How are Pokémon gyms economically sustainable? Are they public services paid through taxes?
How is every kid dropping out of school and becoming a pokemon trainer at 10 years old economically viable or sustainable?
Answer me that.
they are actual gyms where you go to train your pokemon alongside other trainers under the guidance of a gym leader. they also design and make TMs.
Pretty sure its just a hobby for most people. Not like everyone who plays videogame is an e-sports faggot.
How do people in Cinnabar START training pokemon? Do they take a boat to Pallet and just walk from there? Pretty sure any starters they get would get their shit slapped in by stronger pokemon.
Trainers have to give their money if they lose, so they just beat the shit out of dumb trainers who come challenge them
If they beat you they take a % of your total money held. Misty would be making a killing
They capture and enslave the pocketmans, and those things do all the work. Why hire a construction company when you can head out into some grass and catch a bunch of those muscle dudes and rock monsters?
okay, but they still need money for shit. Oh wait, that is why you beat up other trainers and take their shit, where those trainers got their shit from other trainers as well. Ultimately, someone must have had a job to get money.
how do they get money?
how did the first pokemon trainer get money?
Don't forget the free healthcare which in the anime also serves as a free hotel more or less
But clothes cost tens of thousands of pokedollars and bikes cost 100,000 so that's probably where the economy is sitting
I don;t even know. I guess all these kids passing through keep Pokemarts in business and that sustains the economy somehow?
regionWhat's the point of these free gloried t spanning championships?
The Pokemon League props up the economy by sponsoring gyms and prize money to be spent on pokemon training
They can convert anything to energy and store it in a PC. The Pokemon world should have a post-scarcity economy.
pokemon trainers are a general leech on the economy in a post-scarcity world where nobody actually works and people take part in capturing local wildlife and making them fight for fun and profit
*region spanning
why does everyone look good in the pokeworld?
Nobody drops out of school, its just something that seems to be accepted worldwide as an acceptable quest for youngsters. Think about taking a year off after high school to travel, and that's a similar idea. A lot of it seems to be about learning about your home region.
What with everyone robbing each other after their animals and have in a gruesome magical battle, I'd say the economy does whatever the fuck it wants.
The world is set in a universe where Hitler won so no more niggers and kikes
Pokemon has schools? The only ones that exist is that guy in Johto who teaches you how to fight Pokemon.
Their mom gave them money.
>Ash has been skipping school for over 20 years now
To this day I still think Ash being 10 is bullshit, even from the start.
>But clothes cost tens of thousands of pokedollars and bikes cost 100,000 so that's probably where the economy is sitting
To be fair shit is a nip franchise and shit is priced in such a way to mildly reflect their monetary shit
If you think in terms of American dollary doos then fucking shit would be major ultra bullshit and fucked up but if one think of it as yen then naw shit aint that expensive comparatively speaking.
They're 10 years old, so most of them are financed by their parents. Successful trainers get prize money from tournaments that are all over the world, all the time, even if they don't appear in the games/series and some trainers use their Pokémon as a service, such as transport, heat, resources etc.
Also, hurr durr it's not real man.
Well Ash apparently made a demonic deal to be a cute shota forever so he's not the norm.
There were more than school, I'm sure of it?
Definitely the one in Goldenrod but wasn't there evidence of one in Sinnoh too?
Also the areas you explore in the games doesn't mean there aren't buildings and such elsewhere in those regions. There could be tons of schools and shit.
The pokemon economy is powered by sex.
>To this day I still think Ash being 10 is bullshit, even from the start.
in realism terms yeah
but in fantastical bullshit just don't think about it and shallowly enjoy shit for what is instead of what you think it should realistically be naw.
>they're 10 years old
Holy fuck stop this shitty ashime meme. There's preschoolers that battle since like fucking gen 2, and I'd argue youngsters easily look younger.
Just like real life
Oak goes on trips via vermillion
Maybe they get stronger starters?
Sounds like Venezuela with it's 2 exchange rates
Asking the real questions.
Wrong board fag. /vp/ is in the other direction.
It's probably just a hobby for summer holidays.
I want a full autism game where you have to go to pokemon school, apply for a license, pay for pokemon food, lodging, clothes, etc.
Only if you are registered (pokedex)
>Wrong board fag. /vp/ is in the other direction.
/vp/ never have threads like this.
So a pokemon game with a survival aspect?
I wouldnt know considering I dont go there but I wouldnt be suprised if a pokemon board wouldnt talk about pokemon just like a vidya board doesnt talk about vidya.
>No fun allowed. Now back to wojackposting
What would be the easiest way to murder someone in the Pokemon world?
No, just economy and law.
Every trainer they defeat has to give them half of their money
Ghost pokemon can eat souls and shit.
lack of niggers sure helps
>how did the first pokemon trainer get money
Used a Meowth with Pay Day
capture in pokeball, store in PC and hit delete
in gen 5 gymnleaders have sometimes a second job. Also yeah probably taxes and shit.
I just wish the games had a robust character creator so that I could make a nerd who bullies kids far younger than he is. It really sucks that they're going after the girl (male) audience, I guess that's who pays the bills.
Make Ditto transform into someone else and teach it to use a gun.
>the federal reserve is just a meowth abuse factory
You can set your battle style to nihilist and be a smug asshole.
he's an unemployed bum that is one felony pokemon suit away from being in his own kanto park boys
what's a yen? that don't sound American
>make a nerd
>bullies kids
You fucked up.
