>the state of nintendo
>The state of so(n)yponies
a large portion of plastic products are plant based how is this new
How much soy did you drink while faking this article?
Its not new, funny because the article mentions ‘soy’. It’s a hilarious meme
>Nintendo players have girlfriends while soy posters will die alone
Really makes you think
I demand you delete this picture of me and my gf immediately!
>Man sized hands
more like an MtF tranny
Dating a whale doesn't count as having a girlfriend user.
which hand is the girlfriend's hand? they are both profoundly feminine.
fucking hell the memes are literally 100% true
>the girl have bigger hands than user
MY mother has huge fucking man hands, but that’s because she’s fat.
trannies are such a small level of the population he probably is just dating a lard ass
>Anime poster who doesn't realise he is the epitome of soydrinking
Fake news.
dude soy LMAO
I refuse to believe any of you annoying faggots have even finished your junior year of high school.
That's where you're wrong, retard
nice f12 skills fag
t. soyboy
Okay, now why don't you post the link to this alleged article?
looks like a man
Post the link faggot.
>tfw you live in a society built for girls and soyboys and your social phobias make it next to impossible for you to be compatible with the world
It's not fair. I didn't ask for this...
Can't link an article that doesn't exist.
I know. :^)
Unlike you, twinky.
>soy based plastics
These do not exist, you can't make things out of soy, it's like saying you can make things out of cheese
I love how sonyogres claim it's all "just merely banter" yet here they are intentionally trying to spread falsification, along with many other instances where they've done the same thing.
>here they are intentionally trying to spread falsification
You mean with an obviously photoshopped pic and referring to it as a fake article in the first few posts afterwards? Wow yeah totally trying to spread lies, obviously not joking or anything
Why can't ninten-year-olds handle jokes?
>its just bantz bro!
without fail
Everybody dies alone
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>proving his point
>complaining about social phobia
>calling others soyboys
Ha, no.
would nakadashi
That's a dude, dude
>soy to fight defect
I remember soy being a /fit/ broscience thing for fucking ages but it was never this fucking widespread.
what the fug happened
Fuck these posters talking shit about your ugly gf. I'd still fuck her/him
Kids like spicy new words and insults.
Is anyone else seeing a young female version of Louis C.K?
yea but it's not new that's the point, it's ancient as fuck
Cuckold wasn't new either but people ran with that the moment they realized it was an easy go-to insult.
>Switch wins
>Sonyyggers procede to REEEEE about soy for months
Yes, the realization that it was easy to go for as an insult, even so far as shortening it to cuck.
Nothing is new about soy, nothing at all.
It's like someone decided to resurrect cockmongler and then suddenly he spread fucking everywhere
NOBODY gives a shit, nintendie
So in other words, selective attention, right?
>when you were the beta all along
Hello Sup Forums.
Well this guy clearly gives a shit And you gave enough of a shit to respond.
Lol, dumbass.
does the soy seep into your skin from the plastic?
Soytendo switch sony wins again
What the fuck am I looking at, the original is just fine.
Even if female why would you date someone who openly wears pokemon merch?
Why are his bottom teeth attached to his top teeth instead of his lower gums?
Why are you faggots so obsessed with soy? Is this what this board has become now, just a joke of its past self? I'm starting to miss those two days when it wasn't possible to post image replies.
Buzzfied ""men"" made an experiment to determine who is the manliest among them. All of the participants had testosterone level lower than 12 y/o boy. 3 times lower than minimum for a men their age. Then fit came and said that it's soy that made them that way