Can I just into this game directly...

Can I just into this game directly? I never played the previous ones but from my understanding VII is the best one and it recycles a ton of stuff from the previous entries.

You're better off not touching this dogshit series
Masturbate to porn if all you want is anime tits, the games are boring piss-easy grind fests.

Sure, but you will miss a few references to previous games and not appreciate best girls since they aren't too relevant in VII.

yes, there's minor references and I'd recommend just watching the rebirth 3 true end on youtube to know the one plot related connection to everything that happens in this game. Character interactions are set in stone so you shouldn't expect too much character development as that's already happened. There's still some but not as much as if it were the first game. This is also the first game to not recycle a ton of stuff from the previous entries and has a large amount of new content. enjoy

how many of these kusoge shit games have they made already holy shit
just consider the massive body of work that exists in the neptunia universe canon and nobody ever talks about any of it, instead they make threads posting which nep they want to fuck instead.

>kusoge shit games
>literally "shit game shit games"
Learn your buzzwords at least.

Also the canon so far is 4 games(HDN, mk2, V and VII), and there isn't much left to discuss about it since they are pretty old.
>nep plot.jpg
I wish. Compa and Nep-Nep were adorable together in RB1

Neptunia has become this weird meme on Sup Forums where people who've never played them incessantly complain about and misrepresent them, and also use them as the-go-to example of wannabe Japanese games even though they actually are Japanese.

the english localization bears almost no resemblance to the japanese version, by every measure, it is literally a wannabe japanese game written by weebs who steal memes from /nepgen/ and the subreddits.

That sounds every popular game on Sup Forums, honestly.
See: Xenoblade 2

Neptunia is a Japanese game. By definition, it cannot be wannabe Japanese. The localization is irrelevant.

Don't bother, none of them are good games.

You should at least play V/Rebirth 3 first.

"your point is invalid because i said so"

It's a Japanese game. It's not wannabe Japanese. This is not complicated.

except this guy's point was totally valid
I got about halfway through the second game and gave up for those reasons
The localization IS the game, as far as anyone in the West is concerned. We literally can't play them without it.

It's a Japanese game. By definition, it is not wannabe Japanese.

You could learn Japanese.
Also yeah mk2/RB2 localization is especially bad, RB3 as well, but VII fixes it

you're not making a good argument for why I should play this series
even the 2 neptunia series guides floating around outright tell me not to bother

It's not my job to persuade you into playing anything.
If you want to form your own opinion instead of just shitposting, the obvious choice is pirating it - playing it as much you want and uninstall it when you are done.

V/3's probably the best in the series writing wise, VII is a bit too up its own ass with being serious although the gameplay is noticeably more refined in VII. Re;birth 1 is worth playing if you like the series and want more, although everything it does, 3/V does better. 2 is pretty trash and melodramatic story wise (to a much greater extent than 2), bosses are pretty good early and late game, but is otherwise entirely skippable.

You can start on VII, but the series is heavily self referential and its probably best to play V/3 first, which pretty much pretends 2 didn't happen and re-introduces running villains in a way that playing 1 isn't entirely necessary beyond wanting more nep.

>Re;birth 1 is worth playing

Not that user but RB1 writing is also very nice, localization is also decent.
Plus does a good job at introducing every character except CPU candidates, that are better developed in the next games.

You neglect to mention that the gameplay is absolute garbage and the asset reuse is criminal. And the writing is only nice if you like cookie cutter anime archetypes because that's all the characters are.

>if it's possible to assign a character an archetype, then the character is equivalent to all other characters in existence under that archetype
This is a great meme. Very nice.

That's entirely accurate when the characters have zero personality or development outside of their cookie cutter archetypes.
I like that you didn't challenge the gameplay being shit.

You went in expecting a game about personified cute girl consoles was going to have a deep plot and characters?

Asset reuse is not that much of an issue if you haven't played a Nep game before.

Gameplay is pretty standard turn-based RPG, if you like them you are going to like Nep.

You are the one forcing them into archetypes and refusing to treat them as characters.

>I like that you didn't challenge the gameplay being shit.
What does the gameplay have to do with the characterization? It's not even shit anyway.

