What are the best N64 games?

What are the best N64 games?

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She owns a gaming store.

-Super Mario 64
-Legend Of Zelda: OoT & MM
-Paper Mario
-Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie
-Goldeneye 007
-Perfect Dark
-Conker's Bad Fur Day
-Mario Kart 64
-Super Smash Bros
-Doom 64
-Duke Nukem: Zero Hour
-Resident Evil 2

I want to buy her games.

Superman 64


There;s really only like 10 good n64 games. All the rest are mediocre or just straight up shit

big berry

I want to buy Kelsey's game.

yeah, with ZERO sales



i like the castlevania games but are hit or miss
definitely worth trying if you want to experience something completely different from every single action game since the ps2

add turok, starfox, mischief makers, and f-zero and this is probably the definitive list.

Why are metal jesus videos so comfy

not this


I'd blow in her cartridge if you sniff my drift

>tfw if you breed her your children will be manlets

and pokemon stadium 1 and 2

I'll insert my memory card in her slot 1 if you multi track drift

>tfw you will never troll for booty with your ultra hot female friend as the best alpha/wingman combo in the new age sitcom Kyle and Jenner

Everything said by these guys, and I'd throw in the Mario Party games as well. All three are good, but don't let anyone use your controllers for Mario Party 1 unless you're confident they aren't retarded, because most people will just utterly manhandle and destroy the analog stick during any minigames that involve rotation. Nintendo refuses to rerelease the game on Virtual Console because of that shit, but I think it has my favorite boards and atmosphere of the trilogy, even if 2 and 3 have better minigames.

>that old pervert who thought it would be funny to blow into her ear while she is playing
they should have thrown this creep out

elaborate further

She's a kike

Dude they've fucked. They all have group sex and swing. Idiot

How dare you

Why is she so cute?

Hands down, Conker's Bad Fur Day - that's good enough for everything. Hilarious, fun, has a storyline, great ending, best multiplayer on the whole system. Literally the N64 was worth getting for this sole title, fuck the rest in the ass. Holy shit, most underrrated Nintendo game of all fucking time.

I liked the game, user.
The N64 was a goldmine for 3D Platformers.

Pic related is another excellent game but was very underrated.

Thanks for trying to participate in the thread.
Unfortunately it's actually a 3d waifu thread for virgins, in disguise of something decent, which is why I'm saging it.

I had to ban her from my barcade a few years back because she kept trying to start a fight with one of my waitresses

You mean drunken master paul?

fuck women they can't hold a candle to men.

>being a faggot

What did anons think of this? Man I fucking hated that level you versed Boba Fett on.. was such a massive level but still provided some good times.

banjo tooie

Add Rampage, Waverunner, and Mortal Kombat 4, and you've just recreated my childhood.

Here's 4/4 experiences trying this game:
>love it
>reached ice level and woompas, absolutely hate it
>love it again
>reach train with that laser gatling gun nigger
>fail to beat said level for hours

>you will never smell her feet

She is rich

You'll never slide into her slowly as she gasps while you simultaneously inhale that glorious smell of her feet in your face...

You guys are missing Kirby, Mario Kart and Donkey Kong and Shadows of the Empire.

>three hour 64 man battle royales
>playing with 4 buddies, in real life
>no cell phones/internet to distract us

Goddamn growing up in the 90's was rad. I feel sorry for all you poor kids.

I want a small wife

Most of the racing would be be good if it weren't for rubber banding.

I suppose we all knew that was coming.