>play Dishonored II: Eat the Rich Edition
>be greeted with this screen after three hours of carefully knocking out everyone in the map
>have no clue whatsoever when this might have happened, or how
This game really has done its hardest to make me hate it despite my sincerest attempts at having fun with it. Late night Dishonored thread?
Play Dishonored II: Eat the Rich Edition
Stop trying so hard to play the game a certain way and just have fun with it.
This. Chaos is the most fun.
challenging yourself to play it a certain way is more fun to some people when the gane isn't too buggy to facilitate it
so you should have told op not to try and play a bethesda game with any amount of skill
Haven't played Dishonored 2 yet, but in the first one knocked out bodies were sometimes eaten by randomly spawning swarms of rats and this counted as a kill.
>but in the first one knocked out bodies were sometimes eaten by randomly spawning swarms of rats and this counted as a kill.
Motherfucker, so that's why people kept dying in my run of 1?
I tried doing a pacifist run since I thought Emily's powers would lend themselves better for that sort of thing than Corvo's, and since I enjoyed Dishonored I as a pacifist I thought i'd be a no-brainer. But the bugginess of the game has proven me to be gravely mistaken.
It's infinitely worse now for me. In the first game I could just pile bodies one on top of another carelessly and all I had to worry about was keeping them away from the rats. But in this game bodies feel like they're Prince Rupert's Drops with how carefully they have to be handled, I've legit had cases of two bodies touching and then one of them randomly flies off at the nearest wall in Mach 3 for no reason. Or me reloading the game twice at the last corridor right at the end of a level, doing nothing except walking to the end point and ending the mission, and getting Pacifist on one load but an indication of enemies killed on the other.
they can drown in remarkably shallow water too in 1, you gotta be careful and keep some backup saves, it was real bda in the brigmore witches final stage cause the water on the floor in most places, they drown so easy
in 2 you can check mid mission if theres any kills so id clear a room, check theres no kills, make a save, then go to the next section and try to clear it, i never had any trouble with accidental and unknown death in it though
>be greeted with this screen after three hours of carefully knocking out everyone in the map
You know you can check your stats (including lethal takedowns and the number of times you've been spotted) during the mission in Dishonored 2 in real time, right? Right?
...I now feel rather silly
You should. Whatever. Now you know.
Thankfully I've found this during my second or third mission, not the Grand Palace.
It means you accidentally fed someone to rats or bloodflies, or made someone fall to their death, or drown, and I sure hooe you weren't rewiring Walls of Light or Arc Pylons, because they kill people.
>Try to play my first run full stealth / pacifist
>It's good but not as much as I hoped
>Try killing everyone, but with stealth this time
>It's fun as fuck
You should focus less on knocking everyone out, and more on finding ways to get past people and through the map completely unnoticed, that way, when you fuck up, you lose 2 minutes of progress rather than 2 hours.
t. stealth game afficienado.
>case of bloodflies
>break glass
>bloodflies swarm some idiot
>doesn't count as a kill against me
>First run is no powers stealth pacifist
>high chaos dishonored 1
>cute little emily becomes bloodthirsty murderloli
>tesla coil a bunch of guys
>kindly wise old boatman tells you to fuck off on the final mission so you Of Mice and Men him
>go into final level a god of rats throwing grenades everywhere, sticking razorwire mines to peoples' dicks, kill every motherfucker on the island
felt real good to tell those steampunk wankers to fuck off and eat lead
remember to not jump on NPCs because that kills them
>all the little variations of dialogue and response depending on how you approach Pendleton and Martin while they're busy sieging each other
Finding the most perfect and humiliating way to kill Martin was just a joy.
thanks for spoiling Of Mice and Men, dude. My boss just walked by and fired me!
Hey Sup Forums I just got a promotion!
Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?
Never doubt it.
>Bethesda game
When will people start discerning between publishers and developers? If this was a Bethesda game it would no doubt be running on a modified version of the Gamebryo engine. Any potential bugs in the game are the developer's fault, not the publisher's.
That said, I never had such an issue in Dishonored.
You have no fucking idea how happy I was when Death of the Outsider ditched the chaos system and just let me be a fucking dick without any consequences, or barely any.
But Martin did nothing wrong.
Why do you care? The only way to get perfect stats at the end of every mission is to constantly savescum anyway. As long as your chaos is low you're still getting the good ending.
dishonored 2 has SUCH sexy looking menus. like holy shit.
I wish I had a pc super-computer enough to play the game at a decent framerate.
>DotO ditches the system that's supposed to impart direct consequences for your actions
I don't like the Chaos system much, but that's funny because Billie Lurk is the greatest blame dodger in the entire universe who spent years as a killer for hire and is simply a horrible person yet has the gall to repeatedly lecture the daughter of the woman she helped kill on how she's had a hard life and what a horrible person she is for daring to be born a noble.
