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Maybe Sup Forumse were the Direct all along

Labo was the second direct, see you at E3 :)

I'm really genuinely surprised they haven't come out with at least another Mini. The first one was fine but... it's going to be a bit of a dredge until E3 if that's all they have.
There's still until the end of Feb I suppose.

Only Bayo 1 & 2, Kirby and DK:FC until June really looks depressing.
The worst part of it all is that at this point it probably won't be any news till then.

We just had one like 2 weeks ago, and you're already begging for another?

the direct is the friends we made along the way

They really need to release something. At least to talk about the new online and the Virtual console.
I know they are short in games after having released Zelda and Mario year one, and that they are probably saving Pokemon and Metroid up for E3, but they need to reassure people they are gonna release stuff other that indies and Wii U ports. Ports from another consoles also work since people probably have never played them before like with Dark Souls, Skyrim or Bayonetta 1.

>it's going to be a bit of a dredge until E3 if that's all they have
T-there's no way they'd ACTUALLY give us nothing until fucking June, right? Even in a worst case scenario, they can't have literally nothing else to show

If they really are saving EVERYTHING up till E3, it's gonna be one hell of an E3, they're gonna crush the competition.

>You get Kirby and Mario Tennis (probably)
>Now wait until June please!
I really fucking hope they have something else in the next 5 months.

Monster Hunter Portable 5th


Reminder that we're guaranteed to get a direct in the end of January or beginning of Feb. Expect news next week.

Everyone including me thinks this every fucking E3, and it doesn't happen, except for that one time like two or three years ago. I'm disappointed almost every year

But they won the direct last year and the year before that.


>we're guaranteed to get a direct in the end of January or beginning of Feb
What are you talking about?

Nintendo "won" E3 last year by a very slim margin, which is especially sad considering how pathetic the competition was. I'm hoping for something where they hit it out of the park, assuming there's no direct until E3

I can agree with that, but that was more like because everyone else was fucking awful. Nintendo wasn't particularly good on its own

we had a mini you fucking mini brain retard


they must have more to show, there wasn't a single game shown in the mini direct coming from the internal epd teams, only stuff from camelot and hal laboratory

don't you mean 5rd?

It's already march though.

Statistically, it's happening by Thursday

Unless they're pulling another Echoes, we should be at least getting a direct that features FE Switch in the next month or two, especially if they want to release it by the end of the year.

I'm guessing another direct in February or March.

Nintendo still has to talk about their online service/virtual console, as well as some games (Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Bayo 1+2).

Also the guy who hinted at a Nintendo announcement(Labo) January 18 said he was told that Yoshi and Dragon Quest 11 were supposed to be in the mini-direct, but they didn't appear, which means another direct may be on the way.


Why would you think there'd be a new fire emblem this year?

>Nintendo wasn't particularly good on its own
Their E3 last year was great though.

>Dropping two megatons in Prime 4 and Pokemon
>Showed off other new games(Samus Returns, Yoshi, Kirby, Mario+ Rabidds)
>Ending it off with that Odyssey trailer.

Direct minis always have actual directs after them




I hope they give us an Echoes version of Genealogy for the switch

I'm thinking of selling my switch, what can I get for it?

about tree fiddy (3.50)

Ps4 and MonHun, don´t even think about it

I mean how much money...

maybe $150
No one wants a switch these days anymore.

The Switch is literally selling like hot cakes around the world.
Try again sweetie.


Nintendo's Earnings release and conference call is on Wednesday, so I'd say there's no chance of another Direct, unless it's to explain their online service afterwards.
Last year had gaps between big releases too. It'll be fine.

The Japanese direct page STILL has a blank space.


Just keep it. Great games are coming

>south korea
really reaching there aren't you?

>ctrl+f soy
>0 results
Maybe there is hope for Sup Forums after all

¡yo soy un grande fan de esúper maricón!

It's even more impressive when you realize the Switch doesn't even have starcraft.

And pokemon Switch

> higher GDP than Russia

Because they announced one for 2018 this time last year.

Nope. Just posting facts. :)


Just wait for it to come out, stop speculating when you're going to see advertisements.


The guy who predicted that it was going to be a mini direct dropped out of nowhere based solely on a fucking Chibi Robo pic says otherwise. It's not completely unrealistic to expect a big one shortly after the mini.

It's probably not gonna happen and we're stuck with Kirby till E3

You're just a buch of entitled faggots, wait till E3 ffs

I think they're trying to spread their stuff out so it's not just a huge drought until E3.
I wouldn't be surprised if at the time of the Direct Mini they probably were entirely ready to show off Yoshi, Fire Emblem, whatever their new version of Virtual Console is, and maybe stuff like Pikmin 4 and Retro's project already, and that's just first party offerings.
But no news between January and June would seem pretty sad.

If they're been waiting this long VC better be a fucking home run. It better support GameCube, N64, and Wii with joy con wagglan in full HD right out of the fucking gate

can't blame them

all they get from now until the end of this year is kirby and a handful of ports

it's going to be in march or april to re-hype labo

Thats not true, are also getting a lot of ports :^)

I just want news about Shin Megami Tensei V

Fucking this, I'm going nuts since the January event last year.

Your fault for buying into the regular release schedule meme. Enjou your empty Q1/2

patternfag detected

You're either extremely stupid or extremely ignorant.

If they are not even showing a hint at the January Direct they are not going to show anything of value (other than a potential release date) at E3.

I expect to see a release date for SMT V at E3 telling us to wait till early-mid 2019, guess that's the time when I finally purchase my SMTV-machine.

This please
The only reason i bought a switch was for this, NMH and Bayo

>re-hype labo
That was a one and done deal, they're not wasting direct time on that shit because it is aiming for the casual/kid demographic.

>Bayo 1+2 didn't appear on the mini
>We don't know abou 3DS new games in 2018 even through Reggie said that they will still support it on 2018
Hard to believe that they will be a 5-Months Drougth

Etrian Odyssey is confirmed for the 3DS, at least

I dunno but I sold my switch because I was fucking bored of it

Laura Kate Dale said the night of the 31st, or the morning of the first of February.

Bought it very early then considering all we have of two of those are teasers/announcements and Bayo is still a few weeks away

why is Sup Forums so stupid?
even if there isn't a Direct soon, there wll certainly be one before fucking e3?
They're not gonna go 5 fucking months without one, have you EVER paid any fucking attention?

I mean, i obviously bought Zelda and all that stuff
I like nintendo stuff in general, gonna buy Kirby

Dead, MH World killed it

I bought the switch this month only because nintendo had a good release schedule in the first year and I expected them to keep it going but of course the drought starts right after I bought it. Fuck.

user you know damn well that's not going to happen, why are you setting yourself up like this?