So R2 is skippable right? Just done playing R1 and I just didn't like nepgear as main protagonist

>You went in expecting a game about personified cute girl consoles was going to have a deep plot and characters?
Being well written doesn't mean it has to be deep. Just because it focuses on slice of life doesn't give it a free pass for the characters being incredibly shallow and reusing the same few gags endlessly. You're pretty much arguing that all SoLs are of the same quality if your only defence is that I hate it for not being deep.
>Asset reuse is not that much of an issue if you haven't played a Nep game before.
Bull fucking shit, Rebirth 1 was my first game (aside from 3 or so hours of the original HDN) and the endlessly reused dungeons and enemies were already making me want to drop it a third of the way through, and it only got worse from there.
>Gameplay is pretty standard turn-based RPG, if you like them you are going to like Nep.
No, the gameplay is entirely sub-par, and the shitty combat is only one part of the bad gameplay.

While I don't usually suggesting any game in any aeries, yes.
R2 is only remembered because Conquest Ending.

Why should the characters have 3deep5me characterization just so you can tick off a box on your writing 101 checklist?

>Point out that there is more to quality of writing than it being deep

>Being well written doesn't mean it has to be deep. Just because it focuses on slice of life doesn't give it a free pass for the characters being incredibly shallow and reusing the same few gags endlessly. You're pretty much arguing that all SoLs are of the same quality if your only defence is that I hate it for not being deep.
user, it's a parody game about cute console girls that got more popular than other CH/IF games suddenly, what you expect them to come out with?

>Bull fucking shit, Rebirth 1 was my first game (aside from 3 or so hours of the original HDN) and the endlessly reused dungeons and enemies were already making me want to drop it a third of the way through, and it only got worse from there.
That's entirely your issue.

>No, the gameplay is entirely sub-par, and the shitty combat is only one part of the bad gameplay.
What else then?

You said they're "incredibly shallow."

I download all the memes, so I know which expressions to study, behold!

>user, it's a parody game about cute console girls that got more popular than other CH/IF games suddenly, what you expect them to come out with?
Characters that are actually entertaining and don't just repeat the same gags for the entire game. I said that already.
>That's entirely your issue.
No, it's the issue of anyone who plays it that isn't a complete fanboy.
>What else then?
The field exploration (which is tied to the asset reuse), the plan system, the world map and towns (or lack thereof), and the quest system. Everything about RB1's gameplay is bad.

Yes, and that's correct. Your only two options aren't Neptunia and Lain. Any good slice of life cast has at least some characterisation beyond "this one is a tsundere, this one is stupid, this one is genki", and so on. Neptunia does not, and since the characters are so shallow and have so little to work with they then repeat the same gags forever (Neptune hates Eggplants and someone threatens to make her eat one, Noire has no friends, Blanc is a bitch, Vert is a hardcore gamer).
Saying that Neptunia characters don't need to be "deep" isn't wrong, because the problem is that they barely scratch the surface in the first place.

Conquest is good, but not worth the 20 hours it took to rush to it. Nepgear was so shit in R2, that how terrible she was as a protagonist is an in-game joke and they rewrote her character for V and VII to have a more tech otaku angle and she's now one of the better characters. The CFW's were pretty likable, but they can't carry the game on their own while Uni and Nepgear both have multiple 10 minutes rants about self doubt before curbstomping them.

Every new character in 2 used in 3 is re-introduced so you're not missing out on anything by skipping it.

>Neptunia does not
Sure it does. You are just forcing them into archetypes because you are unable or unwilling to treat them as characters. This is nobody's fault but your own.

No, it's the fault of the writers for making incredibly shallow characters that do not at any point break beyond their incredibly basic archetypes. I don't know how you think saying "no you just think they're shallow" is a sufficient counter-argument.

The writers are not at fault for your psychological problems.

I played the remake of the first game on steam, it was fun for what it was but I can't see myself doing that for 6 more games. Does the formula ever change or are there any new gameplay features? From what I saw of the sequels it was basically identical, just with different characters and environments.

For the love of god, dont bother with Victory/RB3.

Iris Heart is hot at first, but quickly becomes one of the worst running gags in the fucking game and doesnt help that everyone in the game are suddenly so bitchy for no reason, especially Noire.

R;B3 makes a number of changes to the mechanics.

Nep VII (Victory 2) is actually 4th mainline game in the series. Re;Births 1, 2 & 3 are, you can probably guess.
Rest are spin-offs.

can't believe they made 7 games out of this trash. Even worse is the 10/10 reviews on Steam. It can't be real.

Is 3GO? any good? Sup Forums barely talked about it when it came out

>I can't believe people like comedy video games

We're waiting for PC, heard it's pretty decent and probably the only playable spin-off

>10 GB file size according to Steam
How fucking small is this game?

I can't believe you're so upset over a meme about a series that you have never played and never will.

How are "people" getting away with this kind of post?
It's not even grindy