Is there something so bad that even nintendofags would admit the company fucked up?

Is there something so bad that even nintendofags would admit the company fucked up?

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selling cardboard

The Wii U

Playstation is nintendo's fault.

no theyre pretty close to a cult desu

closest thing i can think of is when something comes out in japan only.

that gay cardboard box shit

killing gunpei yokoi for creating the virtual boy
killing satoru iwata for creating the wii u

Metroid Other M, but I don't blame you for not knowing since you were just learning to read when it came out.

is this ironic? wii, wiiu and now switch literally have zero games aside from mainline mario and zelda. everything else is nintendogs and shit

not really, their level of fanboyism is in pair with Sonygroes and bullshots


It's not even out, stop hating without using it

Yeah, the fucking McDonalds toys that they like to lock content behind.
>Nintendo fans defend those
Well shit, the 30fps in most of their games is a cancer. At least aim at 60, even though 144-240 really should be the standard.
>They defend that too
At least they can't defend selling LITERAL CARDBOARD for
>They do

>stop hating without using it

No, it's perfectly valid to do that

Like I can say for sure that I don't want a nail driven through my testicle and I don't have to try it out first to make that choice

The switch is not even a year old, and had 2 goty contenders already, it also outsold wii u total sales.

The wii completly outsold its competition.

Wii U was a mistake but at least had decent first party support.


>The Wii
fixed that for you

>comparing a toy targete specifically at children (no lol manchildren Xd soysoysoy, I mean children) to physical pain
goddamn user, get your head out of your ass


Nope. Nintenbros are legitimately insane and by far the worst fanbase out of the big three.

Oh wait I just remembered retards do defend it.
Paid online seem see pretty hatted.
It's not out yet and it's for children
A fine console.

I find it hard to believe anyone is worse than sony.
This is coming from someone who used to be a sony fanboy during the PS3 era.

The Virtual Soy was really bad.
The Soylent U was also really bad.
There was some really bad accessories for the Soylent Entertainment System and the Soy Boy.

They've also shamelessly peddled dildos and now cardboard, but I guess Nu-tendorks like that sort of thing.

Fpsfags are cancer

The only Nintendo franchise I'm interested in is Splatoon and Splatoon 2's balancing is fucking atrocious and the game is basically unplayable right now until they decide to fix it next month...which will probably mean they'll just buff the best weapons in the game again and completely invalidate any reason to use most of the roster.


*paid only seems pretty hatted

is the new nintendofag cry?

*paid onlinr

get Nintendo's dick out of your ass

The nintendo fan is one caught in perpetual childhood. those same simple symbols of cartoony adventure with their caricaturized proportions, expressions and movements eagerly anticipated year after year, generation after generation. The unchanging symbols and their fans are punctuated by the irony of an adult clinging to their youth by roleplaying as a character that never seems to grow, and never faces a new challenge save for rescuing peach in a new generation of console and for a different (see-increased) sticker price. As the backlight fades from the gaming tablet, perhaps these young adults will notice-despite the best efforts of denial, projection, and neglect, the face reflected in the black mirror. Patched with sporadic instances of the hair denoting manhood, the visage may elicit the emotion and expression everyone else has had upon seeing an adult cowered over a toy displaying cartoon animations, which emanate, with every spastic movement of the grotesquely protruding joysticks- comical, unrelenting, and inappropriate repetitive sounds known to assuage the emotions of the autistic: disgust

Ps4 only has bloodborne, that one game less

Does anybody ever post things that are stupid for no reason?

Wii Music
Virtual Boy
Star Fox Zero

Now sod off

Literally nothing.
They defended the 3DS screen lottery.
They defended the WiiU.
They defended nintendo stealing roms and selling them on eShop.
They defended all the Xenoblade/Fire Emblem Fates/TMS censorship.
They defend nintendo's online service where you're required to use your own smartphone to chat
And now they're defending nintendo selling cardboard for $60.

I swear there is a serious correlation between adult retardation and liking nintendo.

The new paper marios
Nobody defends that

Amiibo festival, virtual boy, wii music, power glove

jesus christ it's for children

>They defended the WiiU.
Previous tense, you don't see anyone defending that shit now.

