>not playing glorious nippon monster hunting simulator.
Explain yourself
Not playing glorious nippon monster hunting simulator
its not out on pc yet
i bet this is your first monster hunter
>Playing a combat focused game on 20 fps
No thanks. Waiting for pc.
I'm downloading it right now.
>Waiting for pc
You are out of your mind if you think the PC release won't be an unoptimized unplayable mess.
It look like it play like a korean mmo or something like that. It reminded me Tera.
But what if it isn't? If that does end up being the case, then I'll just go play the console version. It's not like I lose anything for waiting.
My setup is plenty powerful to run it on max at 100 fps
PC. Although I said the same thing with Destiny 2 and ended up not purchasing it. You never know
so, like the console version right now?
Except for all that time you could have been playing the superior version
I don't have a ps4 and haven't been able to convince myself to get one just for MH and Bloodborne
I don't really want to pay for ps+ right now and it seems like a waste to get the game without it?
Even the worst port would end up at least on par with how the game runs on consoles. And on top of that, you won't have to pay for the privilege of an online system that's straight downgraded from previous games.
>Even the worst port would end up at least on par with how the game runs on consoles.
I've seen footage. It's unstable 20-25 fps.
Add to the fact that you have to pay twice for your internet if you want to play multiplayer. Waiting 9 months is fine.
If I make a new character, can I skip cutscenes previously viewed?
What's the appeal of this game?
>It's a game where you hunt MONSTERS!!
>of course, the world look like any jrpg
>and you have to loot, collect, level up shit
>and you have le big sword like in your favorite anime
>to hunt the monster, you have to bash him with the strongest weapon.
>and that's it.
Dragon Dogma, despite using a very classic formula, felt more original than this.
Xbox version run fine.
No sadly
Hope they patch thag feature in
Thanks, Sup Forums. Now I realize why I am an alcoholic.
Questioning this as well. I've tried getting into monster hunter several times on the PSP and 3DS games but I can never get over the first few hours of MMO fetch quests. Is MHW any different? Is someone who disliked the other games going to like this one?
This feels a lot more like Monster Hunter clones than actual MH, I don't know if that means anything to you but personally I've hated MH but loved the "MH-likes" so I'm really enjoying this.
Because I played the old ones that aren't dumbed down as fuck and have way more content? This one barely added any monsters, and most of them aren't that interesting. No gunner armor, bloodspray, and simplified skills just make this one seem boring.
>I played a nintendo DS video game and so am a superior person who only plays truly mature games for the top-tier of gamers unlike loser-plebs who play a game with better control and visuals making the game "easier" because it isn't clunky shit anymore.
Its easier because the monsters are slower, weaker, and aren't really adapted to the increased mobility and options the hunter has.
See Also, you shitposters always seem to forget that the games are on the PS2, PSP, PS3, and PC as well.
ha, because even the other monster hunter games are like that too?
Newfag to MH. Is it supposed to feel like an MMO? This is normal, right?
Also ETA for PC release?
>on the DS
I didn't forget that this series started on PS2, nintendo kids sure have though because they think it's just like star fox and mario and is some special nintendo thing.
>The reason why you should play MH World unlike the other MH games is because it's not made for handheld with their shitty graphics, performance, and controls
>Of course, you shouldn't play on PC
Do you guys think it is likely when the PC version comes out in the fall that there will already have been added DLC for the game on consoles, and that it might possibly be included for the PC version on launch? That would be sweet and actually make the PC wait feel rewarding.
Is there not a rathalos hammer in this game? I already have his full set but I still don't see his path in the upgrade tree. I only just beat the puff bat so I hope its just progress gated.
what game?
Black Desert Online
waiting for pc
I dont need it
I Dont Need It
I played the beta, and even though i loved the combat, chasing after the monsters again and again was fucking tedious, and made me never want to pick it up.
Dunno, it feel like nobody would give a shit if it wasn't called Monster Hunter.
Are Light Bowguns any good?
>be in usa
>cannot play because my ps4 is not here
>not mh until march
first mh here, this game is so fucking fun
I really hope this game sells well to crapcom keep supporting it
What weapon are you all using?
dual blade
>Sup Forums is so starved for video games it needs 5 topics on one game.
Well, can't say its been fun, but time to pack it up anyways. Gonna start a new life in...Alaska.
Just like Dragon's Dogma? There's a reason they're delaying it