I feel bad for the developer

I feel bad for the developer

I feel worse for the people that bought into early access

I don't, they were cunts anyway.


>3 black men
>one white woman
I wonder who could be behind this

>3 black men
He doesnt know...

>white people are the minority race world-wide
>people are upset when the majority of protagonists in a game aren't white
>people are upset when the ones that are white are females, even though gender is pretty much a 50/50 split

There had to be some casualties

so is this all prefab characters and i can't design my own?

The only people who MAKE videogames are white, and asian. Forcing blacks in just makes it seem like a cheap attempt at diversity.
And its never a black woman and a white guy, its always a black man with a white girl, whats the deal there?

Dead before it even got a chance.

Go tell this to asians, nigger.

>the demographic of the people who make videogames should determine the ratios of the races in the game itself

I never got this mindset. Why does this bother you so much that white people aren't the majority in a game? Who cares unless there's some other underlying issue you have...

I remember shills saying this would have its own audience and stand a chance agaisnt MH. Fuckin obviously not. Thats like expecting a f2p fps to compete agaisnt cod.

>tried to warn people on the forums
>b-but MHW won't release until the end of next year!
>dauntless still isn't in beta
>MTX for already included features in a more polished game
I swear I fucking came when the announcement trailer for MHW shot that flare. That was Kino af

I might be wrong, but there's only a black man, a arab(?) man, a white woman, and a black woman, but they all look like men to me.

>characters are three niggers and a white woman
>I feel bad for the developer

Pick one tbqh

even if black dudes and hispanic dudes were making games, do you think they're the ones forcing this shit? They aren't calling the shots.

This style needs to fall back into disuse and obscurity.

It's the 3D equivalent of tumblr art.

I wish people would realize that "diversity" doesn't mean use the same exact 2 black people, 1 vaguely generic mexican/asian/european, and 1 grizzled butch white lady in everything ever.

This shit is not diverse.

>get a new PC
>forget to copy Dauntless over
>don't redownload it

more like playerless

What if this is just the creator's choice? You know, like all the games that were 99% white. I'm not implying this is bad by the way, quite the contrary, but what if there's just no agenda behind this game?

Looks like the worlds most generic fantasy looking game from this image. Give me a quick rundown

Ironically, most games that were 99% white were made by japs.

Ironically, most people who complain about white people not getting enough representation don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, so they aren't even white themselves.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with worshiping white people, a lot of non whites do, they just don't openly admit it.