It has pretty good combat for an RPG

It has pretty good combat for an RPG.

>throw a fireball
>tactical roll
>tactical roll
>tactical roll
>shwing my sword
>switch to the other sword
>tactical roll
>tactical roll
>swing the sword

It reminded me of Assassin's Creed combat

This has to be bait

Not really

Two tactical rolls can be exchanged with
>cast shield sign

it's actually pretty bad, it got rid of the one interesting thing about W1/2's combat, potion commitment

this except replace fireball with quen and no switching swords


Only one tactical roll is required, not 3.

>Your damage scales down to 1% just because the arbitrary quest level is too high for your character.

It's got the quest spread-out similar to Skyrim, yet you aren't actually allowed to play some quests until later because enemies are too strong for no real reason.

The entire game should never have been paired with the awful MMO leveling systems.

That was among my headscratchers as well.

>explore velen
>found the quest
>req lvl 32
>you're 10

just like my dark souls

What game does have a good intuitive combat according to Sup Forums?

It's not an RPG

Dark souls

Dragon's Dogma has best combat and gameplay in general in the entire RPG history. Too bad the story's shit and the characters are non-existent.

It actually has.

>shit graphics
>carousel combat
>fedora tier lore

Graphics and lore has nothing to do with combat/

its an ass creed ripoff with a retarded story its no rpg

>slowly circle the opponent while he slooowly turn around
>braindead ai jabs air with his spear which allows you to get behind him
>watch slow animation where you backstab the guy and then kick him down
>excitement through the roof
>enemy has lost third of their health and gets back up
>you start slowly circle the opponent

True. Anyone who thinks Witcher 3 combat is bad clearly hasn't played enough games to make that call.

>circle around opponents forever
>run past everyone that isn't a boss
>stick to the left leg of big guy and avoid all attacks
>Get tired after swinging a sword twice

You can simplify anything to make it sound like shit.

What now you piece of filth?

Your points are valid, but still, graphics and lore has nothing to do with combat.

>story centered game
>good gameplay

when will you retards learn, if you want good gameplay go play a multiplayer game, oh wait you will get rekt and cry on Sup Forums that multiplayer games suck

You never learn.

the story is a cringefest designed for fat autistic retards. Its basically fantasy Baywatch

I don't know, I like that in games. It means the zone doesn't exist solely for your steady and slow leveling curve. You need to think what you're engaging. I imagine it's also why you have lower level content in Skellige as well considering you can immediately follow after Yen when she teleports there after meeting here.

>It reminded me of Assassin's Creed
did ac even has rolling? all i remember is counter attacking

>*cast spell*
>*hit enemy*
Death March sure was fun

>playing witcher
>rolling instead of parrying

Casuals can't time shit. These are the same people who actually think game is difficult on Death March. Read you bestiary entries and get the correct oils.

>dat feel when you'll never go raiding all the time just to be away from your nagging wife

no it doeosn't.
it's combat is shit like most rpgs.

the combat definetely lacks depth, but i think it is alright and good fun

I don't think playing at the hardest difficulty setting is worth it though in this game, it just makes it more tedious

what's the best build to play on hardest diffuculty? Also is hardest difficulty unlocked from the start?

All difficulties are available from the start. Acquired tolerance and heightened tolerance are must have no matter what, also pick Axii, it`s basically your speech perk. Anything else is on your taste.

Name one (1) game with good combat

Hey buddy, have you heard of Fallout 4? I had so much fun with it, it`s the best combat in any rpg ever. You should definitely give it a try.

Why are bears in this game giant fuzzy death machines

Unironically Fallout 4 has pretty good combat

said no one ever

Beast oil makes short work of them. Like one user said, if you bother exploring and finding recipes you'll basically have a solution for every enemy type. Witcher's problem is really wonky itemization and game balance not geared towards completionists at all. If you do all the shit you can in Velen before going to Novigrad I think you get there at like level 16 or something.

bad bait

This is true

all the idiots saying it has bad combat are comparing it to actual action games like dark souls rather than rpg's like baldur's gate

It might actually have the best combat system of any fantasy rpg I've played. Which really just goes to show how bad most rpg's are in the combat gameplay department

It does, for an action RPG it's combat is actually pretty good.

I wouldn't recommend playing it on harder difficulties

after playing for awhile I realized the only thing the harder difficulties did was turn enemies into damage sponges.

What the game needs is a mode where you take high damage, but also kill everything quickly like it's easy mode

also the leveled creatures idea was a mistake. Rather than higher levels and higher hitpoints they should've required new and interesting mechanics to beat new monsters, like how you have to time your roll to beat swamp hag tongue attacks

really the combat's not so fun mostly because there's too many damage sponge enemies and enemies that are solveable with the exact same roll slash dodge methods