a bit of patience, or from the daily login shit (i havent spent a dime beyond the initial entry fee and have 5 pets and about 3 months of value packs)

the only costume with a stat that actually does something (that you cant find a free version for) is the shark suit that lets you swim faster, which is basically a nonfactor (that said, its still bullshit it costs money)

BDO is fun, even without all the Pay2Convenince

DBZF is a shit game for normies

I feel like everyone that complains about certain things has never stepped into a korean game before, BDO is just what normally occurs, except way more lenient.

I do wish they would fix the aggro situation and slapped some dungeons in though, I would love to tank on my valkyrie.

It's in the term
"pay to win"
If you don't pay, you don't win
If you can spend 1000 hours to win as much as someone who played for 10, then you have another option apart from paying
It's shady as fuck and should instantly result in a game being disreputable, but it's not p2w.
p2w is a strict term.

There are dungeons, you just don't know about them, because you don't do them or don't have the gear for them. They do drop some of the best items in game. The permanent compass that teleports groups to you and the permanent map that saves your teleport location, both come from dungeons.
BDO is akin to an actual older mmo where dungeons are just more dangerous areas that you have to find and aren't well known that drop cool shit.
Helms dungeon, Hasrah dungeon, Pila Ku Jail, Aakman, Hystria, Mirumok, and Gyfins.
Aakman and Hystria are where the nicest shit comes from and Gyfins is technically the best XP AND money in game.

if real money can be used to influence your gameplay in any way that isn't cosmetic then it is in fact pay to win.

BDO is indeed pay to win.

>anecdotal evidence after anecdotal evidence
cool story.

>you can get it all on the auction house with a bit of patience

keep telling that urself it may become true

>the only costume with a stat that actually does something (that you cant find a free version for) is the shark suit that lets you swim faster, which is basically a nonfactor (that said, its still bullshit it costs money)

legit lying on the internet.
the visual costumes gives u 10 % combat exp skill exp, more weapon durability .

the maid costume lets u process material direct form ur storage so u wont go overweight.

why are you lying on the internet BDO shill

I know about them, and I know I don't have the gear for them, but the valk's taunt lasts... 5 seconds I believe, on an 8 second cooldown, and even then the game doesn't have aggro tables as far as is normally understood, so once the taunt is gone then the enemies go back into free-for-all mode.

jesus, sounds like shit

Name a game that isn't.


Quote Definition:
"Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a FASTER RATE and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying."

it says right in the definition FASTER RATE


now stop embarassing urself

There are only 3 good things about this game.
1. Character creator allows you to create the ultimate waifus and dress them in cute\sexy dresses on the fly.
2. Graphics are actually surprisingly good for an mmo. Character detail is superb, which adds to point 1.
3. Combos and hitbox based combat is actually quite fun.

Other than that the game is just your averaje korean grindfest and fucking terrible. If you want to jerk off you'd better off with modded skyrim desu

As much as people praise the combat it's actually Wildstar tier, you just don't see the red boxes. You're still flinging hitboxes the size of buses at each other in frontal cones. "Dodging" is entirely iframe dependent and stat dependent on hit from a hidden indication that you evaded the attack when hit. So unless you have shit tons of accuracy also you could miss hits and technically there's no indicator to tell when this actually happens. It just connects the hit and tells successful hits in the form of damage being done that is seen through the health bar diminishing as there's no damage numbers directly.
It's actually not an action game, it's pseudo action boxes like wildstar, but the visual indicators aren't even there. This is purposefully done to give the illusion that the gameplay is good, when it's not.

these here. also dont get me started with berserker grapple, so much desync

most korean grindfests are.
the cheeky thing about BDO is it was B2P and still ended up being P2W

Sure. Trash tier pets that cannot lot faster than you. Just fuck off shill

bait and switch but bdo players still deep throat that kakao game cock


Can you pay to have a discern able advantage over someone who doesn't pay? Absolutely, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Is that considered pay2win? It depends on your definition really. Some people say anything that gives you an advantage that's anything but cosmetic is p2w.

This is why I dropped the game even after hitting level 60. People say it feels good to get passed the steep learning curve and inconveniences but then there's literally no prize at the end of the road.

You'll still never catch up or compete with the people who have been playing for a while and are established.

Should've been the end of the thread.


It's still buy to play. With a cash shop.

So is final fantasy, so is wow, so is tera, so is everything.

The most pay to win shit you can do in FFXIV and WoW is the level boost though.

lmao this is the retarded bdo shill argument.

first of all the entire endgame is on max lvl
second in wow u can pay the boost with ingame gold. in FFX u can only do that one time, so pls stop with the cringeworthy arguments, ur literally embarassing urself

And that's more than enough.

It's mildly pay2win. Only things you'd really need to pay to keep up with competitive players would be pets and some expansions.

see how he didnt adress my argument ?
u got btfo and now back to the bdo cuckshed my friend

good read. saved me time and money.

You can buy everything in BDO with either in-game currency from other players, or with loyalty, which is given free just for logging in.

100 loyality points per day. a value pack for 1 day costs over 1000 so u can wait 10 days to get 1 day pack? also its not worth because u need artenis p2w item which u can get every 4 days.

ye ye keep being delusional shill

That's fine, have some self control.

>That's fine, have some self control.


You seem confused.

As far as I'm concerned pay-2-skip-years-of-grind might as well be P2W.

BDO is shit. I still remember the devs saying it was a one time opt-in purchase to help fund it. Then not even 3 months later they release an in-game cash-shop with p2w items. Literally the worst form of doubledipping and blatant lying.

Also the auction house is legit the most broken shit I've ever seen and literally rewards whales.

u get btfo and this is all u have to say?

You didn't do anything though. You act like you did, but you got shown the errors of your argument.

well lets go point by point with ur argument. first of all like i said.

1. WoW Boost can be bought with ingame gold and it doesnt even boost you to max lvl. since the max lvl is 110 and the endgame content is 99,9 % on max lvl
2.FFX almost the same but u can use it only one time per account.
3. using loyality for something else besides artenis item is a waste. and u get only 100 points per day.

so now tell me how does all of these points make BDO look better? it doesnt. there are mandatory pearl shop items like 5 pets which are 50 $. Value pack monthly 20 $ (210 $ per year)
so BDO not only has subscribtion but also a pay to play and a cash shop. now tell me shill how is this game not pure cancer?