Grand Theft Auto: VI's map just leaked.
Grand Theft Auto: VI's map just leaked
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Proofs? Rockstar never uses actual District/Suburb names. If true it will probably be dumbed down for the tards like V was
Oh god this topology is god awful who made this map.
t. cartographer
That's the map of Sydney you moron.
Lmao I remember reading that exact map 15 years ago
Also I can see my house in that map
You don't get to discriminate against NSWhalers. It's shameful and embarrassing to be a Melbourne soyboy or a Queensland bogan.
fuck off chink
Makes me feel physically sick to look at. Fucking shithole city.
big if true
Fuck off Abo. Fuck off Sudan nigger. See it works for your shitty city too.
No matter the place a map has no right to be this ugly you 3rd world MapInfo nigger.
The place itself is ugly too, it can't be helped
Navigating IRL Sydney streets would confuse players too much
>new melbourne
almost as disgusting and unappealing as old melbourne
Who the fuck let Australians name their own shit?
The worse thing is it's abbreviated. The actual name is Woolahmooloo.
Woolloomooloo. I use to live there. It's full of drug dealers.
This is how retarded you sound you shit ape.
You may as well let downies and FAS kids write a book of baby names
Because half of USA isn't named after equally shitty Native American names right?
>equally shitty
Hmmm nope
Thanks for the eye cancer Amerimutts
Everything near the border is named by mexican invaders
>when does this thread die
Not American, but Tuskegee sounds a lot better than Woolloomooloo
>Comparing dog shit and cat shit.
Explain why calling people mutts is a funny meme when on a biological view it makes perfect sense for humans not to breed with others who have very very similar genes? Such as incest.
Humans breeding with animals is more disgusting than incest.
It's not your own place you ausnigger. Queen leaves you for a fucking second and there's your retarded australian shit all around the place already.
That didn't answer my question.
It did though.
who are you quoting?
Get fucked you Muslim's cocksleeve. Maybe if Britshits weren't pathetic weaklings they would have had better control over their colonies.
Oh, I see. You gave me a Sup Forums answer.
I'm looking for grown up answers.
Either way you got the correct answer, despite whether it hurt your feelings.
Why are you still giving me answers only a child can come up with?
>The traffic
>The people
>Lockout laws closing everything down by 8 pm so the old people that moved into the city center in recent years can do nothing at all in peace
Try literally any other major city
Exciting news for all three GTA fans who wanted the game set in Australia.
>list of native shit that was changed to stuff that actually sound good, like most of the state names
Yeah fuck off cunt. I'm Aussie and the first to admit all the abbo names are shit.
I mean compare the native American names like Cherokee, Tomahawk, Iroquois, to gay aussie abbo shit like Wagga Wagga, Ulladulla or Goodooga.
We really should not have let Abbo's name shit.
You're not Aussie, you're a self hating faggot that badmouths his country to get the approval of the Americans and Europeans. Talking like a bogan won't hide it you sickening asshole licker.
Literally the same shit as Abo names.
You're cherry picking.
I love myself which is why I shit on this gay country you fucking cunt. Australia is a shithole nanny state with no freedom.
>no right to free speech, hate speech laws out the ass
>downright draconian gun laws
>need a license for fucking air rifles
>need a fucking license for paintball guns
>need a license for crossbows
>airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>fucking YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>novelty toy-like lighters are banned
>smokeless tobacco is banned
>toys containing beads are banned
>need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>plain packaging on cigarettes
>absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18 was introduced
They should call it Wololololo
>Australians arguing about useless Australian shit
This thread is very reason GTA Australia will never happen.
No one cares about your whinging jayden
>yarra, ballarat, gunamatta, parramatta
>all bad names
Fuck off to USA if you think the grass is that much greener, good thing you'll be able to buy that gun you've always wanted from Wallmart to kill yourself with when you realize how much of a retard you are, and how good you had it.
>waaaaah I cant shoot things waaaah!
Literally no one who isn't a pathetic addict cares.
>letting your government control how you wanna waste your life
Not their job
You gay cunts enjoy the chinese colony were turning into then. Oh you know Australia was the sole nation retarded enough to not invest in strategic fuel reserves right? We only have 19 days of fuel available, rest is shipped in, through the south china sea. HAHAHHAAHA
I hope you enjoy your 18 hour workdays once Chang fully takes over.
I've already lived overseas before for long periods of time and I can confirm the grass is greener. I am balls deep in crypto right now making huge gains and when I reach my goal I am moving out permanently and getting a house and permanent residency overseas in the USA. I'll be starting a gun collection and enjoying my freedom.
Victoria, NSW, Adelaide, NT, Queensland, Tasmania, Canberra, Western Ausralia
>he invested in crypto
Good luck getting a visa with crypto gains as your income
What the fuck are you talking about, 99% of those names sound fucking awesome.
God Aussies are truly deluded morons. I can't wait to escape this shithole nation. I already got my plan to get out of paying taxes here once I leave.
They are, all of them sound fucking shit. Abbo naming sense is garbage.
Ballarat is the only half decent one of the lot and even then it's not that good, it has the word rat in it.
Shut the fuck up Melbourne Sudanese nigger.
Sir, what are your lawful excuse for your keyboard?
honestly this
You're retarded, you cash out and start a business with your gains you idiot.
