How to survive the GPUocalypse?

How to survive the GPUocalypse?

My GPU died a couple months ago and now I can't afford a new one because a decent card is going for $600+. Is there any good card that isn't being consumed by the cryptocancer?

Other urls found in this thread: 10 Series Family&chipset=GTX 1060 6GB

Any videos cards that were released within the last fives years are going to expensive. Even a used 290x goes for $300. I've even see people paying $250 for a 780ti. Best way is to just sign up for an in-stock alert, chose the card you want to buy, and hope your around when it comes in stock.

>Is there any good card that isn't being consumed by the cryptocancer
Yes and they're $600+
1080 & 1080ti are largely unaffected
1070 is moderately affected
1060s and all AMD cards are what's fucked, so either shell out for a 1080 or better, or go with a 1050ti as a stop-gap measure.
Alternatively, wait for Volta.

1070's are selling for $1K right now.

I'm in australia and they're not even that expensive, import if you live in such a shithole.


If you wanted 4k 60fps you should have got your 1080ti earlier.

My card died in card January, so i got a 680 for 40 amecan shekels. One of the best purchases in my life

When I built my PC this summer I purposely cheaped out on the card because of the normies getting into bitcoin mining and that it's the easiest thing to upgrade later on down the road when bitcoin crashes for good.

I got a overclocked 1060 with 6gigs of VRAM and it's good enough. Forget about 4k gaming or that gimmicky VR shit, but it's good enough for just regular vidya.

I just realized why my type of card wasn't affected by the prices. Bitcoin miners don't give a fuck about the amount of VRAM you have because it has no affect on mining power.

where the fuck have you been? 1080tis are going for $1500 faggot

Stop living in a shithole

I feel your pain. My 5 year old 670 picked this month to crap out on me and I was totally unaware of the gpu situation. It felt like a chase movie trying to hunt down the last available card that wasn't out of stock and or way overpriced. I ended up driving almost an hour just to find a 1050ti. Pretty happy with the card as a replacement though and I guess I'm saving about a hundred watts at full load while I'm at it.

You are retarded. If you actually foretold that, you would of bought a card perfect for mining and sold it for a 10x profit

you look really smart now aja!

Fucking where? I'll sell mine right now.

go to ebay, look at completed listings, 1080tis going for $1500

Used ones are going $600+ on ebay.

Almost everything is overpriced on ebay. It's like people all think that because they can sell something to such a wide market somebody will be dumb enough to buy. That's not how a global market works.

I see the $600 ones but no 1k. I'll probably set a $400 reserve on mine if I do sell but I also don't want to play on just a cpu.

>mfw got a 1050 for 130 euros in September

I had a radeon 6770 before, so it's enough of an upgrade. But I fear that my PC won't make it until 2020.

$1k is the new price bro

The prices of 1080 seem to be stabilizing
>that 1060 chart

Completed listings show you what ones people actually did buy and at what price.

No seriously, stop living in that shithole.

Buy an older card off ebay and wait for 7nm.
Contrary to popular belief you don't need the latest and greatest graphics card

GPU prices are constant here,vendors are actually fucking not selling to miners due to the backlash but still PC prices are relatively higher than what you find in the states
(RM 8771 is 2266 dollarydoos)

tech anons,would this pc be able to actually play 4k?
i can barely comprehend bottlenecking so i wouldn't know (the rig is 3100 usd)

Pay the market price or wait for me to graciously let you use my sloppy seconds you fat weeb faggot

First off ignore headlines and the retards ITT taking newegg/amazon/ebay scalper prices. You can easily get cards close to MSRP by simply setting up autonotifications on various websites for stock. Many also allow you to pre-order so it will ship out once they get to you on the list, which is probably 1-2 weeks or so in most cases. Even easier than either of those, you can pay a little extra in shipping and just buy them from foreign markets that aren't so wrecked. Until recently Australia still had vegas in stock because mining doesn't really exist here.

mining isnt big in places with high temperature

My friend bought a second hand 1080ti clearly used for mining for 300$ about two months ago. So far it works fine for him. Yes it will crash and burn soon and there is no warranty, but hey he bargained for only a small portion of msrp, so that's cool.
Point is, if you reeeaaaallly need a gpu right fucking now you might check second market. It's a coin toss so have no illusions about it, but if you're lucky you might get a decent card for a really juicy price. But again, at your own risk.

Second option is to find an older pre-built from around 2016-early 2017 back when GPU and RAM prices weren't fucking outrageous. Chances are you might just get a full pc cheaper than if you'd build it from scratch today. Counterpoint is: if you only need a GPU. that's not an option

Third option - and that only works for people who live in a 3rd world shithole countryside type settlements - check your local store. I've read a lot about people who live god knows where just going into their nearest pc hardware store and buying their GPUs for just slightly over the msrp. Even remember one story where the shop said "Out of stock" on their website, but their countryside branch had a whole bunch of 1060s 1070s and 1080s just sitting on the shelf

Again, if you reeeeeally need one right now, you're pretty fucked.

