When you first discovered Halo were you amazed? Blinded? Dumbstruck?
When you first discovered Halo were you amazed? Blinded? Dumbstruck?
revolted, infuriated
I was baby's first fps
Pissed that the sequel was so bad
I regret playing halo
filth, all of you.
343 hasn't even managed to match how shitty 2 was.
>2 is shitty
You have to go back, nigger.
I played alot of PC FPS before it so it felt kind of slow
Still fun though. Remember being impressed by the graphics and open areas
fuck sony
The only experience I have with Halo is playing the shit out of CE on my PC back in the day, and playing splitscreen multiplayer 3 with friends. And RvB
Get off the computer Regret.
Agreed, I'm glad Halo 6 will be their best Halo game.
I remember seeing it for the first time and I asked my friend if it was like Tribes
Halos 1-3 were great desu in hindsight I gave them shit that they didn't deserve
it's a miracle to have made a fun console FPS
Do you think Sangheili have uncut cocks?
I think I was just disappointed that I wasn't playing Unreal Tournament.
One of the first games that I played where there was a dedicated campaign, played through CE, 3, ODST and Reach (never got around to finishing 2). Bungie did a pretty good job with world building, and the books that Nylund are great.
Made me all the more pissed when 343 decided to redesign Spartans from supersoldiers in 1/2 ton power armor to muscle-fetish OCs in spandex and metal bikinis.
People saying 2 was bad obviously were underage or something at the time. Yes, people were disappointed the story was cut short but besides that? The gameplay was fantastic and Xbox Live truly came alive. It was a time in gaming I will never forget.
I thought it was ok
I hate what it did to FPS though.
I think you got it the other way, underage. Halo 2 had a terrible campaign and a broken multiplayer.
Played it when I was a little shit and I thought it was great. Played it again when I was 23 and it was fucking garbage. I was ashamed of myself for ever liking it. Nothing objectively wrong with the multiplayer but that singleplayer was a travesty. I didn't have a single fun moment.
What do you mean by broken? Xbox Live was an amazing experience. It wasn't broken for me or many others.
The tank part was pretty cool at least. Also playing as an Elite for the first time was unexpected. Being stealthy and slashing fools from invis. Granted if I replayed it now I'd probably find it boring.
>hurr halo killed fps
>explain ut2k4, half life 2, cs:s, BioShock
>hurr halo had a billion clones
>name 5
>hurr call of duty bioshock infinite
>Call of Duty came from Medal of Honor more than Halo and BioShock Infinite came from Call of Duty and its popularity
>hurr I don't care about fps's
I can't take anyone who cries about Halo seriously.
>Rocket Launcher that targets every vehicle making vehicles death traps
>no possible way to escape the Plasma Pistol overcharge
>ridiculous Energy Sword range
>glitchy melee
>oversized hitboxes
>high aim assist
>SMG starts
>dual wielding
>insane hitscan
>button combos
>super jumps
>if a team captures the side of the map with the power weapon, game's pretty much over
Halo 2 multiplayer sucked
Fair points, honestly. I won't deny I didn't keep playing for months and months. The game only held me for so long. But back then just being able to rock out on the couch with your buds on voice chat was pretty cool. Sure you could already play CS on PC but it just felt different because it was a console thing.
Why are Sangheili so fucking sexy?
Halo community is so weird with how it reveres 1 as a holy grail and wholesale ignores all of its critical flaws while viciously shitting on 2 at every opportunity holding it under a microscope of scrutiny.
Because you’re a homosexual furry
Agreed. One thing I can give 2 is that it doesn't reuse levels nearly to the point where 1 did. So many missions where 'GO through this level and then do it again but backwards"
And although it was hated on release, I actually enjoyed seeing how the covenant works and their struggles of keeping the truth locked away.
But I only want to fuck the females
Red vs Blue should've stopped with Halo 3. It was more dramatic but it still had most of the writing from the original blood gulch chronicles. Also remember when Red Vs Blue was actually in the same universe as Halo and not like an alternate reality with the freelancers and shit?
They were a super advanced alien race with a highly spiritual motive, of course not you cuck.
>replace the Assault Rifle with the battle rifle
>nerf the ever-living fuck out of the magnum
>restrict most of the levels to more linear spaces
>have a really bad boss fight
Yea, Halo 3 was better.
When I first "discovered" halo, it was 2003 (?).
My mind was blown because I never had a pc and it was the first time consol shooters felt that good. I thought perfect dark was as comfy as a shooter could ever get, but fuck that twin stick felt awsome.
Over time though, perfect dark is still the best fps ever made.
This guy gets it.
Obsessed. Played CE every goddamn day in my college dorm.
343i managed to finally kill my interest in the series with H5, though.
How large is Sangheili dick?