It's like pottery.
I was surprised how much shit Dishonored 2 was getting about its optimization and in the end I had barely any trouble at all. It would dip into the mid 40s in really intensive areas but that happened very rarely. Wolfenstein TNO, RAGE and The Evil Within all ran much worse for me and they're on the same shitty engine.
Because it got patched since launch. People just hold grudges and remember their initial experiences.
>playing "stealth" games
the genre is dead, you are dumbass
Because not giving enough fun toys to stealth players is a mistake both games made. They're simply infinitely more enjoyable as supernatural murder simulators.
>you are dumbass
Man you sure told us. I'm convinced.
A saint can show moments of evil and there are rare moments of goodwill shown by evil men.
Basically, being a murderer, especially in the context of people like Daud, Billie or Corvo, doesn't mean that they can't take off the mask and still be a good person. Arkane making an assumption that just because you slaughter the fuck out of a level and out of people who often are massive dicks themselves somehow means that you're an evil cunt who loves bathing in blood is a massive fuck-up on their part, since it's an assumption about the player character and about the player itself.
Murder =! being evil, at least not always and not in every context. It made sense in D1 because more bodies equals more rats carrying the plague around and thus more chaos but aside from that, it's fucking retarded.
You are just bad.
>B-b-buh i knocked everyone!!!11
Yep, and there are some variables there that will get them killed, like rats, diseased fags, flies, etc...
If you want to be a fucking god the only way is not knocking everyone.
How's the performance on pc?
I remember reading ages ago about how it was real optimized
The game hasn't done anything to make you hate it, it isn't sentient.
yeah but personal accountability is hard and shit m8 and it also tends to hurt peoples feelings more often than not.
>real optimized
I assume you meant unoptimized. The idTech 5 engine is just a complete piece of shit. But as far as idTech 5 games go, Dishonored 2 is the best of the bunch in terms of optimization. I have an RX470 and I was getting 60fps 90% of the time, with dips in large, dense, populated areas. I played with a mix of mostly high and very high settings.
So what's next for Dishonored and Arkane? How's the Billie's DLC?
The whole morality of the franchise just always seems a bit skewered somehow, really. I'd argue that the pacifist routes are supposed to be the "intended" paths, since they're the ones that give you the best endings, and if you look at it that way the way you get rid of the targets are really weird
>corrupt member of the clergy? Gets branded an outcast and condemned to the worst possible exile where even giving him food is a crime
>corrupt noblemen? Cut their tongues and send them to work in the mines forever
>a literal witch that leads a coven practicing extremely destructive black magic at the heart of the city? Just take away her magic and let her be
>an even worse witch that's about to destroy the world as we know it? Let her live in her custom-made personal dream world where she is beloved by everybody and will life the remainder of her life in joy. Oh, and also feel bad for her, she meant well.
Same GPU can confirm this.
I have no idea what's next for them but I hope they focus on more projects like Prey. Prey was one of my favorite games in years, it was just unfortunate that it was marketed as a horror game and has the name "Prey" attached to it. Horror fans didn't get what they wanted and fans of the original Prey didn't get what they wanted so there was backlash towards an otherwise fantastic game.
I think the problem is they had problem finding the engine that can do larger exteriors and seamless interiors as one map. idTech 5 apparently can even though performance was pretty bad at launch.
Yup, it's not hard to notice that the game acts like you're a saint and yet most of the non-lethal choices are OBJECTIVELY worse than just killing someone and being done with it. Campbell will become a weeper, Lady Boyle could go either way really, the Pendletons will probably die as well at some point, etc. You're still condemning these people to death, probably, or something potentially worse.
The worst part of it all is with Jindosh in 2. Seeing a genius reduced to being a drooling retard and then actually looking you in the eyes and then begging you to kill him is WAY worse than just slitting his throat. I can't see how anyone who has read Flowers for Algernon for example will choose the non-lethal ending for that mission.
I just hope they don't get folded into support team for Bethesda or some such. Dishonored 2, Billie DLC and PREY all disappointed sales-wise apparently.
problem is storytelling is arkane's obvious weakness and always has been. they simply either don't consider it relevant or are unable to up their game.
>final level
>was pussy mode whole game
>murder ever witch in the most brutal way imaginable
>still low choas end
>Dishonored 2, Billie DLC and PREY all disappointed sales-wise apparently.
Partly to blame on Bethesda, as always. And on people, because the gaming industry's targets is riddled with massive retards or people who just don't care. I've seen journalists who still cannot grasp the publisher and the developer are not one and the same.
