What are the worst country in games per region
What are the worst country in games per region
Russia is 77% Asia and 23% Europe you dumb frogfucker
Stupid fucking retard. Why are you alive?
I hate Brazilians so fucking much. I think they hate us too because that seems like the only logical explanation for why they keep shitting up our games.
lol fuck off you dumb cunt
BRs are so fucking bad. If a game made servers thay cost $50 a month it would be worth it to keep dirt people out of the server. Fuck the wall between us and mexico we need a firewall around brazil.
Walls are never enough with these people
I guess iran is part of asia but it isn't really an asian country. Well point is that iranians are the worst
>expecting an average American to know anything
But who is the best in oceania then?
>tfw BR
>tfw everyone around me is literally le ironic weebs and shitty memes
I don't even play online anymore. Fucking country of normies.
At least your women have nice asses, cheer up m8.
In territory, in population it's the other way around.
The Bunda is the source of all our problems.
>tfw RU
тyпыe выблядки
>including Oceania
literally why?
get the fuck out of here irrelevant Aussie/Kiwi, nobody even cares that your country exists
I think australia should be considered worst country in world.
Yeah just ignore Sheep fuckers and Malaysians you amerimutt
see Nobody gives a shit about your country.
We get it. You get a warm fuzzy feeling whenever you see a big strong American or European remember that Australia exists.
Have you ever played any non-f2p game you fucking poorfag? French are worst. At least cykas are never giving up. Yes they are angry and don't speak English but i've never seen players from any country that were worse than FUCKING FROGS.
preposterous, even if you're literally only concerned with video games, russia is worse in every way.
and 100% shithole
>every fucking time
Why are french are worst at everything?
Generally the percentage of garbage players is pretty much even for each nation, so only the population and actual gamers matters, so
also Turkey
and Romania
and Poland
and Finland
fuck it they're all cunts regardless of the country
easily the most obnoxious and toxic players
>no idea
Indonesia maybe
>no idea
maybe South Korea
fuck regions
russians, brs, and chinks should NOT be allowed to play multiplayer games at all, preferably any brown people from a 3rd world country who speak a language in the vein of spanish in general
It's not 2004 anymore you lying ниггep, kids this days have smartphones and shit, they know english(to some degree)
Moscow soyboys only.
to a "I been nu eta tipa to dacha this summer and helped batya dig kak ego tam kartoshka" degree.
I've been laughed at in my school for being a good boy and having good grades in english class.
meant for
Can't imagine being an introvert in a country known worldwide for its beaches, carnivals and povertyball. Fucking hell.
Tie between Russia/France
Australia is not that bad, they can't even play outside of that shit
Non-ironic statement, all of them are bad. Except Japan I guess.
>mfw HK/thai/pinoy/indog country tag
>get matched with russian
>50/50% chance that he'll either sit quietly and carry the whole thing or fuck up the entire thing and scream things in russian in his shitty 500 rubles microphone
>except japan
Fucking weeb, they are not as bad as China or Philipines but they are still a bunch of cancerous shitposters who can't keep their shit in niconico or 2ch if you ever catch them out of those places
Yet every new vidya or movie release on torrents is still full of "pyceк бyдит?". So it's still 2004 I guess.
That said
>my very existence drives fortunate sons mad
Feels good.
>gooks lift region lock
>ping pong players flood every online community
>people now learn the firsthand the ramen level of communicating in english
>everyone remembers cyka blyat as good times
They are toxic but i don't think they are the worst players, i mean half of the server is from here, of course you will find a lot of bad players. But Peru are much worse, i never found a single peruvian who plays the game smart.
>pycик бyдeт
English is such an easy language, why can't those lazy fucks git gud at it?
You seriously haven't seen most of these shithole countries, or maybe haven't wasted one year in that region
Honestly I could actually describe how awful they are
Doesn't know how to play, zombies perhaps
Equivalent of BRs
Ego, except 2 times worse than HK, at least if you treat them as a higher being they can """""play""""" normally.
Same as indog, but how the fuck, they can join America servers?
You know them better.
I put Japan in exception because its generally quiet in their servers unlike the most shit I've experienced
Does India have any gaming presence apart from outsourcing monkey coders? Or is the whole country busy installing home toilets?
What an ignorant attitude мoй dude, again, it's not fucking 00's era anymore, preety mutch every regional center have enough life quality for people not to be uneducated subhumans(i think)
>I've been laughed at in my school for being a good boy
I bet you will be laughed at for being law abiding citizen by AУE-fags too. Kids gonna play cool and shiet, I don't think it is about seriosly rejecting english
This is being posted by 30 years old бaтя, who is never have reason, conditions and motivation to learn english. I small percent of gaming population, so to say.
You seem to have seen your fair deal of shitposting huh. I have never had to deal with Indonesian or Singaporese people online, or at least I didn't notice.
I hate playing in Europe because everyone has shit English.
Brazil isn't known anywhere outside of games making fun of BRs and places that especially make it a name.
Actually it's 100% slav
You only see Indogs in f2p games or MMOs for obvious reason.
I spent most of my time in SG servers due to low pings, but due to their comically low numbers, you have better chance winning a lottery than meeting them.
I know they are a bunch of shitposting retards but I find it weird nobody would even hear of their worstball players or something. But I suppose they are pretty normalfag interests and somebody stuck in this hellhole and playing vidya all day would never notice.
Europe in general is a shitehole, all parts of it.
Europe: French
America: Chileans
Oceania: Aussies
Asia: Pinoys
Looks like you're the retard, Europoor. The mongoloid Asiatic fucks out in East Russia probably don't even have internet.
>anime pic
>Except Japan I guess
Sorry, weeb, your opinion is irrelevant.
You would be surprised. They have electricity in their igloos now.