Next Borderlands Game Will Include Elon Musk's Flamethrower, Maybe

>After Musk tweeted today about a sentient flamethrower and cryptocurrency and safe words, Pitchford asked Musk if he could add this to the "next Borderlands game." Musk said he's cool with it, and that's that, apparently.


Why is he so annoying, bros?

He's an egomaniac but that's typical of successful people.

What is the context for Elon Musk talking about sentient flamethrowers?

Does Elon Musk even know what a Borderlands or a Randy Pitchford is?

good ol' Musky is at it again


Not sure if its egomania or just being funny on twitter because he has a fun job. Liking the fact you wake up with somewhere to go does that...i dream.

OMG can I use this (You) in my video game?!

Cunt who got rich in the dotcom boom the same way cryptards on /biz/ are trying to. Treated as a visionary even though his businesses only survive on massive government subsidies.

He did found paypal but only took off after they sold the business to ebay and kicked him out of being CEO

dont forget he also have a car company that doesnt make any money.

But he invented the electric car and sent rocket ships to space and stuff


Don't forget to mention that the 'flamethrower' is literally a blowtorch.
What a fucking hack that faggot is. They deserve eachother.

paypal was actually a legitimate idea, though. And not at all comparable to cryptomemes. As for gov subsidies why the fuck wouldn't you take advantage of that shit? I mean someone is going to.

There are legit criticisms for the dude out there, such as his treatment of employees. But you come across as just ignorant and butthurt


I was actually calling Pitchford the annoying one. I have no problem with Elon Musk. He admits Trump is an idiot so he's good in my book.


>even though his businesses only survive on massive government subsidies.
Yeah, that's just smart business. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, kid.

>liking trump
In case you havent noticed, it is actually 2018.

he's selling flamethrowers or something

Randy seems really desperate to be liked.


but why? I mean it's a marketing gimmick I guess. But fucking why?

yeah, actual flamethrowers are fucking scary. And obviously illegal

>He admits Trump is an idiot so he's good in my book.
you've got some low standards, man

that's what I thought too. His post was difficult to read because of it.




current year'd

>triggered trumpboy

>yeah, actual flamethrowers are fucking scary. And obviously illegal
Surprisingly not in many states. There are ofcourse restrictions


I mean the Trump hate is just the icing on the cake of Musk being an actual intelligent rich man who earned his wealth and has very interesting ideas and contributions to our society unlike Trump who is an extremely stupid man that just used his father's money to invest in the very safe real estate market and is motivated entirely by his own self-interest.





well I was fucking wrong

I think there are more restrictions on the full (like napalm) so that in turn can make the weapon harder to use

sure, but forcing that shit into conversation like you're dropping some kind of profound wisdom does make you look obsessed.

God dammit, it figures that of the only two states with legislation, this shithole would be one of em.

It's hardly forced when it's one of the defining traits of Elon Musk.

The government pays him because they know NASA is full of lazy fatasses who, once they got to the moon a couple of time, called it a day and that's it.

Why is Randy such a sniveling, fartsniffing clown?

Does no one in his shitty studio ever tell him what he is doing is cringe? That he looks like a little worm forcing himself where he doesn't belong? He needs to get smashed out at least once in his lifetime and that will hopefully fix his spastic brain.

Well ok.

>next Borderlands

>what he's doing is cringe
Why do you speak like some dumbass from twitter?

Randy Pitchford makes me understand why the word cringe exists. His actions really do make one recoil in disgust.

Relax, Randy. No one is going to buy Borderlands on here.

>elon musk offers to do a project for the South Australian government that every other offer has been wildly horrific expense wise in taxpayer money.

>he promises he can do it in 6 fucking months for only 50 million AUD ( like a tenth of what anyone else wants to do) and if he FAILS, he'll still FINISH it, no matter what it costs, FOR FREE.

>sa and federal politicians REEEEE and get 'stroppy polly gotta look stronk and retarded' reject him out of hand, even though it's a fucking WIN WIN situation and they'd have to be fucking idiots to refuse.

>borderlands 3
After all the shit he pulled, are people still looking forward to this?

what company are they going to fuck over
in order to fund it

SEGA is dumb enough to fall for it twice.

