The absolute state of Sup Forums

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

great video game related thread

lol soy

>expecting vidya here

>Op is a soyboy

t. soy goy

kekus maximus

Sup reddit

wow you're able to take the first image off of GIS

Fuck off back to /x/ you dumb ayyposter

Whats the problem with the soy?

The children have decided it's a new term for "thing I don't like"

someone found out that if you intake an obscene amount of soy products it has the same effect as the medication people take to go from male to female
and I mean a lot of it


Fuck off, this is not video game related at all.

Nu-fags this is your mindset.

Sup Forums was always shit

It's almost like eating too much of something can be bad for you. Sup Forums is really onto something...

What are the power levels, best to worst?
My guess is


Uh yeah it is. The developers are all taking soy, the journalists are taking soy and all the SJW tumblreddits are on it too. Soy has infected video games and it's about time we talk about it without the cuckboy neogaf jannies censoring it.

Never heard of that one. What does it mean?

Yes i heard that soy contains estrogen, but i also heard that this estrogen is mostly neutralized by other anti-estrogen components. I already knew that fact i just wanted to bait someone

We need a new one with all the underaged plebbit invasion lately again

What's you problem with bugmen?

>goy toys

Um, no sweetie. This is a thread about soy, not video games.

eating too much of anything can be bad for you

Popularized by Fash the Nation, it was a proto-soy boy but was applied more to “cuckseratives” that weren’t racist enough and liked free markets.

>Sup Forums has effectively made an entire board of people afraid of eating soy products because of memes

So..... THIS.... is the power of shitposting.... whoaa.........................

calling all (You)s

Pic related looks so appetizing right now. Forgive me Sup Forums for I can't resist

The first spike is not gamergate retards, it's the fappening.

Based clueless retard

Resist the urge, my child. You must not give into temptation.

You really think Gamergate doubled our traffic? Are you stupid? The fappening was a national happening, every single person heard about it and everyone who looked it up saw they could see their favorite celebrities naked on this website. Try asking a random person on the street what gamergate was and see the response you get.

i just want to go back to ~2007-2012 Sup Forums... i hate how it is here now.

How do you even breath?

Recent spike is neogaf subhumans

>apply for janitor everytime apps open
>never get accepted
>right now is my peak time (6pm ausfag time)
>threads like this, or pictures of huge dicks, or Sup Forums shit stay for hours at a time
>meanwhile I get a 24 hour ban from all boards with no warning for posting a single whirr image
nice one mods

you deserved it mate
just report the filth like I do and move on

>Getting banned for posting literal console war anal vore on a blue board where console war is against the rules

you sound like a cuck who would take his "job" for which he doesnt get paid too seriously

Who /bugman/ here?

Anyone have that oldfag chart still? The one that calls post 2012fags as cancer?

Nice false flagging, spurdo.

They happened literally at the same time

Sup Forums was always shit in general but it never was that bad before. There has been a huge wave of angry sexually frustrated retards since gamegate.

It's like we made fun of neckbeards so much they're reteliating by being even more retarded or something.