>still no from software berserk game
Other urls found in this thread:
> Darksouls
>Casca is finally coming back next chapter.
Feels damn good.
>Barely anything happens
>Next chapter next month
The only reason Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne aren't the same game is because it would literally be copyright infringement.
>Still no Platinum Kill la Kill game
too bad they didn't drag that shit out for literally decades like fucking berserk or wan piss. we'd actually have a chance of a KLK game happening
>Barely anything
user, Schierke and Farnese finally got past The Eclipse and are gonna discover the last piece of Casca's fractured mind. She'll likely come back in the next chapter
Miura had better not fucking die
theyre busy making games with good story
>TFW no fast paced, timing-based based combat that makes you stronger and faster the better you are
>from software berserk game
guts cosplay build was good enough.
>Kill la Kill
disgusting taste.
So Sup Forums, what's it gonna be like when Casca comes back? We're so close, and I've never thought about it until last chapter.
but it was boring after 8 episodes.
you're using a gay anime bitch picture you toe sucking frog
Caska should die already desu
Let the monster hunter world team make it. Fromsoft is a one trick horse now
>Rereading the manga
>Realize Farnese it at least top 3 characters in this story.
Such a good character.
I'm quite content with the references they sprinkle around. Fighting rapehorse was great
Doom/Berserk crossover when
Dragons Dogma
It's called Dark Souls.
Yeah because you retards ruined any chance of that happening already, surely now they'll suck your cock and make the game.
berserg is ebin guys :DDD
They made like 4 or 5
Wait so you're telling me they finally got off the boat?
bullshit. you know it's going to be fucking nothing for two chapters then another fucking hiatus
you're out of your fucking mind if you think you're getting anything like that next chapter.
they've been off for like two years now; they reached the elf-king (female) and are almost done with healing casca
It's gonna end with this
I need go catch up. I'm still at them just meeting those two witches in their tree house.
Guts, Doomguy and Samus Threesome when?
Can't wait for another hiatus
I just started the reading. Do they ever explain why she's like that? Driven mad by all the God Hand pleasure Femto made her feel?
In the latest couple of chapters they jump into Casca's psyche and are putting her shattered mind back together. It's both the trauma of being raped and how rough she's been treated afterward by Guts that is why she's like this.
anyone else foreseeing a training arc when they leave Caska's Dream?
>Time moves slower in Elfenheim so they a spend time beefing of their skills.
>Even Caska will train to get good again too.
She was driven mad by her captain betraying everyone who could be counted as his and her friends, everyone else being brutally eaten and/or raped, then killed, then being raped with the promise of then being killed and eaten (not likely to be in that order), barely surviving only to wind up being nearly raped by the only other survivor, the man she loved, who had slowly gone insane on his quest for revenge against Griffith and search for Casca.
>if they make a berserk game it will most likely be shit
It's inevitable
How come Guts didn't turn retarded when he got raped as a child and all his friends butchered while his BFF betrayed and cucked him by fucking his girl? He also got his arm ripped off and his eye gouged out. I'd say he had it a little worse than Casca yet he still has his wits about him. Is it because he's not a hysterical woman?
>Berserk by From Software
>Guts wheezes after 3 swipes and slow as molasses
>or it's dog shit like Otogi and Ninja Blade
Kill yourself From-fag
It's because they're different people with different experiences. Gut's suffering was more drawn out, and he broke in a different way, towards violence. If Casca had been raped any of the previous times she nearly had before (I can think of four different attempts on her prior to the Eclipse), she might have been able to deal with what Griffith did better.
But different characters will react differently to the same events.
tfw no Platinum Games One Piece game
Guts didn't had godhand cum inside him.
It better be animu as fuck, Berserk is not Dark Souls.
So you're saying that Platinum should do it?
>how rough she's been treated afterward by Guts that is why she's like this.
You mean constantly putting up with her drooly face retarded bullshit?
They literally made Guts the final boss of dark souls trilogy
You mean when he tried to rape her near catatonic person, managing to make her afraid of him because of how brutal he was becoming?
I'd rather just have a good Berserk game.
Catatonic people don't know when you rape them dummy. Don't ask me how I know
Sure why not
Near catatonia is not catatonia.
