Path of Exile

I finally got my hideout full of crafting gear and leveled up, but I don't know which items are in demand.

What items should I craft?

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Unless you've already got absolute shitloads of money crafting will not make you any profit. The only things in demand this late in the league are completely broken gg things and the odds of hitting those are real low.

The best use for your masters is to craft gear for the builds you actually want to play and putting mods on already good gear so it shows up on more searches.

I'm in Standard League. Just learning the ropes.

Hypothetically speaking, if a new league had started a week ago and you had the means to craft gear, what normal items would you focus on crafting?

I figured you were in abyss. Standard's markets are very different to the temp league ones and I won't even pretend to know anything about them.

It really depends what builds are overrepresented. This league the new hotness was shaper/elder sceptres for ek/gc and rf helms. A couple leagues ago it was summoner bows. If you go way back it's been Vagan daggers and es chests etc.

Usually you don't really craft from scratch unless you're trying to make something you can't buy or if you're after stuff you can only really get from crafting. You're mostly just looking at drops that have the potential to be good and turning them into things that are actually good.

That's a cool story and all, but I still don't know which normal items to upgrade with my essences.

But at least everyone knows that you're a badass hardcore PoE player.

GL, crafting is one thing I avoid. Besides the casual ones here and there

You sell your essences until you have something you WANT to craft jackass. You dont just consume all the consumables if you dont need them.


chaos spam high ilvl steel rings