-LSS Broly
-Base Bardock
-Cooler(Final Form)
-Fused Zamasu
-SSB Vegito
-Base Goku(Saiyan/Namek Saga)
-Base Vegeta(Saiyan/Namek Saga)
-17(DBS Ver.)
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Other urls found in this thread:
Characters everybody is sleeping on:
Fat Buu
Sell me on Bardock's gimmick in the movies.
I only watched the Bio-Broly and Bojack movies
Best vegeta soon
>LSS Broly
>Base Bardock
>Cooler(Final Form)
>Fused Zamasu
>SSB Vegito
>Base Goku(Saiyan/Namek Saga)
>Base Vegeta(Saiyan/Namek Saga)
Fuck no.
>17(DBS Ver.)
Better than Jiren, so sure, why not.
Fuck off
>no Roshi
Here's your DLC fighterZ
DBZfags... Welcome to FGC.
This is a declaration of war against those who are only here because they watch the Dragon Ball animation. Leave now or face death. You will not be capable of handling our mix ups, incoming resets via snapback, thuggery when we destroy you and your morale. You are not worthy as our opponent. Save yourself from the embarrassment, the regret, or be punished for your ignorance.
We strive to ensure the safety of the fighting game genre.
I fucking wish
>no red hair
it's shit
8/8 would buy.
Despite what dataminers think, he will still eventually be included as DLC
How's that remake treating you? Is it a good read? How does it compare with the original VN? I'm glad it finally came out so Melty HD can start development. Oh, wait.
Virgin alert
I'd gladly take that over the supposed list.
*Jazz Music Starts*
The problem is no one is fucking playing them. I can actually believe they're good, especially Nappa, but they're so rare. Pretty much everyone I see uses Goku Black so there's only two slots left for most of those guy.
Sorry but Super characters have a better chance at being in than these characters
I went into this game expecting to main Cell/21/Frieza. I ended up with this as my team instead. Something about story modes forcing a character on you when it's at its hardest makes me git gud with that character.
Who's your main team guys?
>We strive to ensure the safety of the fighting game genre.
Great job so far, shitpost-kun.
Recommend me a good team with no saiyans.
Current team: Yamcha, Piccolo and Tien.
hey man im just pissed i aint getting ANY Master Roshi
Don't you have a MacDonalds to play at?
This would be great, but maybe you could add Master Roshi to this list too?
>Hit players
already confirmed to be a fake list
No master roshi, no buy.
does ginyu have more specials than just his tackle that isnt tied to his ki button?
you wish :^)
>tfw actually got hit by body change
>Trunks doesn't have dialogue for Android 21 about there being more Androids
>goku isn't in his Gi with no blue shirt underneath
why did this fake leak get so popular?
Isn't fake.
Legitimately better than what we actually got
Some spic from youtube leaked Lobby Avatars
because its backed by some models which gives it some legitimacy
yes it is, user
What other character goes well with Frieza and Yamcha
Because it has actual hard evidence
>18 with black hair
I see what kind of Team you're running.
Saiyan Goku for now but Base Goku when he comes out.
>just Lobby Avatars
>hard evidence
nice try
Jesus Christ I don't know why but it's hot.
DB stuff is NEVER getting in, look at it xenoverse
>yfw DLC shits all over waifuniggers
>Super characters in the base game
>thinking there won't be Super dlc
What I want:
>Future Gohan
>Final Form Cooler
>Jackie Chun
>Master Roshi
>Bath tub Buu
>Pink Shirt Vegeta
>Baseball Yamcha
>Candy ball Vegito
>Peeing Trunks
>Toddler Pan
>Toddler Pan with Dirty Diapers
>Farmer with a Shotgun
>Kid Goku
>Kid Goku GT
>SSJ4 Goku
>SSJ5 Goku
>SSJ3 Goku
>Kaioken Goku
>Super Saiyan(red) God Goku
>Ultra Instinct Goku
>Flying Nimbus Goku
>Heart disease Goku
>SSJ2 Goku
>Majin Goku
> Baby Goku
>Monkey form Goku
>Teen Goku
>Dead Goku
>Blanco Goku
>Mystic Goku
>God of Destruction Goku
>Legendary Super Saiyan Goku
>Goku in a car
>Naked Goku
he sucked in Butoden 3 even with all the made up moveset
Do you pronounce the game as Fighter-zee or fighters?
So it's Kaioken/Spirit Bomb Goku and Great Ape Vegeta?
How long is this stupid fucking story and do I need to be doing every super easy fight
Fighter Zee
Fuck what some stupid nips say
When will Turtle be confirmed?
Am I fucking tripping or does the story mode dialogue feel like Abridged with this writing? I dont recall frieza or cell being as witty as they are here
Could Gohan Blanco defeat Nappa with a mullet?
>gohan blanco
Chad colors
I think Frieza and Kid Buu are fun.
He looks like he's missing half his head.
You aren't the only one who feels that way. If Twitter is any indication. I think it was intentional on the localizers end.
Will we get kid goku as DLC and will he use the walls of jericho?
Funi are big TFS fans, while Toei hates them. So you'd have to look at the original Japanese to be sure.
Holy shit it's happening guys
I wish there were accurate subtitles for the Japanese version, instead of Funimation's meme script.
A little bit. Not that I'm complaining.
i thought he was supposed to be SSB? I like him has SS more though
That does look like a black haired 18, right?
Get that ugly nigger Paikouhan out of there shit for brains.
Sub Kefla our for Magetta and I'll take it.
fucking horrible
shit taste
He does actually, when the match starts he goes "There's more androids?!"
I meant when on the same team with the winquotes
Just met a guy who's gameplan was to sit on 7 bars and use the Dragonballs. This shit needs to be disabled entirely for Ranked battles.
Not that it mattered. His last guy was Hit, and he obviously didn't know how to play. Wouldn't use the counter, and wouldn't vanish and lose his precious 7 bars.
He does when he fights her
>that 21 fight
Why did the difficulty ramp up so suddenly?
Ribrianne instead of Kefla
Because that is how fighting games do.
It's pronounced "fighters" that's what the devs themselves said
fighting game boss nigga
Who cares what they think? can't even say EVO right
>who cares what the developers of the game, who named the game themselves, think
>who cares what the creators think about their own creation
DBitches in a nutshell.
Yes a bunch of slant eyes who probably don't speak english
Not buying this game until kid Goku and Yajirobe are playable
Who's Yajirobe
>Kid Buu in Budokai 2
The guy that carries Senzu beans when Krillin is too busy.
When are we getting Mr. Popo?
The man who saved the earth from vegeta