why does a lot of Sup Forums like to act like this is the worst thing ever?
is it because they're antisocial neckbeards that can't talk to people even over the internet?
why does a lot of Sup Forums like to act like this is the worst thing ever?
is it because they're antisocial neckbeards that can't talk to people even over the internet?
>is it because they're antisocial neckbeards that can't talk to people even over the internet?
nice botnet
It's popular.
>le taking your information meme
>use team speak instead haha
That’s really all you’re gonna get out of this thread
I use discord.
its cool to hate
It's too circlejerkish, every single one I've been to has been an utter hugbox degeneracy
Honestly it's only because they collect your info, but you're here anyways using Sup Forums so what's the difference. Moot sold our shit back in the day, and so does Hiro. That's how ads work.
>join a Sup Forums discord full of homos who post nothing but cute girls and erp
>call them fags
alright then
Possibly because they make Sup Forums servers and don't realize how much cancerous the community is, so end up having shit experiences.
The software is actually pretty solid and does its job well.
Prime example
I went to a /vg/ discord and it was nothing but posting blacked SFM's. 10/10, would recommend
I dunno, I basically use it as I would teamspeak or skype. I've never joined any broader 'community' discords and just use it to speak to people I already get along with, so maybe that colors my perception, because it seems like people like to use it like a new social networking platform.
It's an objectively poorly programmed pile of garbage and the only reason it's more popular than Teamspeak is because kids and normies can't afford to host a chat server and they like the "gaymer" empowerment themes.
Hated discord since it first started getting popular, but started using it on a whim so far 4 months have gone by.
Talk every day, hang out irl and play games together.
If being a contrarian patrician means being lonely than I want to be a massive fucking pleb.
you guys like MEMES on your loading screens?
>It's an objectively poorly programmed pile of garbage
How so?
whats a good shitposting server, preferably with a NSFW channel?
No it's because to use it, you have to meet all of the following requirements:
>15 - 25
>regularly use twitch
>have a battle.net account
>think corporations are your friends
>use words like "angery", "doggo", "birb"
>watch kizuna ai
>play smash competitively
>have an internet boyfriend whom you've never met and never will meet
>brainwashed enough by marketing to actually speak advertising slogans like "yeah fuck skype and teamspeak!!!"
>ironically depressed
i only like memes on my everywhere else
especially >>
every single discord i've ever been invited to was full of godawful underaged b& and half the time they were the exact epitome of everything wrong with Sup Forums as a whole
/r9k/ rejects, ironic weebs, using the word "waifu" to refer to anime girls, the whole 9 yards
some even openly talked about wanting to kill themselves unironically, because they're in such good company, right?
it's pure unadulterated cancer, and makes me ashamed to still come to this site
last one I was invited to had the admin refering to himself as a girl (male) and posting shitty trap pics of himself
he also banned me because i wasn't coming every day and he called me a dirty "normie" and blocked me
Because despite its flaws, no one has bothered making anything that does everything it does as well as it does it or better.
It does the job IRC does in addition to VOIP and image embedding, has an in-game overlay, and is retardedly simple to set up and start using.
>have an internet boyfriend whom you've never met and never will meet
oh shit there better not be a stereotype that discord users are gay...
nice argument retard. don't make a thread if all you have to say is LOL U NECKBEARD FOR NOT ENJOY MY PROGRAM FOR NORMEN XDDD
>banned you for not joining every day and giving him attention
fuck. that even makes me angry
>ad hominem: the post
Sup Forums is just as shit. Except people on Sup Forums try harder to be edgy and contrarian. Same cringy nerds.
>literally meet only age requirement(I'm 21)
>still active in 7 servers
What did he mean by this?
Too many discords are filled with memeing teenagers who don't understand how annoying @everyone is. That's why I'm only part of servers for forum modding, Discord itself is overall pretty good when it's not randomly experiencing downtime.
Struck a nerve huh
wait people use this for things OTHER than just making a server for your mates?
Seriously, where are you faggots running into these cancer discords? I only join ones for games I play (usually private servers) and they're just either quiet or just people conversing casually or shit talking a bit.
Why are you joining Sup Forums/meme related/main stream ones and complaining about running into cancer? It's like walking into a campfire and complaining about being burned.
Closed source chinese botnet that actively censors users.
No thanks.
Honestly my Destiny 2 clan is pretty cool. Definitely no kids, and we have started playing other games together.
It's immersion-breaking.
As petty as that sounds that is my legit reason for disliking it.
It also hinders individual game communities by throwing them into a melting pot of sorts where the game isn't the main part of the community, but rather a subsection of a discord community.
if you need to voice chat, literally just use skype, dont need all this extra gaymer bull shit
if you want to talk to people about video games, literally just go on a forum or image board or whatever, chat rooms are cancer
any time you see a discord link shared on Sup Forums, especially if they made their own rule-breaking thread just to catch new members, don't click those unless you want pain
i joined the fighting game discord on /vg/ because i thought it would be an easy way to set up some matches. i didn't know bit was just gonna be gay role playing and cartoon waifus
This, downloaded discord for a group I met on a private server and they're the most chill fucking dudes I've ever met, haven't even played that game in 6 months and still chat with those guys.