Yeah, the major selling point for idTech 5 is the megatextures thing so I'm assuming that technology helped them with the large environments with exteriors and interiors. CryEngine could probably have done that too though, and it's more optimized. But I'm not sure when exactly they adopted CryEngine, as development of Prey supposedly started after Dishonored 2. I'm hoping they'll stick with CryEngine for future games because Prey was really well optimized.
i think hes asking about the first game, which runs like butter
second game was somewhat patched, but i have 1080 so i cant really tell. disabled v-sync so i could get rid of the stuttering and it runs smooth on ultra 1440p with additional sweetFX settings
Dishonored my favorite series and I really enjoyed Prey by them.
Shame Arkane is dead now.
>dishonored 2 has SUCH sexy looking menus
the typography is a mess. Every menu option uses a different font.
Sup Forums gets mad at developers for dumbing games down but even Prey which was relatively streamlined was too complex for some reviewers to really grasp. I feel like Arkane is one of those developers that really wants to make more complex games for smarter players but can't because that's not a large enough audience and Bethesda knows it.
It was so weird, with most bosses you could give them a reasonable ending, just take them down a notch. But then with jindosh, who could do an aweful lot of good you go full dishonored 1 by giving him a fate worse than death. Only redemption is that he became kind to his staff.
What would you change in D2 to make it surpass D1 instead of just kinda providing the same experience with slightly different powers and minor improvements?
And I mean, aside from the obvious shit like ditching Delilah entirely since she was a complete rehash of previously existing plots, making a better hub area or just improving the Dreadful Whale, not removing Corvo/Emily from the plot entirely, etc. I think Arkane is actually capable of good plots since Daud's DLC was really well made and had a great atmosphere.
Spoken like a graphic design freshman
>Lady Boyle could go either way really
The original game strongly implied that she would essentially be a sex slave for the rest of her life, with "her hair going gray and her dress in tatters", but if I'm not mistaken there's a book that reveals she actually managed to outwit her captor and take over his fortune or something of the sort. That said, I did actually enjoy the concept of the pacifist executions being extreme examples of cruel mercy. What bothered me was that the more despicable and dangerous your targets became, the more and more lenient you ended up being to them.
The heart does say though, that Jindosh is the happier he's ever been, except for the brief episodes when he remembers what he has lost, and is overcome by rage and despair, only to soon forget it again.
I still don't know why they went to such lengths to avoid saying "Bioshock in space" as part of their marketing. Sure, callbacks to System Shock are great for the fans, but you already have those people in tow. It's the braindead "Bioshock was my first FPS that wasn't a military shooter" that you need to win over if you want big bux.
Don't bother, there's no point for a sequal.
I agree that the morality of the games is questionable to say the least, but holy fuck making Jindosh a drooling retard was so satisfying after his smug taunts throughout the level. I'm guessing that's all Arkane was going for. Let's make this guy a really unlikable smart douchebag so it's satisfying to make him stupid. It worked, but it is disappointing they don't consider the consequences of your actions beyond your immediate satisfaction as a player.
Blow off, choffer
Prey was poorly marketed, and it wasn't an fps with RPG elements sprinkled on the top like every other pos released now a days, it required some thinking and learning, and didn't throw you with a gun to shoot the ayylmaos in the first 10 minutes.
So normies didn't know much about it, and you couldn't give it to little timmie to gain favor as the cool hip parent.
>dishonored 1
>nearly perfect game (the epilogues were bullshit and it's a little too easy but whatever)
>dishonored 2
>voiced protagonists mean lazy monologues instead of creative environmental storytelling/NPC conversations like the first game
>a million stupid little changes:
>suddenly the grenade timer is on the lower left instead of center, so you have to look two places at once
>the new journal is an absolute eye shoah, blue exclamations everywhere and a million tabs that keep updating endlessly
>safe dials now move slower
>there's no unified aesthetic, in the first game dunwall was "blue, gloomy industrial city with cartoon bobbies and rats", but 2 is what? "generic mediterranean shithole filled with sunshine and windmills"? it's like staring into a kaleidoscope of nothing
>darkvision is now a pulse instead of constant as if somehow it was OP before. now it just feels like shit
>a lot of the dialogue is now retarded like the duke's absurd intro speech, delilah's, etc. writing is just overall worse
>story sucks. the first game was actually a tightly plotted revenge story with a definite goal and a satisfying conclusion, game two is MUH [person, because it doesn't really even fucking matter which you pick] GOT TURNED INTO STONE, I GOTTA FIX IT SOMEHOW AND GET DAT THRONE
>dem technical issues
I could go on forever. 2 is not a bad game by any means but it's such a disappointment compared to the first game I am borderline mad. it's like they just intentionally made a bunch of tiny changes just to make it worse, they "un-polished" it somehow.
>knock a dude out like 2 feet from a cliff
>leave his body there, fuck it
>at some point throughout the session the body slips off and falls, killing him
>get 1 kill on recap screen
God damn it all to hell
>The heart does say though, that Jindosh is the happier he's ever been, except for the brief episodes when he remembers what he has lost, and is overcome by rage and despair, only to soon forget it again.
