Playstation Vita Emulation
Cool can I play Persona 4 Dancing on it?
>No commercial games are playable.
Call me in 10 years
Barely, it's only a bit more advanced than switch emulation right now.
no need pal persona 4 dancing all night is getting ported to ps4
The fact that it exists at all is still exciting news
Seriously though, why has it taken this long?
Supposedly people were afraid of Vita piracy like what happened with the PSP
Nobody gives a shit about the Vita, the only game worth the time is P4G. Nobody's going to make an emulator for one game.
Oh neat
because the vita has fuck all games worth playing
I can think of a few games that were Jap only on the PSP that came out in english on the Vita. That's just me saying. I'd welcome a Vita emulator wholeheartedly.
i feel like if you're interested in jap games you'd probably already own a vita
But it only comes with the collector's edition of the P3 + P5 dancing games
What's even the fucking point. I use my vita just because it's a glorified modded PSP with a second analog and a few cool ports. Take the portability out of equation and I couldn't be fucked to care about the system.
pstv is like $40 and can be hacked in 5 minutes. why would anyone wait for emulation?
Playing games in actual HD
Okay but will this work past 3.60?
Might as well say we can emulate air.
>still have to buy the overpriced memory cards
No thank you.
You can use usbs if you've hacked your PSTV right.
>have to
correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think a single game is over the size of 4gb which is packed in with the pstv
user, keep up
oh what the fuck
>still living in 2016
even the internal 4gb can be replaced with a usb. anons on /hbg/ have literal 2TB drives connected to their pstv. a bit of overkill until we get 3.6 games, but still nice to have.
I don't agree, it's because most of the big RPGs for Vita also came out for steam, usually in HD and 60 fps.
So an emulator is sorta meaningless.
like i said the vita has fuck all games worth playing
the only games i'd recommend are p4g and soul sacrifice
There's still
>Freedom Wars
>Dungeon Travelers 2
>Demon Gaze
>Soul Sacrifice Delta
>Persona 4 Golden (enhanced port)
>Muramasa: The Demon Blade Rebirth (enhanced port)
Keep up with the development, grandpa.
They'll probably offer it separately, eventually. The real question is if the port is being localized to begin with.
3.61+ games?
I don't know about the pstv but the vita has a limited amount of tabs for your skittles i don't think you can fill that 2TB up all the way even after 3.6
Its a rhythm game, it doesn't matter if it's getting localized or not
b-b-but the story
>Phantasy Star Nova
>Tales of Hearts R
>Tales of Innocence R
Persona 4 Dancing All Night has a story, which 3 moon and 5 star ironically don't have.
What the fuck I just bought mine like two days ago!
what took you so long dongus?
I wonder how compelling the story for a rhythm game can be, even if it is persona.
Is there any "important" game that isn't compatible with pstv besides uncharted and wipeout?
what happened to the PSP?
Why would you want to play that?
pretty sure taiko no tatsujin isn't compatible with pstv either
>almost every Vita game that gets a PC port is shit and hated even by Vita owners
>"you don't need a Vita, the games are on Steam anyway!"
>Nobody's going to make an emulator for one game.
N64 emulation started solely because people really wanted to play SM64 and OoT. That's part of why the emulator is such a fucking mess, it focused solely on getting those two games to run nicely instead of having a better core, so when devs started doing weird hardware tricks (Rare especially) everything went to shit and they have to use a million plug-ins to get them to not sperg out.
Because I wasn't gonna pay 300 bucks so I can play digimon and persona
digimon story cyber sleuth is on the ps4 and the only persona exclusive to vita is golden which is just an enhanced port
Man I really want to play Persona 4 Golden but even though the PS TV is really cheap since I live in Costa Rica the shipping would probably cost more than the PS TV, and I haven't found a place that sells them in the shithole I live in.
have you checked ebay recently?
>user doesn't want to pay 300 hundred bucks to play like 4 games
>Why doesn't he waste 350 bucks to play like 4 games?
user, I...
>300 hundred
Kek, I need coffee.
>wants to play jap games
>doesn't own a console
user, i....
I do now and I only paid 120 bucks for it plus the 16gb card that usually costs 50.
i said console ding dong not handheld
Handhelds are the only consoles worth having. Home consoles are for suckers.
Me on the right.
that's right you are a flip flopper
You on the left.
an honourable loyal dog being mistreated by you?
>rpcs3 had vita support at the start
>dropped it because they wanted to get ps3 done first
>can add it in any time
Me on the left, fuck you asshole.
Can't wait to finally be able to record Tales of Hearts R for Youtube.
You're a dumb doggo being a dumb
Shut your fucking mouth, Im the one who makes the rules here.
Shut up bitch cuck
shut it cuck bitch
>tfw own a vita and get to play its games, all of them because I'm nota piratefag that can only play games made before the 3.60 update
Enjoy emulating its full library in ten years
the only vita games worth playing to begin with is persona 4 golden, gravity rush, soul sacrifice delta, danganronpa, and project diva. you dont need current updates and firmware to play those
It's worth even less than the story in P4 Arena
Why should I get excited for this? Vita has no gaems.
as a via owner this pleases me greatly
finally I can play in HD
I can't really think about a single game I would want to play on that thing.
Gravity Rush got remastered, Project Diva is on PS4, and Dangit Ronpa! is on PC. There's little incentive to emulate Vita, to be honest.
>i dont own a vita and i must shitpost
soon in 1080p 30fps
but you can't pirate the remaster
Sweet now i can play such exciting titles as Anime Girl - Big Sword on Back Massacre and Romance Of Lonely Long Haired Male - The Game.
>what is sd2vita
my man, been addicted to handhelds for long time
It was a successful platform. No one wants that for the vita, especially not Sony.
>Japanese games
>On home consoles
What a joke. They only care about the domestic market, which only cares about handhelds.
What would you even emulate on this shit console? Fucking nothing. Some indie shit, maybe.
More interested in the Switch emulator, that actually has games I might care about.
how soylent of you
Great, a system with literally no games gets emulation. What a joyous occasion.
>official website
>Hello World
CEMU advanced so much pretty much purely because of BOTW
>open web browser
>was not connected to wifi because of changing the password ages ago
>next morning wake up
>look at vita
>it downloaded system update and was ready to update
That scared me. Will it autoupdate at some point?
>only game you can emulate is Quake
I don't care. 3.61 fucking when?
turn off autoupdates in the settings.
Alright, I could only find a button for auto-start settings to not download system software. Is there anywhere else I should look or did you mean that button.