All I see in this picture are two intelligent and successful men conversing with each other. What is the problem?

judging by this tweet borderlands 3 will be more shitty memes and references

What do you mean "fall for it"? Weren't both Borderlands games huge moneymakers? It's only shit like Battleborn and DNF that flopped.

Is anthony burch involved in b3?

He's working for Riot Games now so I doubt it.

MD governors are DC whores

i didn't know i could hate Riot and LoL more, but there we go

Musk is the ultimate meme-man, all his shitty le science endeavors are based on government gibsmedats that bail him out on the brink of bankruptcy like his shitty ponzi scheme tesla

Sega funded Gearbox to make Aliens Colonial Marines. Gearbox funneled the money into Borderlands 2 instead and lied to both Sega and the public using footage that, based on the final product, was clearly 100% fabricated.

You're not wrong.

but i like borderlands
what did he do to piss you all off so bad

Does anybody have the tweet where he faked getting a death threat when all of that was going on? He fucking praised his own game calling it nearly perfect in the death threat and took a goddamn picture of his computer screen

Hate Riot? When they're one of the only western devs that realizes that their core fanbase is the one that pays for skins and so it's in their best interests to keep making skins of half-naked women instead of virtue signaling to a demographic that has no intention of buying their merchandise like Disney is doing with Star Wars? That's pretty foolish of you, to put it lightly.

He's obnoxious and borderlands is complete shit. His studio hasn't produced anything of value since Opposing Force.

This story will be a great followup to his epic win against Gaben!

No one cares how much cheesecake they put in their shit game, it's still shit. If all you want is titillation play some eroge or Senran Kagura or something. Don't play complete trash that charges you for mildly risque skins.

>Ruin steal funds from Sega to make Borderlels 2
>Embarrassing himself onstage by singing a song about being cyberbullied
>Allowing the hilarious travesty that is Battleborn to happen
>Filling his games with unfunny memes and unlikable characters

>No one cares
Actually many people care considering it is the most successful game on the planet.

Riot Games is one of the smartest developers out there and they should be respected for that.

I'm French, i'm trying to improve my english, and i don't understand that tweet at all. Why is he talking about a flamethrower, why would it be sentient, what is that comparison with blockchain? Where is the joke? Is that a subtle metaphore?
Please explain to me anglos.

it hurts ahhhh

>But you come across as just ignorant and butthurt
Welcome to Sup Forums

Don't worry nobody else knows what is going on either.

There was a tweet earlier with elon playing around with a flamethrower, now he's making a joke that the flamethrower is sentient and memeing about the latest bubble tech fad.

The joke is supposed to be that cryptocurrency is supposed to be so 'fire' that the flamethrower came to life and that it comes with a free blockchain. It is a pretty funny joke but Randy took it too far.

Yeah what he's saying comes off as completely random even to someone who knows English. If there's a joke there it's not a very good one.

>It is a pretty funny joke but Randy took it too far.
Borderlands in a nutshell.

kill yourself

i don't know, randy is just a case of his own, man.

I mean I can't say I'm fond of either, but if this happens...least there's a flamethrower in borderlands?


This is Gearbox. You think they're gonna put effort in? They'll just reskin a shotgun and call it a flamethrower.

Have they ever done something so lazy before?

So you like literally everyone worldwide except Sup Forums?

The release of the Pre Sequel and Aliens Colonial Marines

>Going from literally letting Reddit write your game for you to literally letting Twitter write your game for you

Can't get worse than that. famalama-ding-dong.

He won't for much longer when their next Borderlands game flops.

They're really not
useful for clearing out fields and shit

>literally letting [r-word] write your game for you
Source on that?

I mean even if they were, people make makeshift flamethrowers all the time with a lighter and a can of aerosol. I think that's how Metal Gear 2 ended.

Borderlands 2.

No I mean an actual source.

Borderlands the Pre-Sequel

No you fucker, you don't get what I'm asking.

Yeah that shut you up real fast.

>tfw the slow development of Borderlands 3 is prolly halting the development of Tales from the Borderlands season 2

I don't even care about the mainline. I just want more treasure hunting with my kooky crook family.

Why do people hate Telltale games? They've got such a nice art style.

prepare to be called a shill

Meaningless choices, no gameplay, shit character, minecraft games, borderlands games, marvel and DC games. Jumping on dicks of every other popular universe for money and pathetic attempts to simulate the success of garbage that was Walking Dead.