Can it be saved, Sup Forums?
Can "The Dark Souls of FPS: A Little More Quentin Tarantino edition" be saved...?
Lawbreakers shitposting general
>5 players right now
There are literally more comments in this thread than there are matches in progress.
This thread has been archived or deleted.
Literally the only way this game can be saved at this point is by making it F2P with cosmetic microtransactions.
How long until they shut it down?
And now there's more posters ITT than there are players in-game.
Honestly I wasn't following this game what went wrong?
The problem with that is they'd need to hire some decent character designers, since there isn't a retard alive on this planet who'd pay actual money for the shitty skins currently in the game when most of them look worse than the default skins.
This video sums it up pretty well.
Do you think if it was exclusive, people would have cared a little bit more?
>In an interview with Gamespot, game director Cliff Bleszinski states that the PS4 version is doing much better, although he doesn't confirm any statistics.
>PC players: 5
>recent PS4 players: 2
Well they were optimistic.
who the fuck keeps logging in the play everyday? are these guys just devs or something?
One of 'em is probably Cliff Bazinga
What happens when you spend millions developing a game, and then only 3 people play it, and all of those 3 dudes are either you or your friends?
There's now more comments in this thread than there were players in the last 24-hour peak.
a hard hit in your ego, especially when another fps managed to sell 30 millions units without any marketing.
Xbox Forever
Never tell the consumer to fuck off like that
What about the money you wasted?
Cliffy B boots up 5 or 6 of his comps
Bazinga is set for life with all the fat cash he made from investing in Occulus Rift. I'd feel worse for the 500 or so people who bought the game.
That's not why the game did bad. They had zero marketing for Lawbreakers and were late to the party ala overwatch.
There are people in this thread..
>They had zero marketing for Lawbreakers
I think its hilarious that it originally was going to be f2p, but then they decided to make it cost 30 bucks, and they're excuse is "at least its not that $60 bullshit, amirite?"
It's not a mechanically bad game. Just literally no one has ever heard of the game besides the memes here and a few youtubers who did a video on the death of the game.
stupid stupid move
>It's not a mechanically bad game
It's a bad game.
cliffy lying to save face lmao
Imagine having a deader game than Battleborn
Publisher (nexon) lost money, not cliff. Cliff just lost his reputation and self worth.
Mechanically, most of the classes play great. The problem is the visual style sucks. Not just cosmetically (generic sleek future look with neon vomit and a touch of dystopian brown+grey) but functionally. We can shit on Overwatch all we want, but at the end of the day, that game has 25 classes and you can tell what they are from a mile away based simply on their build and animations. Same with TF2's 9 classes. Barely any of Lawbreakers' classes really look that distinct at more than 100 in-game feet away, and the reddish color distinction isn't too clear until they're close enough to kill you, as well.
It's a fucking mess.
>5 people online
is that even enough for a match?
Nope. It won't start until there's at least 4 on 4. No bots, either.
>Cliff, we can't keep these PC's running lawbreakers on in the office 24/7, we can barely afford the rent on the building as is, let alone the electrical consumption
If you want more
Hey guys remember me
It has genuinely got the worst character designs I have ever seen in a video game. Whoever made those characters hates humans with a passion and should just not be allowed near anything artistic ever again.
Loved these ones, too.
>Paragon had more users
>though shit, it has peaks and a loyal user base
>it gets canned
>Team offers everyone full refund
>been shit since the beginning
>still on life support
Who is this bastard sleeping with at Epic?
>Battleborn's characters get shit for being hideous
>LawBreakers finds a way to do far worse
At what point is Cliffy B. going to pop up and try to pass all of this off as some kind of social experiment?
It gets worse:
>Ghost in the Shell: First Assault Online still had around 50-80 players on average peaks
>Nexon decided to "sunset" the game last month for this
I bet Nexon's kicking themselves, right now. Fuck them too, First Assault was easily one of the best anime-based games in years. Solid squad-based play and enough unique elements to make it feel like GitS, not just some generic FPS with a name slapped on it.
all his reasons it failed are around for Overwatch... the fuck is he on? Also he has a nice way of saying opinions and assumptions as facts
Ain't you heard? While Cliffy and even his devteam via Steam forums are actively blaming players for comparing his Overwatch clone to Overwatch and trying to guilt people into buying it, Nexon's writing its failure off by blaming PUBG.
>tribes, shitty edition
it deserves to fail
>tfw Tribes Ascend literally has 4-5x more players at this moment than Lawbreakers
>good silhouette character recognition
It's mediocre.
The skins really fuck it up real bad, some shit change the color composition of the body completely, like the daredevil skin, until i fought someone using it, i though it was a mcree skin
Not to mention the absolute metric fuckton of particle effects the game throws at you, shit like moira's ult make the game battleborn tier at times
It's sad. This game looks fun.
Agreed on some particle effects, and the daredevil skin. Honestly should have been a McCree skin.
>Nexon's writing its failure off by blaming PUBG.
>save your tears
>for the day
>when the pain is far behind
I'm not going to shit on the gameplay because I never played it.
But the artistic design of the game is legendary only in on how shit it is. No single character even looks like... A character.
>It's not a mechanically bad game.
>Just literally no one has ever heard of the game
I think people ACTIVELY stay away from this game. It's not just marketing or exposure, people reacted very negatively to Cliff's leftist bullshit and his rockstar persona. All that shows in the game's design.
It wasn't that good, but I definitely did get a lot of fun out of it. It was doomed after they sank all that time into the last update and fans hated it. Everyone fjust moved to Black Squad after that. Might have done better if they put more money into new maps, weapons, and better netcode.
>Black Squad
That any good? Can you try and sell me on it?
It's a free Korean fps so it has similarities to Sudden Attack(and by extension CS). The KR version and its comp scene tanked after the publisher made it P2W so the devs released an improved international version. Not P2W, but you do have to collect in-game currency to buy weapons. It's monetized by selling crates with weapon skins.
It plays like a fast paced CS with more accurate guns. I enjoy it, but I plan to spend more time on Battalion 1944 once it comes out. I recommend it if you're sick of CS and want to try something new. I'd recommend joining a clan and doing clan matches. First early access tourney is next month.
Thanks, might give it a shot.
Will it hit zero players ?
It already has, at least a few times. Wouldn't be surprised if it happened somewhere between 5-6am, though.