*blocks your harmless fun*
*blocks your harmless fun*
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I need an explanation. What am i looking at here
It seems like the retarded gimp is being told not to display a meme dog on his device facing the camera
gdq is a fucking joke, we get it
Why did the people who run gdq become little facsists?
they've acted like power tripping forum mods from the literal beginning, their head tech guy threatened to shiv someone in the neck for suggesting they hire professionals to handle their tech setup instead
I miss old gdq desu
they're as autistic as their audience
I guess he was taking too much attention away from the trannies?
I feel kinda sorry for him
>Retarded Gimp.
Try man with cancer in his brain who came to the event to support it and the only reason he got past it was watching GDQ.
About half of all the money they take in goes to pay the """volunteers""". They also get paid by twitch for streaming rights.
>Prepared 1000 seats
>Only 15 people came to the live event
>Ask all 15 to seat together
>Setup camera to exclusively facing these 15 people
>One of them show meme and is being disruptive
>Cant move camera because these are the only audience
>Has to ask him to stop doing that
He's like that from a car accident senpai.
Yes indeed, having brain cancer is similar to being hit by a car.
>One of them show meme
>and is being disruptive
What is this "meme" dog and why would anyone care that it is on camera?
Top lel.
The trannies are a lot more cringy than that.
Sorry somebody called the vegetable a different kind of vegetable
>you will never 100% protomagicalgirl
feels bad man
He will never 100% his transition.
What other speed running events are there nowadays? I know about NASA but what else is there? I'm not even entirely bothered by the tranny thing, it's the no fun allowed attitude that bothers me.
it causes twitch chat to spam that dog face.
Oh look, a thread where I can post a relevant youtube link!
and nothing of value was lost.
I've seen:
>RPG Limit Break
>1CC Marathon
>Shots Fired Marathon
>Questing for Glory RPG Marathon
>Really Really Longathon
>European Speedrun Assembly
Most of their VODs have less than 100 views on YouTube and I don't know if any of them haven't been ongoing yet
Definitely a much better review of the speedrunning scene than that Afaglo Legend
I've only watched AGDQ but it's become a fucking shitshow. Are there any speedrunning events that are like GDQ before all the bullshit?
ESA is fun allowed and has real girls
Isn't NASA basically the anti-AGDQ event?
When is ESA anyways?
it's actually a neo nazi meetup, the speedrunning is a diversion
>sir, can you put that away? the rules are no signs on stream.
>sir, if you're not going to put that away then we're going to have to ask you to leave.
>fat tard starts blubbering and flailing his arms
>takes three of the biggest security dudes to drag this flailing, screaming retard out of the building, pretty sure he pissed himself along the way as well
4player podcast really let themselves go
>tfw you speedrun your own transition
Why is speedrunning drama so much fucking fun to follow? I actually enjoy speedrunning to some extent.
Racing games with a friend is a lot of fun and watching some good runs can be interesting, but the community, or communities or whatever, are so full of unstable sperglords that will turn the gorilla up to King Kong levels if they fuck up a jump or something.
The whole GDQ shitshow is just icing on the cake. Getting to watch this tirefire slowly burn down has been pretty fucking fun.
second or third week of February i believe
this but unironically. i watch GDQ and even ESA for the drama first and the speedrunning second. yes i am the cancer that ruins speedrunning. no i dont care.
Just post the tranny memes already.
inb4 404
You're in a room with this guy and he just missed cannonless for the 6th time in a row.
There are no footstools nearby to throw and he's hyperventilating and turns his head towards you.
What do you do?
handicapped shits need to know their place
Pogchamp at him xd
>think he's sitting in one of the normal chairs
>suddenly fucking wheels away
yell "DAMN YOU JUST GOT A NEW SUB" and when he looks quickly jump out of the window
They also get a flat bonus from the PCF itself for hosting a fundraiser.
A flat bonus from a foundation that doesn't even conduct research, just sparingly dole out thousand dollar packages to literal whos.
Why do people care about GDQ? Speedrunning is a joke, especially when professionals are cheaters backed up by pedo referees.