Stop joining Sup Forums/meme discords.
It killed chatting with people in-game, now everyone is just segregated into their circles
i actually like it because instead of paying for a fucking Teamspeak Server that goes fucky every once in a while and has shitty sound quality, me and my two buddies now have a free channel that goes fucky every once in a while and has better sound quality.
if people are using discord as a way to meet new people then they're doing it wrong.
just use it as a free alternative to replace the current comms programs and stop being faggots.
I don't have a problem with discord.
I have a problem with discord in Sup Forums related groups/things.
Go on /vg/, you'll find nearly every fucking general that used to be populated now has a discord and that's where relevant shit gets posted, OC gets posted, everything gets posted.
It's basically just amped up IRC. I don't give a fuck about it as a platform, I just think it should be banned from Sup Forums because it literally detracts from Sup Forums as a whole, and does nothing but make drama that spills over. Same way IRC drama spilled over 15 years ago, we now have discord faggots shitting up threads every day.
Literally the only thing you listed that fits me in that entire list.
I play DnD on Discord with friends, in some much smaller game discord servers (less than 100 people).
>brainwashed enough by marketing to actually speak advertising slogans like "yeah fuck skype and teamspeak!!!"
Teamspeak is fucking amazing for voicechat, but it's text chat is lacking.
Skype has been shit for years now though.
>joining Sup Forums servers
>is it because they're antisocial neckbeards
But in all seriousness I have a pretty complete answer to this.
1. Joining some fucking huge server with thousands of people. This is one of the worst ways to use discord and it's only good for gathering news and having discussions with strangers.
2. Lack of friends. Sad but true. Discord brings friends/groups into one convenient thing that works smoothly. If you don't have friends why do you need Discord? You don't. So you hate it because it reminds you that you don't have friends.
3. This one directly relates to Sup Forums - people pushing their own personal discords in a vain attempt at being popular by usurping discussion on Sup Forums into their own discord server. This ones probably the most pathetic and causes the most grief for people on Sup Forums. Not only is discord the antipathy of Sup Forums, it gathers people who fundamentally do not understand Sup Forums into one place and unites them. This creates a cancer fleet that occupies and ruins boards.
An important note on the third point. This has been happening since Sup Forums started and Discord is only the latest of a long series of tumors that turn anonymous discussion into rabid shitposting for attention.
It kills forums and on topic discussion by moving it off site and off game to a fucking chat room where it inevitably devolves into a circle jerk of annoying losers trying to one up and meme each other for popularity points while spamming porn and anime. It's basically the same shit that every thread that gets moved to /vg/ experiences. The average user in a discord chat is a teenager or a mentally deranged adult child.
You can suppress them, thankfully
There are many big servers dedicated to specific games that you can join as well, some are good, some are bad.
Still don't expect everybody to tolerate being a Sup Forums shitposter in them.
Still don't join Sup Forums servers: look at this thread to understand why
>kids and normies can't afford to host a chat server
only literal MORONS pay for something they can get for free
This. And it's nigh impossible to break into the circle if you're an outsider.
I only hate it when you faggots bring it over to this site. It's a fucking imageboard. You can already discuss whatever you needed to discuss here, that's the whole point. Fuck you for linking your shit and trying to highjack threads because you don't like this environment; just fuck off if you don't want to post in here.
>use words like "angery", "doggo", "birb"
I fucking hate this shit. Childish baby talk isn't funny or endearing or cute. It makes you sound like a freak.
Not really. parties did it on 360 long before discord. And before that, there was skype, and vent, and teamspeak. I can't remember ever talking with randoms on WoW, unless I really needed to, I was just always on teamspeak/vent/mumble.
>Destiny 2
you guys expect to have fun with strangers?
What if we just killed /vg/ since it's always been shit and make Sup Forums bigger since Sup Forums hasn't increased in size despite it increasing in users many times over
no it's not.
you just have to act like a fag and suck everyone's dick/be super nice to everyone.
which i refuse to ever do because I am a God compared to you all.
Discord is very intuitive.
I've used teamspeak once and stopped using it nearly instantly because it wouldn't pick up on my mic and was hard to navigate.
I hate how contrarian Sup Forums is.
This is such an autisticly specific set of criteria there are probably only 2 people who meet it.
i unironically use Birb as a tag when I play Falco in SSB melee online
i just use it to talk to my good friends irl. i dont join any random servers or anything like that.
Discord has taken up my gaming time and I spend like 1-2 hours a day chatting and like 1 hour playing games only because the people I talk to play them.
Probs talked more in the last year online than I have my entire life, god I'm such a pathetic and slightly happier person now.
Because then Sup Forums returns to what it was in 2011, which I expect you weren't here to see.
15-20 league of legends and katawa shoujo threads up at once. Probably less katawa shoujo and more overwatch and dota, nowadays.
well shit time to go back to mumble i guess
>whatever other nonsense loading messages there are
it was nice of them to at least let me know up front the target demographic was 12 year olds.
