It's fun

>it's fun

>he doesn't like having fun
What do you play games for user?

What did you expect to happen when you made this SHIT thread?

>It's funfy
>fun and comfy

"""""Fun"""""" is not a viable reason to like something, get a better reason.

That's they reason for games to exist, correct.

>its fun with friends

B-b-but that's what I just asked you user. What do you play games for then?


Of course it is.
If a numale like you try to say that to me in real life i would've broke your jaw, right there you wouldn't even see my fist coming, it would be soy milk flying everywhere.
Pic related, this is you.

Having fun is obviously the goal, but it's too broad a term. Why is it fun? Is it the intellectually challenging kind of fun, or the reflex-testing kind of fun? Ending the conversation at "fun" is most definitely the kind of behavior we should discourage on Sup Forums. I don't care how many (You)s that one post in that meme image got.

Fuck off.

I likes what I likes.
Let Squidward play with his Leaf Blower.

>it's fun

>being a funfag

How do you even get to be like that? What the fuck happened to him?

>eueeeeeeeeeh I'm having so much fun with my bros eeeeeeeeughhhhh
>mommy tried to babort me
Enjoy your """fun""" games like Fallout 4 and Mass Effect: Andromeda.


>if it's not fun, why bother

It's not that people don't like fun, it's that they don't consider it a valid point towards deducing a games quality. There is sort of a "standard" to an ideal idea of how a game should be determined by what works for the masses. It's known what kind of elements lead to fun, but simply saying that a game is good because you alone derive fun from it means nothing.

The gauging of fun is too depended on the individual to make any use of a claim. Pushing a red block into a square hole is fun for babies, it's not stimulating for adults, ergo a shit experience for 90% of human players being fun for people with a certain kind of brain trauma does little to defend the game from being considered trash.

I'm gonna start using that

>simply saying that a game is good because you alone derive fun from it means nothing.
Thats literally all that matters though

That "literally" isn't though, Lebbitor.

user, don't go full retarded. See

Depends on the context. No one really needs to defend their liking of a game beyond "it's fun" (or at all) but you're right if they're trying to posit that a game is good.

A person who doesn't play video games as a source of enjoyment and levity doesn't have any right playing a game in the first place. I know you're all fishing for (you)'s, but if any of you seriously don't believe that "having fun" is a valid reason enough to play a game, then you should really take a look at yourself, and how depressing you sound.

>Pic related, this is you.

Why is it that this is most of Sup Forums's "arguments" these days? It feels like everything on Sup Forums these days is basically just "LOL THIS PIC IS YOU!".

>it's comfy

Oh boy, it's this stupid thread again.

>fun is simple and manipulating it is impossible
Why are retards allowed to exist?
It's not like fun is around 10 different neurological and hormonal subprocesses and if a jew wanted to, a jew could only trigger some of them to make you think you were having genuine real fun.

If you don't play video games for fun, why do you play them?

You don't play them for fun *alone*, downie.

Even the shittiest game can be fun.

No, that's stupid... actually a guilty pleasure.

You sound incredibly autistic, perhaps you should pick up another hobby like stacking cans.

Go away. Fun is the most important quality in a video game. Why would I play a game, if I didn't enjoy myself when playing it? A game can be well written and outstanding from a technical standpoint, but I would never play it if doing so felt like a chore.
I bet you are one of those 12 people that see the boring ass Best Picture nominee films that no actual humans would enjoy watching.

>I don't care how many (You)s that one post in that meme image got.

You mean this?

Hello r/gamingcirclejerk, how's the current Two best Friends LP going? I bet it's FUN.


>it's deep

Are you ok, fellow redditor?

>it's fun with friends

But isn't fun subjective user? If someone else says it's fun, it probably is for them. Take it with a grain of salt

Is Neofag down again?

>But isn't fun subjective user

No. Only for tasteless faggots.

Source please.

no, fun is biological and very easy to predict and manipulate

Ok, then what does a game need to have in order to be seen as objectively fun?

You'll know it after you play good shit, user.

No would should endure being served shit just because there is a shit eating retard in town.

it needs to trigger all of the various biological subprocesses associated with the feeling of "fun"
all of them, not some of them, like what gatchashit and other mesolimbic only triggering games do

Recommend me some fun games user~

Jet set radio