The standard "geniuses are doomed to be unhappy" and "it's better to be stupid because then you don't see how bad things really are" tropes. Still, you're essentially lobotomizing the guy. And not to the point where he's "average", he literally becomes slow and drooling. I can't see this being a good fate, no matter how happy he designers at Arkane thought he could become.
should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?
Whatever you say, still love it
I'm not sure either. Maybe they wanted to avoid the potential legal troubles of implying this game is "Bioshock in space". I'm sure if Bethesda owned the rights for Bioshock this would have been a Bioshock game, because it's certainly much closer to Bioshock than fucking Prey of all things.
There's some evidence that it was supposed to be called Neuroshock or Psychoshock, I'm not sure why they didn't go with one of those names. I guess Bethesda stupidly assumed (ab)using the name "Prey" would somehow increase sales since it was an established IP, but instead they just garnered the hate of original Prey fans.
I chuckled
>safe dials now move slower
This was incredibly fucking annoying, especially since I played D2 for the first time only AFTER replaying D1 with all of its DLCs. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to completely rehash Delilah's plot again.
I do too, I'm just saying it's nowhere near as good as 1
He is begging for death, what kind of happiness we are talking about?
Hell, they even got rid of the old-fashioned aesthetics, fucking Karnaka is literally Tumblr.
>Believable gay characters hide their lifestyle in order to not be judged
>People of Karnaka are openly gay and one character is trans even though you don't even made modern medicine or surgery
Storywise, DELETE Billie from the game with extreme prejudice, rewrite all of Emily's character so she actually behaves like someone who is actually proud of who she is, make Sokolov the mission control who stays behind at the ship while you drive your own goddamn boat, and make the story instead be about an attempt on Emily's life that leads you to uncover a conspiracy to cripple Dunwall's military power and allow the subject isles to break away from Gristol's grasp, rather than a magic tranny waltzing into what by all rights should be the seat of her power and taking the throne like it was nothing.
You are wrong, but I don't give a fuck anyway
user, this isnt Todd's game
>it has more mechanics so it's better
>People of Karnaka are openly gay
I don't know about that, Aramis Stilton had a really sturdy closet to hide around
>one character is trans
You what m8?
>All this stupid excuses and shitposting just to justify that you are a memelord that hates a 2ยบ part of the game.
I like it except for removing Billie. The time travel shenanigans actually returning her hand if you do the mission right and un-crippling her were amazing, it's just that after it happened they should've made her look younger and gave her the longer hair she had in Daud's DLC..
Gays already were in D1, for fuck sake there was even a book about two lesbians in it.
So you think they should just stay with grey European like style and stop developing world in game?
Also SJW boogieman again, really?
I agree with most of your criticism, but I still very much enjoyed the core game. Dishonored 1 is better, no doubt, but I feel like Dishonored 2 is still a worthy successor which, like a lot of sequels, stumbles when it tries to expand on the original formula.
>You what m8?
Mindy Blanchard. When the game came out, Tumblr and Reddit were all praising "her character.
>Also SJW boogieman again, really?
It's one of the things the devs were boasting about on launch, that they were talking about how progressive the game would be to cater to a wider audience.
>Mindy Blanchard.
She actually has a story? I just remembering her ugly face showing up in the first mission and I briefly expected her to show up later on whenever it was time to deal with Paolo, but I never found her and forgot about her existence up until this moment.
>praising Mindy
She gives you one quest and then gets killed by 99% of players when they decide to also kill the gangster that can respawn a couple of times due to having Billie's hand, who is allied with her. Who gives a fuck.
Sure, tell me more
Not the guy you're replying to, but I didn't even know she was transgender. They certainly didn't shove that fact into the player's face. I don't mind gay/trans/whatever people in games if they're not in your face about it to show off how progressive they are. A fantasy world has queers in it? Fine by me.
Nice of the Empress to invite us over for whiskey and cigars tonight, gay Luigi?
Sorry user, all my character hatred is reserved for Maegan Foster
>"blue, gloomy industrial city with cartoon bobbies and rats",
More like average british industrial shithole
I legitimately didn't know she was a transgendered person, and am willing to call bullshit on that since there's ZERO fucking evidence for it in the actual game. If there is, a)it's hard as fuck to find, b)most people will end up thinking that's a woman, c)she literally has 0% of bearing on the plot.
If I was tumblr I would've been pissed at the representation, honestly. The only thing that I can give them is that she looks ugly as fuck but that's a constant for 90% of people in Dishonored.
>pedo (come on her deidre obsession is creepy, she's a grown ass woman now)
>not classically attractive
they really checked all the marks on the (((agenda))) with this protagonist but I still liked her (she's complete shitbag but interesting) and this is the best example I can think of where they were technically inclusive but it didn't feel like a forced meme
Is this your first stealth game ?