Daily reminder that vidya is for fun and not to escape your real life problems
Daily reminder that vidya is for fun and not to escape your real life problems
I play them for fun.
It's about being a well balanced individual.
However, i don't play that many multipalyer games anymore.
Just Titanfall 2.
I still play a lot of single player action games and open world games, though.
Nah, I'll keep using it for both.
define "fun"
Escapism is fine. You'll be able to live in a video game world sometime before you die of old age anyway.
>don't have enough free time anymore to drown my sorrows in vidya
Being an adult sucks.
>Good waifus
>Especially Mugi
Shit taste fampai
t. Soyboy
Video games are for challenge.
Is this really how normalfags and wannabe-normalfags view the world?
Problems, stress and pain are minor things for me. They still exist from time to time but they're not a big deal. Do the normalfags (and failed normalfags) just not know how to unfuck themselves and gitgud at IRLing?
But challenge is fun.
Admittedly Mugi is the most likely of the five to take bbc
>Tfw a girl will never look this comfy while hugging you
really it's just because half of them either never grew up with real problems or managed to play life on Easy mode for a good portion of their lives. Then after high school it's usually downhill for them. That's why there's the meme about how high school is the best time of your life and shit like that
moralfagmode on
Anytime I see that someone uses video games as a form of escapism I allow it. Same thing with movies/comics/etc because as long as they're not using drugs or alcohol they can do whatever they want.
Doing drugs to escape from life is a form of degeneracy no one should engage in
moralfagmode off
>normalfags are depressed
Ha, fuck those normalfags.
hahahahah how do problems even exist
nigga just fix ya problems
nigga just close ya eyes lol
I don't think I've mentally progressed since middle school, no matter how much I try to accept this shit I always return to acting like a spoiled brat.
Daily reminder that we have at least 10 mah social insecurity threads every day, that you people are worst off topic spammers than Sup Forumstards, that no other hobby board has so many threads like this every day. At least yesterday mod deleted some of those, hope they also ban you.
"fun" is escapiing real life problems
These kinds of threads happen over the course of the whole day
a week maybe
which means you autistically obsess over every thread that gets made instead of just ignoring it
get help
>nigga just fix ya problems
Why don't people do this?
50% of your problems are "I have a {negative feel}" and those go away if you practice not having them.
The other 50% are physical problems but there's usually a solution so long as you work towards it, so do it.
>These kinds of threads happen over the course of the whole day a week maybe
That's why only yesterday mod deleted 3 of them, and those where only a small part. You are completely blind, or completely deluded, or you have no idea of what I'm talking about. In any case your damage control is hilarious.
>which means you autistically obsess over every thread that gets made instead of just ignoring it
Bitching about you people spamming at least 10 off topic every single day is hardly getting obsessed over "every thread". Again, you are already infinitely worse than Sup Forumstards quantity wise. Maybe you missed it, but this board isn't a bitchy version of /adv/.