It has the best gaming CPU and GPU on the market, 4K on a 1080ti is fine, 60fps on high-ultra on any game no problem. As to whether that's worth $3100 is up to you. CPU won't be bottlenecking it at all, and CPU doesn't have anything to do with resolution anyway.
Historically, buying pre-builts is like throwing money down the toilet but with current prices for individual components as fucked as they are, pre-builts are actually viable now.

Wow. People really are insane.

In our case its not actually temp, its our absolutely stupid electricity prices. Imagine paying 63 cents kw/h + $1.32 daily supply.

building a PC is such a complicated thing for tech illiterate like me
and they throw in big words with the deal such 'warranty','rig building' and 'tech support' which probably means something good i guess
keep in mind that a 1080ti cost 1000 dollar here even pre mining and 1070ti is roughly 700 dollars

Is now a good time to sell my old computer? It has an i5 2500K and a GTX 970 in it. Also have a GTX 560 TI laying around not in use. What can I get for these?

>be NEET
>live at parents basement
>hear about cryptocurrency on r/Sup Forums
>take a loan and spend thousands on computer hardware
>start mining
>waste whole days letting the computer run at maximum power
>electricity bill skyrockets
>GPUs fry regularly due to overheating
>parents eventually ask why we consume so much electricity and why there is another mortgage on the house
>"Y-you don't understand you brainlets, I am going to be rich!"
>make .01 BTC profit (something between $1 and $20)
>IRS tracks you down
>takes away the house and car
>parents become homeless
>get sent to jail for tax fraud
>lose virginity in prison by Tyrone and Pablo


RDR2 and 2077 are the only good upcoming games in the next 5 years and their developers are pretty good at optimization I say you'll be alright.

Go buy a 600/700 series nVidia for under $100, play your games at 1080 and turn off shit like DoF/motion blur/ultra reflections/AO.

.01 BTC is $112 USD you stupid faggot

Let me guess. You're merely pretending to be stupid.

>make .01 BTC profit (something between $1 and $20)
>.01 BTC actually $112
>calls others stupid

what did this braindead moron mean by this?

>t. neet who made $112 profit and bankrupted his parents

This. I'm still using a 770 and I haven't had issues running anything.

Maybe you should get your math right before you try and talk shit you stupid faggot. It's okay though, you can have my used-up scraps when I'm done with them. I mean, the market's gonna crash ANY DAY NOW, right? You'll get my sloppy seconds soon.

nvidia cards aren't, that's just nvidia being jewish.
AMD cards are used cause the linux drivers actually let cryptoniggers use the superior hardware.



>$400 reserve
just start the bid at $500. youll regret listing it at all if it sells for less than 600-1000 and youre stuck without a gpu for a while. dont forget ebay also takes a cut

t. someone who sold an rx 480 for 370 pretty soon after the crypto boom. luckily i had a gt 740 to fall back on that actually suits my needs for the most part


Huh, I first read that as ‘cryptomancer’ instead of ‘crytpocancer’. It sounds pretty cool actually.

What the fuck are you spouting about, OEMs don't sell their card direc- 10 Series Family&chipset=GTX 1060 6GB

Oh shit man, we are saved!

i hope they broke up,their kid become a trans roastie degenerate,get a divorce and commit suicide

Cut down the GPU compute features for 'gaymur' cardz and make a series of 'miner cardz' with that feature that used to come standard on it at a premium, to fuck miners and people who use their GPU for shit that isn't vidya james.

>nvidia cards
Fucking retards, not only being cancer but being retarded cancer.

The gpu price spike is only in certain regions
Im Chinese and most gpu in China are till at MSRP mark.
Because most Chinese don‘t give a fuck about cryptocurrency as we generally won‘t bother such high risk investments and the people actually buying crypto are only looking for a way to move their dirty money out of the country and weren‘t interested in the crypto itself

Seeing mad gamers is the funniest shit going around. So glad I got my 1080 last year but seriously fuck you underage faggots. Diversify your portfolio and stop jacking off to games all day

Good luck actually finding them in stock.
And when they do restock you only have about a minute before they're all snatched up.

literally mutually exclusive

>implying miners are making any money at all when the real profit is to be made off of milking retard wall street morons who are just dumping money into currency speculation
there's every reason to be mad, mining just makes everything worse for everyone

>being this mad while calling others mad

I thought it's illegal


Two different parties.

Was able to snag this yesterday, barely any dust on it, ran benchmarks all night, no issues, runs under 50c.

It's time to switch to consoles. Sorry PCbros.

>yfw the shortages that are supposedly due to crypto are actually just people buying up all the stock to resell at a higher price


Bitcoin is just so badly designed and planned. It was doomed to failure from the beginning because the creator didn't do the math on how poorly Bitcoin scales. By the time we reach the end of the block chain mining it will take 2/3rds of the Earth's total energy output to mine a single coin. That's hundreds of billions of dollars to get a coin. Verifying purchases also takes more than 10 minutes and costs a huge fee which makes it worthless as a currency. Bitcoin will die. It's inevitable. it can't exist as a usable currency.