The game I'm most attached to is 3.
I pumped literal hundreds of hours into custom games back in middle school.
I want to go back.
Are you saying they're Jewish?
Do you think their big musky balls are sensitive to touch?
>even mentioning ut2k4 in the same paragraph as halo
Can a Sangheili impregnate a human?
Do you think they had human harems?
I was unimpressed. It was competent but nothing special and worse than many other pc shooters that did not get nearly the same attention released at the same time.
It's only popular because it was babbys first fps for so many of you goddamned kids. I remember it was the first time I saw chads and tyrones in college playing it.
Most of those things were quirks that made the game what it was, and some are actually straight up positives. Halo 2 is singlehandedly the reason that fps multiplayer (and console multiplayer in general) grew beyond just something a few nerds did.
The charging shields and enemy ai that fought against each other were both really nice plus coop out the box. Easily the best game of 2001. Was pretty mind blowing actually.
If Halo CE had online multiplayer on Xbox, Halo 2 would be gone and forgotten.
I had fun playing 8 way multiplayer on LAN with 2 tvs in my church group
im dumbstruct at this game's history with PC ports the first one hates modern OSes the second one was limited to windows vista ande after that it falls off the PC map
Dumb virgin
I was at a friends birthday party back in elementary school and I asked my parents to buy me an xbox for christmas so I could play Halo at my house
I think anyone who plays Halo is stricken with dumbness
I think that anyone who comes into a thread dealing with a subject they dislike and proceeds to talk shit about it is stricken with dumbness.
I think anyone who posts on Sup Forums is stricken with dumbnes
I think anyone who exists is stricken.
Ye we used to play it on the PCs at school
>why can I only have two guns?
>this car drives like shit
>it's kinda easy with this free shield
>lol, I can kill this giant with one punch
I guess it was okay, 6.5/10
Can a human impregnate a Sangheili?
later, bitterly disappointed
What would a sangheili penis taste like? Is their semen sweet or sour?
just for laughs right?
Obviously. They're the master race
Go to sleep Bungie.
sweet like syrup
Halo 2 had a nice idea but fucking failed on delivering it. 343 halos are also super forgettable
Did any of the Halo mods or fan-made PC-spinoffs get anywhere?
I was used to good FPS's on the PC so when I tried the demo it was just more of the same, and wasted potential of what Halo could/should have been. Slightly dissapointed.
If we are talking about campaigns, they've been steadily getting worse with time.
Halo > H2 > H3 > ODST > Reach
Didn't play 4 or 5. Saw the focus on the silly glowy Forerunner tech enemies in 4 and was put off by it. 5 looked lot more interesting but don't have Xbone.
cant have a halo thread without the 17 year old 3babby trying to convince people 2 isnt great
Halo > Reach > Halo 3 > Halo 2
People shit on 343 but it was clear the series was out of gas when 3 was a disappointment.
1 > 2 > Reach > ODST > 4 > 3 > 5
my stupid little brother enjoyed it. i went back to playing return to castle wolfenstein
Overrated game.
>be 11 and not having English as your first language
>accidentally set the v-stick to inverted in the tutorial
>get used to it and play with inverted v-stick ever since
>nu-millenial contrarians hate Halo 2 now
halo is an overrated game. rtcw is genre defining. what exactly has halo done besides introduce a bunch of shit heads to mediocre game play that now in their older age claim to be actually good?
>thought Halo 5 would be coming to PC
>do a little research because the whole power armor aspect appeals to me so I was somewhat interested in the franchise
>all the armors now look like MadCatz and Alienware teamed up to design them
Well my interest didn't last long.
I was a literal twelve year old that hated it because all my cool gamer internet friends hated it
A year later an RL friend made me try it on co op and I fucking loved it, and I learned not to let the internet tell me what to like.
>RtCW is genre-defining
In what sense? Maybe in the multiplayer spectrum, but as a singleplayer it was rather stale. Halo had rather good AI and pushed the bar up in presentation and atmosphere.
no one cares about the single player. no one talks about the single player of rtcw unless they never played it in its prime. rtcw was about the multiplayer and only the multiplayer
I always love how wet and sweaty the sfm model looks
it make me want to lick them and their 2 toed feet
I know you're an ESL but wtf
If we're talking about campaigns
Halo 3 > Halo CE > Halo 2 > Halo 4 > Halo 5 > Reach
Why is it that degenerate horndogs like you always have to come into these threads and make the beauty that is cross-species relationships and intercourse seem like a weird and superficial ugly thing?
>cross-species relationships and intercourse seem like a weird and superficial ugly thing?
Probably because that's what it is.
>two different sapient beings finding comfort from each other
How is that ugly? M/F cross-species relationships are less homosexual than M/F of same species.