Defend this being on Steam Sup Forums

Defend this being on Steam Sup Forums.

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Id rather have 2 girls kissing on my screen than 2 guys kissing on my screen. Its less repulsive.

yuri is not gay.

So are all Japs into incest or is it whatever the Jap version of rednecks that are into it?

Some people are interested in these kind of products and would pay for them. It's called free market, something this place is in love with but also can't stop bitching about when it doesn't suit their needs/narrative. Oh and yuri is the purest form of love.

Its good

eh, it's ok
go play okujou no yurirei-san now
it's also on steam

What happens in the bad end?

She says you're gross for liking your biosister and leaves forever


Lesbian games actually focus on the romance of the two partners and shows their development. Most homosexual games or media regarding men is nothing more than distateful porn. Lesbians>Faggots

Kindred Spirits is better and uncensored fun

>Defend this being on Steam Sup Forums.

CAPITALISM you commie or more than likely fascist weak ass gay boy

Why does Sup Forums get so upset about literally everything these days?

What else are we supposed to do?

Its also way more expensive ;~;

emotionally over reacting to trigger ones victim complex to then revel in a sort of recreational anger happens to the the in thing as of late for some reason.

dis nigga's technique must've been perfected lmao

>Imitating nature can only lead to the death of the art
This guy's a stupid hack

It's just shitposting and shilling really.

He's not wrong.
Photography killed painting as method for depicting things and opened art up to stray from replication towards interpretation.

>Overwhelmingly positive
Looks plenty wanted to me

idk why you would buy this on steam its censored right

>censored right
seems to just mildly lewd with no out right porn CGs so like there really is jack shit to censor.

so I can show all my ironic weeb friends how much of an ironic weeb i am duh

>playing yuri vns for the porn, not the pure love

>playing yuri vns
>playing vns

Holy fuck, continue when ?
Best incest in a universe

This isnt one of your dumb kinetic nekoparas user there's choices to be made


But girls can't love girls!

>there's choices to be made
like wut

>see a Japanese game on steam
>it's another fucking VN
>we're actually lucky to even get ports of shitty old Vita games at this rate
>actually popular and requested games like yakuza or persona don't come to PC because "lol nah :^)"

do you want to fugg ur sister?
ofc you do

>why dont japanese companies, whose primary market plays games almost exclusively on consoles and only uses pcs for work and porn, make more pc games?!?!?
the mysteries of the universe~

But girls have VAGINAS and those are icky and gross! Wouldn't you rather see two traps kissing?
I am obviously shitposting.

There's a bad ending for a reason

its about imagination and challenging the consumer of whatever media product to actually think for themselves and essentially making whatever experience they very own and unique in such a way that only they can have such an experience.

imagine a picture of a super realistic alligator and then that of an fantastical dragon. Talent is not what the dude was talking about but more so the eventual end product which is then put out for people to enjoy since the dude was a filmmaker and was not shallowly talking about shit in such a simple way that you can only seem to fathom.

The super realistic alligator can be all really neat and would have talent behind it. But then aside from that the content itself is not really that interesting since everyone can just google a high res pic of whatever making the point of the image kinda moot outside of self satisfaction of the artist.

In contrast the dragon is not a real thing and as such many people have multiple ways and ideas as to how it may look meaning that whatever the outcome when someone of equal talent as of that who would have drawn the super realistic alligator. The shit will actually come out a tad more interesting since one looking at the picture would then be presented with something imaginary that they could then think upon and enjoy as to rather is cool or interesting or not.
could go on but that is more or less the basic gist that i could quickly write in this tiny ass character limit.

Yeah, it's degenerate shit. I'd rather it was not on steam.

>western vn
>western yuri
>separated at birth "incest"
Into the trash can.

Does this have ero content?

Not before you defend this

SonoHana has separated at birth twincest and it is great.

>whose primary market plays games almost exclusively on consoles

What year is this, 1989? They game on phones and other mobile devices, like the Switch. Consoles are a niche in Japan, PC is a niche within a niche. Jap games get console releases literally only for the western market and for the saudi oil princes who buy said consoles.

Forced drama isn't great.

I actually would love to see that.


>portables aren't consoles
rlly maeks u think

>incest vn
>it's trash
I have no hope for this vn, it's probably as shitty as the rest of them. Not even against incest but it's always shittily written for some reason.

You don't have to play it, but other people will like to. Justify why it should be removed.

Yuri needs no defense. It's self-explanatory.

Who dis