Why can't the west make RPGs?

Why can't the west make RPGs?

They can, no animu jrpg grindan adventure will ever come close to fallout 2, torment and bg2
Now you can fuck off

Divinity Original Sin 2 is GOTY and i'm a huge weebshitter

Bioware, blizzard and bethesda can't make RPGs anymore. There are other companies though. The problem is that in the west, big projects like RPGs tend to be expensive (more than they have to be) and companies like to hire incompetent hacks for some reason.


>They can
Not any more

>i'm a huge weebshitter
Probably explains why you think that trash is good

they all lost sight of what made old rpg’s so great, the simplistic “yes no maybe” shit now kinda ruins it for me and i dont rly care for the mc to be voice acted either

>DOS2 is bad

>DOS2 is good

You shouldn't be proud of enjoying JRPGs.

At least jrpgs have better gameplay

t. Obisdrone trash
Off yourself


nah, only good obsidian game is new vegas

Compare something like morrowind to literally any jrpg in combat

>new vegas

I'm not a weeb, what is the modern equivalent to pic related?

Nothing because weebs have no taste. They all play Neptunia

Kiddynity is fucking trash
console coop garbage

i bet you love it

Because actual tabletop RPGs have too many possibilities for videogames to recreate, even the games here are failures to recreate a true RPG experience. Another problem I feel is the idea that random generation and open world design represent RPGs when in truth most tabletop campaigns are fairly linear dealing with one quest at a time, its more about the freedom to on how to do the quest that RPGs are defined by.

She looks like Evangelyne from Wakfu got beaten up with an ugly stick

At least it's not diablo 3


But they can. Well back in 2010 anyway.

Sera was an okay character and not even the worst of DA:I

Not at all
>Not the worst
Second only to autistic kid

Sera is honestly one of the few characters I'm sure they actually wanted to make as ugly as possible

DOS2 funboys are top of the list of insufferable cunts in my books, leaving behind Dark Souls and Witcher customers.

something something the west can't into imagination

>No WASD movement option
Yeah, it's trash.

On how many rulebooks did you spend your money this month? I have a friend who pays top dollar on this garbage, never even get around to play it with the group and just talks about how good the setting or the rules of another trash that he bought in the same fucking manner MUH FREEDOM CHOICES ADVENTURE HURR DURR

The west are the only ones that make RPGs. JRPGs aren't really RPGs.

Tyranny, New Vegas, Divinity Original Sin 2, Wasteland 2, and Pillars of Eternity are all better than literally every Japanese RPG ever made.

>japs making good rpgs

God I fucking hope Bioware gets killed by PapEA after Anthem inevitably flops harder than OP's mom at the community pool.

If you lie, can't you at least make it a good one?

Name 1 (one) RPG where you can do whatever you want and be whatever you want

Japan fucking can't either, the reason why they're called jRPGs in the first place instead of just being lumped under RPG is because they fucking mistranslated the meaning of the term.

Lazy bait.

The Japanese can't even handle giving you a proper character creation screen in most JRPGs


I cant enjoy jrpgs because you are always playing a child character

the west are too busy making the superior SMAW system to bother with such archaic """technology""" as the RPG.

Baulders Gate
Neverwinter Nights
Multiple fucking Rogue Likes
Spellforce kinda does it but then doesn't.
Skyrim I guess because memes, in that case most elderscrolls games
Witcher I suppose

Western RPG's do more with their time than Weebshit games where as cut and dry as the rule 34 they produce.

Japanese RPGS have nothing in common with the games that inspired them (Ultima, Wizardry) to the point where I wonder why anyone calls them RPGs in the first place.

>using jokes as arguments
kys weeaboo

There are a million good western RPGs. I'm just drawing a blank trying to name any recent ones. Besides Witcher.

What JRPGs allow me to seduce, intimidate, persuade, or bribe NPCs?

Tyranny was cool, same of Spellforce, honestly just ignore huge companies and take a treck along the indie path for a bit, they tend to shit out better games than most triple A

Nope not even touching this thread

So long as there is no equivalent of a DM in videogame RPGs this simply won't ever be, CRPG fags can't seem to wrap their head around this.

>inb4 no one has realized this entire post was a bait

in for a penny in for a pound

Bethesda stopped trying because the mod community will finish their games for them for free.

Octopath is doing the seduce part but only the demo is out.

cry more faggot

jade empire was pretty good

Also - Deus Ex

That's where you're WRONG.

SMT, although it's enemies not NPCs
soon octopath

off yourself

The real question is why the west can't make non-fantasy rpgs

Games you can be gay in?
- dragon age + mass effect
- skyrim
- stardew valley
- fable
- ???

I need more RPG's in my life, suggestions?


Japs don't really go for the whole "player choice" aspect of real RPGs. If the game has a cast of characters, character and item progression and an overworld with item shops it's an RPG to them. Western RPGs are defined by dialogue choices, world reactivity and a branching story affected by the players decisions in addition to loot and talent trees.

Because rpgs are inherently shitty games and only soyboy weebs casuals like that shit

manly chads like games that take real skill and inteligence to be played instead of some grind to win braindead shit

But that is just dogshit when i'm supposed to build a connection to any characters. I've been playing computer RPGs since the original Fallout and it wasn't until VTMB before i felt anything at all for any of the characters, including my own. Voice acting, animations, even cut scenes, are hugely important in conveying a story and atmosphere. The battle at Ostagar in DAO, the final siege of Denerim, Geralt and Triss getting together again in Witcher 2, seeing Ciri dead in that cabin and then the bonding moments that followed, Shepard just being a ruthless piece of shit in general just like Michael Thorton in Alpha Protocol - none of that would have been possible without a AAA budget. Yes of course Minsc was endearing character, and Viconia had a great tsundere arc but it could have been so much more with better technology and budget.

death of western rpgs has been greatly exaggerated because they had a stumbling titan that was bioware falling from grace and everyone suddenly screaming the end was near. in fact western rpgs are definitely seeing a revival in the form of middle budget titles. mainstream was never really interested in "proper" RPGs, whatever that means being up to definition, and for the longest time genre survive by hybridizing.

To be fair the beauty of roleplaying games is you just need the corebook for basic info and ruleset. If you're creative or autistic enough you can literally make up every else on your own.

Sera was both a Tumblr character and a jab at Tumblr at the same time.

>dat feel when if you push her enough she reveals she only does things because it feels good and not because she believes in any higher goal or ideal

sentient AI running rpg campaigns when

Not really. Some people just don't realize roleplaying games and roleplaying VIDEO games are not the same thing. Latter is rooted in former in the case of CRPGs for the most part, but they are not and never will be 1:1. Biggest strength video games have is the ability to automate things that would take you hours to go through at the table like combat rolls, etc.

I liked neeshka

What is it with Obsidian and waifu baiting only to never deliver?