They are called Pokéballs, not Homoballs
Capture a psychic pokemon and make it control someones mind and kill him or herself.
Pokemon is an obvious communist fantasy. Shit series
>bikes cost 100,000
that's actually not far off with regards to JPY
my jap friends were telling me even though everyone rides it's expensive to get a good bike
hahah get it, it's just like my japanese hentais! but I assure you bro it could be a girl (male), just like your japanese propaga-I mean entertainment!
You know how trainers pay out when you beat them in battle? It works both ways. Gym leaders tearing shit up makes some money.
Also to the question about how people from cities with "strong" gyms start their journey - gym leaders have different teams and pick it depending on how many badges the challenger already has.
So even if you start in like Cinnabar, Blaine's team will be like a Vulpix and a Charmander.
they have access to infinite rare candies
You're trying too hard lad.
I know, its just nothing but pokemon shitposting.
All Pokemon fights end with the loser paying money to the winner so they definitely aren't "free"
That said the whole Gym and Pokemon Trainer scene is obviously backed by government funding. They've got IDs for this shit.
how much is a good bike in nipland?
"good" range starts at around $500 USD here
When you lose you pay them.
They are actual gyms where people can train their Pokemon. They also probably receive money from the League itself, which also probably receives money from ticket and merchandise sales
Who decides who runs the gym? I assume it's some kind of job you sign up for under the league or something.
Why are they called gyms anyway?
>be an old man
>fishing on the dock on the weekend
>some kid goes by
>notice his balls
>ask him to come over
>tell him to show me
>we tangle
>toss him $5 for the trouble
>he goes on to lose to someone else
That's where the money comes from
Why hasn't pokemon adopted a more "open world" style and dropped the linear progression routes?
>World is large and has expansive routes that are a challenge to navigate and clear
>actually takes time and effort to get all the way to the end of a route to the next Pokecenter/Town
>Gym Leaders all have 8 teams, the one they use is determined by how many badges you have when you challenge them.
>Pokemon aren't level scaled, certain routes will have lower level pokemon, but they all have side routes and hidden paths with much higher level pokemon. Still possible to get through them at low levels but very tough
Would you play it?
Because they have bosses in them.
It's not necessarily government funded.
The Pokemon League is super popular, I imagine the broadcasting/marketing/etc rights for stuff like championships sell for a lot of money (like for example the NFL).
That revenue is then invested into running the "league" - gyms across the region.
One thing people must understand is that gyms are not supposed to be gatekeepers - they're supposed to raise trainers. It's basically a giant operation to create great trainers which then compete in the championships against each other which in return generates interest and thus revenue.
The id for pokemon trainers is the pokedex and the trainers Iisence changed to a passport.
Look up what a gymnasium is.
Why not get rid of levels entirely?
They don't because then that'd be the new standard and they'd have to work harder. Easy to do this cookie cutter stuff.
Trick someone into looking at a Shedinja's back or have them stand within a few million miles of a Magcargo.
It's where people train.
They should be called dojos. Japs called them gyms because they're retarded.
Good one user. Very funny.
Or monhun world
Because that would require fundamentally restructuring how pokemon works and make the game incompatible with previous entries
Don't be a fucking retard user, you know what I meant,
One of the best things about the older games was trying to get through the long difficult routes like dark cave and shit. The franchises biggest problem right now is that its much too linear, holds your hand too hard, and the routes are all insanely short and easy. There is literally nothing to the games anymore.
A game with more branching paths and freedom in how you explore the region would be a breath of fresh air
What pokemon fans want from the games:
>more content, more facilities like BF and PWT, more tough trainer fights, improved online, returning features like dexnav, soaring, and pokemon following you
What retards who haven't played Pokemon in 10 years want from the games:
The people who made the gym. Gyms are a community effort and they set up everything. See the Saffron City one.
why not both
Saffron city has a dojo, but gyms are officially licenced by the pokemon league
So hierarchy is government at the top
League next
Gyms next
Obviously the pokemon league pertners
Oak and the other professors
It was another era, truly dark times.
Companies would purposefully erase any evidence that something came from japan because they thought it wouldn't sell.
At it's peak, localizers would flop street scenes in sailor moon so cars would drive on the right side of the road and tokyopop would flop all manga so it would read from left to right.
Yeah bro and why not get rid of the turn based battle system too, change is inherently good
>Because that would require fundamentally restructuring how pokemon works and make the game incompatible with previous entries
It wouldn't need to be the main series, much like Mystery Dungeon or Stadium ones aren't either.
It kind of feels weird that open world games are the most hated thing on Sup Forums these days. When I first started coming here back in 2011, it was "linear and going for the Call of Duty audience" games that were the most hated thing here.
The world literally has supernatural free labor out the ass
Living flamethrowers, supermen, telepathic/psychokinetic creatures that will obey your everyncommand and all you have to do is feed them and praise them
And that's not even counting the super advanced technology of the era
Other than a few supervisors they probably spend next to nothing mining the resources and putting it together to make a gym or amything really
I want to see complex caves and arduous bullshit return. It's my biggest gripe with gen six and seven.
But asking for a fully non-linear world is getting your explectations too high, and you will be disappointed.
Always remember that gamefreak are incompetent.
How will this game work? LA Noire with Pokemon?
>Japs [...] they're retarded.
Fucking finally, someone makes the link.