Except she was already lobotomized at that point. All his efforts did was make her resent him on top of being retarded.
It becomes full catatonic if you bash their heads into a wall afterwards
Anything Berserk would be a copy of Souls games. It's too late for a Berserk vidya in that vein, the ship has sailed.
Berserk game made by the Dragon's Dogma team. DD has a weight based physics system that Berserk could benefit from. Warrior is a good base for the gameplay/control scheme if you tweak the speed and greatly expand the moveset.
He's never had the pleasure of being cummed inside? (by a godhand)
I love fromsoftware and berserk. I do not want FromSoft ware touching berserk, it would be lame. Let FromSoft work on their existing propertied & Sony ip’s.
Being near a godhand was enough to floor GUTS with pain.
being RAPED by one, even without the regular trauma of rape is enough to completely shatter a person mentally
Berserk unironically has far more in common with Devil May Cry than with Souls, once you get past surface aesthetics.
>All these Soulsfags
>Implying Gut's fighting style is two slow as molasses swings, followed by fatrolling away and strafing so he can catch his breath.
I don't recall Guts being completely shattered after being raped by Slan. Sure he was drained afterward but that was nothing a little fairy dust couldn't perk back up.
>pc version will never get those outfits
Well, being near femto anyways
He wasnt floored, that was my bad. but being near griffith in the pre-golden age arc slowed him down insanely, and he was a good few feet away
Criminally underrated, and has a genuinely good character arc.
I want to throw a couple of humans on a big bonfire and fuck Farnese into ecstasy right next to it!
Literally the last thing we want/need.
I like DS and Berserk but PLEASE keep FromSoft away from Berserk or they'll fuck it up.
I'm like half way through the manga and I think it's a bit overrated.
Well youve just gotten through the worst parts.
I really wish there was a berserk skill that worked like gale harness, just made you a shitload quicker and gave you access to stuff like brain splitter
I thought it was really jarring how it went into sudden flashback mode for a dozen volumes. the payoff was worth it but I don't know why the story itself just didn't start from then.
I'd rather have Team Ninja make a berserk game than from softmeme's B team.
What is Berserk and why should I care
Platinum Games would work much better. Mowing down hundreds of mobs and engaging in CUH-RAAAZY boss fights sounds fucking great.
Yeah i largely don't care for golden age. Lost children is a fun ride though
>tfw you take an advance on your next incarnation just to just to end up in a shitcave and die shortly later
It makes it more compelling because you want to know how he became that way. The story isn't about guts growing up, it's about guts seeking revenge. So it makes a little more sense for it to play out how it did, and there's more buildup that way too.
After the conviction arc is becomes just another manga desu
Platinum or Team Ninja would both be better. From Software's strength at the moment is not taking an existing IP an building a fast, over th top action game from it.
PG will at least make something good. The question is would it be god tier?
I’m serious pussy bois im 13 and wat is this
The only way i could see a berserk game working is a la hellblade.
Thirdperson, really linear and few yet unique enemy encounters each time
Horse porn.
>he never played Bloodborne
This Gregar vs. Falzar fight needs to happen at some point. It's been so long.
>The Strongest Fantasy Comic
Is this still true in any way or has something else taken over?
It will pick up from there. One of my favourite moments is coming up.
>two slow
Just read it, it’s a manga about a classic antihero with metaphysical undertones, and generally regarded as good.
/Our Guy/ will live on, right?
It's a widely popular manga about a very angry man swinging a very large sword.
Just read it and find out for yourself.
Have you played the Berserk musou? They did it best. Musou games are pretty repetitive, but Guts controls so fucking well and is incredibly satisfying to play as. All the side characters are kind of meh, but why would you buy a Berserk game to play as anyone but Guts anyways?
I genuinely can't stand Musoushit. I want a full-fledged adventure game set in the Berserk universe.
Berserk isn't all about battling and violence. There's some genuinely beautiful environments and character moments in there too and those are equally important. Otherwise, there's nothing at stake.
He will force Guts' hand by threatening the world / Casca again.
>all Fromsoft's games are slow
we were told "time works differently", but we haven't been told in what way yet
general fan theory seems to be that things will move FASTER outside of Elfhelm, meaning Guts and co will leave only to find that years have passed in the real world