So all these miners are wasting their money. The speculators are going to realize Bitcoin is a dead end and pull their money out. The prices will crash and the miners will be left with expensive mining farms they can't sell and their Bitcoins will be worthless.

that's a dumb idea since most people would be patient enough not to bite that price and card manufacturers could pump out and bypass retailers
you cant try to short this kind of thing if you dont own the production plant

I thought the chinks loved crypto

I'd rather it be that than the used market being nothing but toasted GPUs from caveman miners that have no idea what they're doing.

After all the scalpers bought the GPUs and majority is trying to sell them with preposterous markup wouldn't it be logical to some of them to start selling on lower (still with some markup) prices to actually boost sales?
Isn't it better to actually sell a lot for less than a few for more?

nah not really
some chinks are good at this sort of investing thing but most of them splurge around their newfound wealth
t.rtw suit salesman doing business with chinaman clients

and THEN bitcoin is going to take all the fucking altcoins down with it, which will send the whole thing into a tailspin.

Firstly, no one buying GPUs is mining Bitcoin, they're mining Ethereum or several other more-profitable GPU-mineable coins. Bitcoin mining has gotten so specialized that in order to even think about competing you need to buy ASICs from specialty mining hardware companies like Bitmain.

Secondly, bitcoin is just the initial protocol layer and higher-level solutions (such as Lightning Network) will alleviate most of these concerns. People are too incredibly short-sighted

Bitcoin is doomed to fail but it sparked other cryptos that aren't as fucking retarded.
However when that failure comes, it'll most likely cause all the wall street retards who cause essentially ever single economic crisis by being so retarded the top of the market (read as the jews if you so choose) milk them constantly, to fuck off.
And when those shekel cows fuck off, prices will go back to normal.

He already said they do, but not for investing but rather to launder money and move them out of the country anonymously. That's the only valid way to use cryptocurrencies: for illegal stuff, so it's useful to quite a number of people. Now, how many people live in China?

>a used fuckin 980 goes for 250
>when remaining stock for new 980tis were selling 8 months ago

fuck this world

What? Are they not illegal in China?

you're implying that these people have the brains or patience to do this
they're going to directly compete with card manufacturers and sheit and if you count for inflation and shiet they would barely break even

POS can't come soon enough. I'm hoping all crypto moves towards that model eventually.

China talked about banning all crypto currency, which just the rumors of that sent prices of crypto plummeting. They haven't made a decision. It's legal for now. If or when China bans it, crypto prices will crash. If other nations follow, crypto will never recover.

can anyone explain to a literal brainlet how Proof of Stake eliminates mining? I still don't get it. How does new Ethereum enter the world if not from mining?

People are using cryptocurrency to launder dirty money, so whether cryptocurrency were illegal or not doesn‘t really matter, because they‘re already in deep shit in the first place.

>other nations follow
America has already decided to just tax them.

This is probably the one time where buying a prebuilt is the best option, solely because of gpu prices

I got my 1080ti in august for $800, That same card is now almost $1400. Damn right it affected the price. This is after a 5 month period. I can only imagine how much worse this will get

i imagine the ability to launder money is dependent on crypto being legal, otherwise theyre exchanging dirty money for more dirty money i.e. crypto

>find an old dell on the side of the street
>it's the kind that can be modded to take a xeon processor
>decide to fix it up for my nephew
>get an e5450 and install the mod
>at first I bought a GTX 1050 for 130 bucks
>realize the 2GB of VRAM would be a real issue so i decide to upgrade to GTX 1050 ti
>brand new the cheapest one was 171 bucks
>fuck that
>got a brand new one off ebay for 142 bucks
>carefully used a heat gun to take the seal off and put it on my opened gtx 1050
>i even took the little logo and fan plastic covers from the new one to put it on the 1050
>return it as an 'unopened item'
>refund granted
>look at the same GPU now
>they now want 218 bucks

Man I lucked out.

Who the fuck is buying all these cryptocurrencies anyway?


And I think for now they'll stick with that. But if crypto ever threatens fiat it will be banned so fast.

Hey genuine question here, not trolling.
What games do you guys play which actually justify spending 1000 on any graphics card?
Every game, to me, released after 2011, seems to be complete DOGSHIT with a few exceptions. And these exceptions do not need a thousand dollar investment to play them smoothly.

The money laundering is based on the fact that cryptos are anonymous, not on the legality of cryptos.
It's a currency not controlled or backed by governments/reserves.

So why doesn't the us government make a law where you can not purchase anything that isn't a use dollar and devalue this crypto currency bullshit?

no fucking clue, spent $200 on this pc and am happy with the performance, desu modern games are shit, the only game I would even recommend playing is Prey which came out last year.

4k and vr are a fucking meme too so i just don't see the point in any of that shit, I mean what graphically intensive game should really justify purchasing a gtx 10xx?

None I can think of. It's only worthwhile for people that want to do gay VR orgies.

How can they ban bitcoin when it's completely anonymous? Storm every living person's home until they find keys hidden away and then arrest them if they suspect it's a bitcoin key?
Bitcoin is anonymous. The government can't do shit about it.

Speculators who are gambling that other speculators will drive the price higher. The speculator who sells at the peak will make a bunch of money. All the other speculators will lose their money.