Stop watching your let's play concerts and don't support these uptight kissless dweebs.
megabop his top donations and force him to play out his gestures of appreciation
Suck his dick, steal his steroids, and leave humanity behind.
What was the last good GDQ to watch?
>Neo-Nazi with some black guys...
Ignoring the fact that you can't have a discussion on AGDQ Twitch chat no matter what the time is, who gives a shit about people spamming the chat when run is not happening?
Wasn't 2014 or 2015 pretty good all things considered?
This guy is the pristine example of how lifting weights doesn't make you look any better.
Far more than half, but this, and many people defend it or diminish how bad it actually is because their brand is given facetime.
It's speedrunners. It's literally surrounded by autism. What the fuck do you expect?
Can't believe they would kick an obvious retard out of their event for showing a picture of a dog, he was just trying to entertain his peabrain.
>A literal retard knows GDQ is boring as fuck
Did they actually tell him to shut it off?
Seems like hes severely handicapped. I bet he only came to this event to do this silly stuff and he gets shut down.
when that asian guy left and that other faggot started running the show
it angers the sponsors if the chat doesnt talk about donations
>Still wearing make america great again hats
Burn them all
It is pretty ironic that only literally mentally-ill speedrunners still support Trump after all the shit he's pulled.
>hating on our glorious god emperor trump
wow get out you fucking libtard. maybe you should check out Sup Forums to educate yourself, sheep.
>hating BASED magapedes
Kinda want to go to a free speech autismfest dressed in Soviet flags to provide some political diversity though.
Hold him back until he calms down.
It's probably a dog whistle for the alt right or something
Your mother should have swallowed
>all the shit he's pulled
such as?
>t. retarded gimp
You know it's a hard game when this is the current leaderboard for any% deathless
Why do people treat Twitch chat like its supposed to be some sort of forum built for insightful and topical discussion?
Its literally made for fun, shitposting and emotes.
Shit event organized by literal shit people
It's newcomers(mostly women) who haven't been around, who don't understand the Twitch culture and feel intimidated by and excluded from it. So they do what they always do and demand they change to suit them, rather than try to fit in.
What hasn't he pulled would be more appropriate. Such as xenophobia, racism, collusion, religious hatred, bigotry, narcissism, low-IQ, spouting hateful rhetoric, posting non-stop on Twitter rather than fixing your damn country, wasting taxpayer money and generally making an embarrassment of the whole country on a world stage. The list goes on and on, but I think I would reach the post limit taking solely about all the grand, idiocy Trump has performed within his time as "president".
Imagine treating politics like a subculture.
I'll agree that most Trump voters and ''alt-righters'' are massive cringe factories, but you can't deny that Trump pretty much achieved what he set out to do; Fixing the shit economy and keeping jobs from leaving the country.
It's pretty standard protectionism. Though, I don't know what he was thinking with the whole dropping bombs in shithole middeleastern countries.
It's heavily sponsored which means no fun allowed because someone's feelings might get hurt.
wasn't that like 3 years ago now?
Don’t forget: current pro strats are to get so triggered by chat emotes that the hosting website nukes the emote entirely and the stream sets chat to subscriber only.
im probably just overly compassionate but this made me really angry
It's more of a war on politcal correctness. Most of Sup Forums isn't actually racist, they just like saying nigger a lot. I have a few black friends that aren't bad people at all, very respectful in fact.
Personally I don't care about the Twitch chat even though making it sub mode only is Jewish as fuck but the Runners being constantly afraid of breaking rules and not being allowed to have much fun with their commentaries is sad
>war on political correctness
Calm down. It's just people who want to shitpost a bit in Twitch chat during speedruns. Fucking hell.
I am educated with a masters in science you fuckin dipwad. You are the one who should be educated you scum NEET.
All of that was done by AGDQ staff not twitch
wrong, he looks better than he would if he was obese or a skelly.
I'm not overly compassionate and it angered me as well.
malcolm x was a double nigger
That's just librul speak for COMMUNISM!
More like something Trump and his supporters cant understand because they are literal bible thumping retards.
GDQ was extremely shit. Anybody else excited for this new thing coming out? It seems like it's basically gonna be old GDQ with games that are actually fun to watch.