Vidya characters you look like

Vidya characters you look like

Sure you do.

post your selfie or fuck off

Literally me


Pretty much pixel for pixel


Me irl

Fucking try me



that's discord btw if you're that curious

Relax man, we already know you're ugly

Nah I'm serious man. Add me and I'll prove it

post cock faggot


Me on the right

average Sup Forumstard


Get a haircut homo

He's actually serious.



Oh shit, he's serious

Do people constantly want to punch you in the face?

The first ending I got fit me really well.
Katherine Bad



probably the closest one to me



Someone post his pic

Be my wife



it me



Damn straight I look the part

Are you the one making all these 9S threads?

good looking people don't frequent Sup Forums



It's okay, i bet you have a good heart just like Papa Nier.

I come here every day and I'm really cute.

Seconded. I love surprising people with my resemblance to 9S so sometimes I share.

If anyone looks like Ryuji in this picture please PLEASE PLEASE reply to me.

I'm seriously in love with Ryuji, i want to smell Ryuji, i want to lick Ryuji i want to buttfuck Ryuji.
Gods Ryuji is so hot, i love his voice and his jokes i just want to fuck Ryuji. I wonder what he smells likes, i want to masturbate to Ryuji's scent.

You really do look like 9S!

Only honest answer here.

RIP Lemmy


what's cute is how you faggots roleplay
here's an honest one of me

You're pretty good in BCS.

I know you don't survive this season. Prove you're Nacho, tell me how you die.

you tell me

Probably some faggot from /soc/: videogame character

but this whole thread tho

is that you op

this faggot doesnt look like 9S at all though

haha nope
i get it though



That picture isn't me though some people are backing me up
If you guys are curious I left my discord up there. random#3473
None of these pictures in the thread are mine though


okay dude im curious i'll add you

don't fall for it user

Couple days in a row of you shilling yourself pretty hard? What's the dealio? You looking for a boyfriend to take your femdroid BP? Cause I'll gladly do it if you'll cosplay "naked-except-for-an-apron" 9S for me.

I can't find one.
Is there a male vidya character that has long brown hair and wears sweatpants all the time?

Okay he showed me a pic but it had like a blindfold MSpainted over it so i couldnt see above the nose tip

I'll vouch that if he dyed his hair white and never took the blindfold off then he could pull it off pretty good

>sees picture of some dude's mouth

just post it

Post it so he stops making these threads

Okay he showed eyes, he'd do a good 9S for sure

If you wanna see pics he'll deliver

Just add him and get them dudes

you're a girl, r-right?

Stop shilling yourself OP

That aint me homie

just POST IT




you are impossible

Probably Cezary.

>Tfw cute but no cute bf

Geez it's gettin late guys i didnt mean for it to be this big
if you're honestly this curious just add me, but if i dont respond i'm probably asleep but i'll add the rest of you tomorrow, i wont ignore anyone i promise

nobody wants to add you. we just want the pic so we can laugh at you

I'm too shy and scared to add you what if you show me something scary
just post the picture here


Not a good way to get pics mate, ive talked with him and he might just ghost as he didnt think it would be that big a deal to you guys

Dont worry about it man it's cool. I don't do that kinda stuff.
Chat, man! I don't mind.

What a fucking travesty that would be

it is in fact not a travesty at all, neither party has anything to lose

Best I could do was a mobile game
>inb4 triggered by hairstyle

My nickname is Leo at my locals since everyone says i look like her/him

be my bf(male/female)

My nickname is Duncan at my locals since everyone says i look like her/him

with a bit longer hair and blue eyes


This guy does have quite the resemblance to 9s.

Op is pretty cute to be honest

No pictures have materialized