Not using the newer Pascal Tegra chip was pretty dumb. More power and better use of battery life.

BOTW is pretty shit. The engine is great and stuff, but the weapon and consumable system suck.
I don't like that broken story. It's a game where I do want a linear experience of events, not just scattered scenarios you walk into or can ignore all together.

The moons in Odyssey were retarded because you were rewarded equally for stumbling on something on the floor or taking 20 minutes to do some cool platforming area. Should have had Blue coins for the little easy collectibles and just make 10 Blue coins give you a moon. Mario Sunshine did this right.

I own every Nintendo home console and have had every handheld, so I'm as much of a "Nintenbro" as you get.
The company makes a lot of mistakes and a lot of games have some glaring flaws.


>my local walmart still has a copy of Wii Music for $60
>no nintendo game ever goes on sale or receives a price cut, ever.

There's no defending this.

Talkin bout that ps tripple

The thing that causes faggots like you to console war shitpost nonstop 24/7.
I wish Nintendo hadn't done that, whatever it was.

>it's okay to scam kids
Nintenerds confirmed for immoral kid haters

>They defended the 3DS screen lottery.
What's this?

E3 2015, I'm a Nintendo fan and even I admit it was terrible.

Some screens were just shit quality, has washed out colours or bad lighting. Don't remember the specifics. Some 3DS had perfect screens.
Couldn't tell until you bought it, opened the box and turned it on.

Never heard of screen lottery, what's that?
The wii u was good, until every game on it came to switch (Except W101)
I'm not sure what you mean by stealing ROMs but yes $5 is too expensive for 30 year old games
Pretty sure it was SJWs defending the censorship, not core nintendo fans
The smartphone thing is dumb, not that I bother with online chat anyway I just use Skype or Discord
And nobody seems to get that you're getting a game with Labo, they're not just selling cardboard, the cardboard is an accessory to the game it comes with

This soy meme is one of the worst things I've seen on this board. I thought Wojaks were fucking terrible as is, but somehow you guys made them even more unbearable. Bravo

I want more censorship just to hide the fucking embarrasing character designs in my weeb games

>selling cardboard
I've never owned a single nintendo console nor do I intend to, but am I the only retard that understand the Labo thing? Firstly, it's a fun looking toy that adds a physical interactivity for CHILDREN to make their own toys and props, and for reference, you can buy an ATST LEGO Walker set for about the same price.

>I'm not sure what you mean by stealing ROMs

>a fun looking toy

it's fucking PAPER


>they make video games
>why do video game fans not hate them, they must be a cult!
Oh fuck off


It must have sucked being this devoid of imagination as a kid.

It's fucking cardboard.
You can justify it as much as you want it doesn't become any less retarded.

it's made of a form of reinforced paper, sure but it's designed to create a prop that works in tandem with the console

what's wrong with ipa?

>by far the worst fanbase out of the big three
Not even fucking close, you're thinking of the one who spams analvore shit

no when I was a kid I had video games and toys and I didn't have to play with paper like an impoverished Somalian refugee

Over half have dogshit TN panels with some of the worst color accuracy known to man
Others have IPS that is still stupidly low-res but is much better

I’m not a Nintendo fan or fan of any company really, but I do have a Switch. I think locking DLC behind plastic toys is fucking shit. Selling higher difficulty mode is shit tier business practice that Nintendo shouldn’t have gotten away with as easily as it did.

As a former Nintendofag they're pretty much dead to me. Built a PC, bought a PS4 and never looked back. The Wii was the first strike, the launch for the 3DS was the second, and the Wii U plus amiibos was the final strike. The fact that people continue to defend Nintendo's sheer insanity is absolutely frightening. This is the same company that has the audacity to charge $70 for fucking cardboard and what's even worse is that they'll be allowed to get away with it.

I loved playing with and making crafts out of cardboard boxes.
They were free and usually came from packaging that held my actual toys, they didn't cost $60.

By definition; no.

>bought a PS4
You have a PC, why the fuck did you do this?

pic related, no one ever bothers defending this garbage LMAO