What is the best first person shooter?
What is the best first person shooter?
Halo. Goldeneye and Doom are relics that should stay dead.
Real life
Pic related.. Prove me wrong. Protip:You can't.
Half Life 3
Right now, Titanfall 2, but it's dying
For Singleplayer, as an overall package, Half-Life. However if you go purely by gameplay, FEAR.
This is one of the best games ever made, period.
call of duty 4
quake 1
I should really play it again. It was surprisingly good.
I always thought how silly it was that every enemy knew your name and reacted as if they knew you for years
FPS is to wide of a genre to tell which one is the best.
How can you compare Squad to DOOM to PUBG, they aren't the same game. Even in large scale FPS, you can have an arcade approach (Battlefield) an hardcore approach (Arma) and something between them (PR). All of them have they own merit and don't appeal to the same audience. You can try to compare "similar" games but how can you define which criteria make a good FPS?
Someone who like fast paced FPS will say that ironsight and leaning/crouching make an FPS worse when a fan of a tactical FPS will not be able to live without it.
I don't know why I'm trying to answer this question to begin with.
their can't be a best because that would imply there is an objective standard and since they are each seperate games and thus make their own seperate 'rules' there cacn't really be a standard and since most Sup Forumstards dont believe in God they dont believe in objective standars morally so you would be hard pressed to find one who unironically finds there to be an objective standard for shootings games.
what's the best map?
but which one is the best tho?
Unreal Tournament or Unreal Tournament 2004
Your mom
it'd be quake 2 if people played literally anything other than dm1 but they don't so it's quake live
Counter-Strike GO
your nearest school
just note it's a purely american server
10 year old detected.