I've made great ROI so far and have been very successful. I'm up massively over my initial investment.
>not using Adelaide's godlike perfect grid layout
Rockstar have failed again
Christ that's tiny, looks the size of a single suburb.
>no helicopter in the top left corner
You had one job
They're fun to say you American arselicker
Boy, you Aussies wouldn't defend indian names if you met an actual native american indian
Literally the most disgusting people on the planet. They're literally all fat, disgusting smelling slobs. The men are drunk 80% of the time (In one month during summer I've gone into work and had two passed out in front of the building at 6am and three drunkenly wander up and yabber about bullshit, with one of them leaving me a damn open beer after), the women are bitches of the highest degree and will ream your ass if you dare to ask their shitty kids to not run in the store or make a mess, and the elderly are fucking horrifying, the women will literally shit in a corner and not care simply because it takes no effort when wearing their dresses.
Honestly a lot of us think that about you white Americans
I mean, if you wanted to artificially increase map size by having so much traffic it takes an hour to go 10 kms then congrats, you succeeded.
And they all sound cringey as fuck.
You think that's bad, you should meet an abbo.
I don't even consider them human. Not in a racist manner, I don't hate them, I pity them. It's like the Sentinelese Islanders. Abbo's are a bunch of primates who were isolated from the rest of us, and evolved differently. They are literally a different sub species altogether. They had to ban alcohol in abbo areas because their body can't even digest it properly.
Literally the most boring place in the anglosphere. Ireland will get a GTA before Australia does.
Nah just ignore this shitcunt, he's just jealous.
The entire world knows how fucking awesome and amazing American's are. The problem is people from other countries like to be patriotic and nationalistic too, and it's really hard doing that when America is standing right next too you and completely overshadowing you, so they get salty as fuck over it.
Hating on America so viciously is basically an admission of American superiority. Know that everyone who calls you a mutt is just jealous of your success Ameribros.
Never forget American's, you guys are the best country in the world, never change and never give up your guns.
There's nothing worse than ameriboos
Go back to your illegal shithole to escape from murder, you fucking leech.
I await the day the government realizes that wasting tax dollars just because someone can prove they're X% native blood simply because of some shit hundreds of years ago is dumb and cuts that fund off, I bet half of your fatass population dies of heart attacks immediately.
Hello American
Yeah there is, I'll name some, true blue aussies, bogans, smellbournians, aussie patriots who hate yanks.
All far worse.
I wish. I sadly live in fucking NSW. Moving out to the land of the free and the home of the brave soon though.
>tfw gonna chuck this garbage aussie citizenship into the trash where it belongs.
Do you people realize that by replying to this guy's obvious bait to defend "BASED FARKIN' STRAYA M8", it is actually YOU who looks like the pandering Ameriboo/Euroboo?
Thank God, please leave faster.
Oh I will be leaving as fast as I can, I don't want to stay on this sinking ship any longer than I need to. I will be glad to participate in the great brain drain of Australia.
It's interesting how you can live in a literal paradise like Australia and still find a way to be upset. Get some perspective on your life, man.
>clothed in cushions and living in a bubble world so keep you safe as can be is paradise
This nation is furthest it can be from paradise mate. It's a literal hellhole. Every waking moment in this nation is pain. I've lived outside Australia before, even third world nations feel more free and more alive than Australia does.
There is no future in Australia. There is no freedom here. It's fucking stiffing and oppressive being here. Everything is illegal and fucking expensive as fuck. Our taxes are too high and get spent on the most useless shit instead of things we need like better infrastructure. Our cost of living is also insane.
>literal paradise
I don't know how your experience can be so different from mine and everyone else I know. What happened to you?
we can pull out the livability index stats if yous want.
Compared to the rest of the world, yeah. It is.
Have you ever been outside Australia? It opened my eyes massively to what a shithole we truly are.
You are your faggot friends probably bought into the "safety first" meme presented by Australian culture and as a result you don't care about your missing freedoms at all because "it's dangerous, the government has to regulate/ban X to keep us safe". I fucking hate you idiots.
Go overseas, and not on a faggy little 2 week holiday to a poplar tourist destination. Go and get a working visa and actually go live in a third world nation, just living day to day life like I did and realize how fucked up Australia is and how free and good it is in other parts of the world.
In 2016 I spent 6 months just traveling around the world, exploring, no fancy hotels, no tourist resorts, just living in the third world and occasionally visiting some first world places too. I had a budget of about 8k AUD for the entire time, came back with 2k left over, had the time of my life and even splurged on certain things because living is cheap outside Australia.
When I finally returned to Australia I become depressed about how shit this country is. I could leave the country today if I wanted and just go wander around again, and I'd really love to do that, but I want to leave permanently this time. Gotta have enough to get a house elsewhere, and I'd like that to be in America.
Good thing you didn't run into any health problems, ehh? Or have to live with the wages they give you in an underdeveloped country. I mean, sure, when you're in who-gives-a-fuck tourist mode, life's a lot more fun. Who woulda thought?
I would play the shit out of gta set in australia.
Only major aus cities I hhave been to are perth and Melbourne. I think perth does pretty well outside of the very center which is a fucking mess. Could be fun if it's one area that's confusing. Melbourne has those neat trams players could use.
>surrounded by parks
it would just be red dead redemption but with more swearing, abos instead of mexicans, and kangaroos instead of mountain lions