To use discord you have to meet the following requirement:
>download the software for the purpose of reliable voice chat
>wanting pre/vg/ Sup Forums
>wanting the insane amount of circlejerks that have grown since its inception
Merging with /vr/ is the only correct choice. Splitting the two pretty much killed Sup Forums's only redeeming quality.
>reinvent something that already existed, make it slightly more convenient and geared for data collection
this is what technology has become
whatever happened to IRC?
Too stupid to set up a IRC bouncer?
GOOD. It keeps low quality retards from participating,
Because it enables /vg/ sub-communities to act like elitist antisocial neckbeards.
>muh post quality
Anything with a barrier to entry higher than downloading a single setup file or just clicking a button is going to be better than discord just by way of filtering out a number of retards and kids.
It killed the fallout equestria threads and it's killing cyoa.
/vg/ should come back. if this board can have a drawthread and console-tan threads which consist of nothing but offtopic shitposting, video game generals should be allowed as wlel
Discord is just notshit Skype at the moment for me. TS requires server, which is easy for me, but we usually gather up via calls, it used to be Skype, now its Discord. Servers for the places I play vidya at is just an added bonus.
>all these people joining fucking Sup Forums discords and wondering why their experience is shitty
jesus fuck guys, use it as an alternative (and superior) to skype, not fucking social outcast facebook
and fuck the mumble shills
>le oldfag
I came here when totse died in 2006 faggot and that has absolutely zero bearing on anything. Sup Forums was already cancerous in 2011 and it wasn't generals fault it was the fucking massive influx of newfags that you're alluding to. The only way you make Sup Forums better is to enforce the rules Sup Forums has which hasn't been consistently done in nearly 8 years.
Double4chan has generals on Sup Forums and it's fine. Why? Because it has actual moderators and it isn't a constant stream of consolewar shitposting for attention.
Making /vr/ was another move that showed nobody running Sup Forums knows what the fuck they're doing.
9/10 of these describe me and idgaf honestly
primetime namefag circlejerking territory
the only faggots I've seen use it responsibly barely use it at all and just for administrative serb stuff
i just talk to my irl friends on facebook, and my internet game nerd friends on skype
Thanks for being my itt example of
>wanting dotards to spam the shit out of Sup Forums when their major tourney happens
>or CSGOkids
>or lolbabbies
>wanting stupid shit like KS, a general that still hasn't killed itself after all these years, to be back on here
Discord is good for private friend servers, but larger/public servers are a mess. No one can ever be normal online anymore, there's always drama and whining and group schisms and other retarded shit. Stop posting pictures of your dick and ERPing and just play a fucking video game already
Could you imagine if Sup Forums was like discord.
>voice chat rooms on each thread
>op has full moderation power
>and can delegate mod tools to users with tripcodes
only available for Sup Forums pass users
>goo goo gaga!
>*shakes rattle, shits diaper*
>u mad??
Shitchan is also smaller compared to this site. Good luck anything now that Sup Forums brought in huge waves of newfags.
I was simply implying that you might not be so eager to remove /vg/ because of how bad fucking Sup Forums was in 2011 with the literal 8-9 league threads up at once, and dozens of katawa shoujo threads up at once. It was pushing so much shit off the board every day that it led to the bump increase and creation of /vg/, that's WHY they were made, to contain that stupid shit. Getting rid of that containment just leaks it here.
You're a fuckin idiot
i could do without the KS shit, but yes. I do want more video games on Sup Forums.
/vg/ was created because a lunatic homosexual mod didn't like people talking about games he didn't like
>X is less intuitive than Y
>therefore anyone who uses X is smarter than anyone who uses Y
Do you understand how moronic this mentality is?
You mean pleb games right?
This is Sup Forums if you're a pleb get the fuck out of here normie cunt.
>It kills forums
why do people even use it as a forum its fucking shit for that
no it was the hardcore games that were banished to /vg/. the games you virgin faggots don't have enough skill to play.
and KS
Look up irony and then delete your post
I would rather anons at least try to discuss games and not all of the front page be taken up by normalfag garbage like ASSFAGGOTS.
The solution is just to ban normalfag games globally, and keep /vg/ for stuff that'd never survive on Sup Forums because it's niche as fuck and actually moderate bother boards.
To be fair, you don't even have to download it, you can just run it in your browser if you're a fag
My biggest gripe is its impact on /vg/. The threads were already borderline containment generals. Now when you ask questions and try to have actual discussion you either get non-answer garbage, ignored or in the case of questions told to "ask the discord". I didn't come to fucking /vg/ to join a discord cunt.
Also every single discord community has massively disproportionate attentionfagging and drama and they bring that shit into the generals. It's not uncommon to see peoples names thrown around a general you have been a part of for months and still have no idea who the fuck these miniature e-celebs are because they're mouthy fuckwits in the discord. I know of one general that purged their discord and another that really needs to as well (/tesg/).
Skype is AIDS and literally the worst fucking option for VOIP.
Yeah but that probably uses more processing power