Started to look around and couldn't find an x-box emulator any suggestions
Also any other emulator recommendations
Original Xbox emulator
I suggest you buy an xbox
I suggest you buy an xbox
It's pretty much impossible my dude
But there aren't any xbox games I want to play
So you can play all 0 exclusives?
Nigga please.
it's called xbox one
Why would you want a xbox emulator while ps2 emulators exist?
I still have a chipped xbox lying around. Never play it tho because it only had a few exclusives.
right now and from what ive heard, this is the safest bet
there's been rumors of an arcade machine from japan using the same architecture and source code as the xbox being used for emulator development but i havent heard anything else about it since
Is there a complete PS2 emulator yet?
Like with the BIOS etc already with it.
I only recently figured out how to get PS1 emulating properly, first started trying in 2009 haha
an xbox emulator would be really cool, I had as xbox as a teen, and there are so many games I couldn't afford at the time.
Now I have money but the games aren't worth buying now, but still worth playing
>aren't worth buying now, but still worth playing
then they're worth buying.
are there even any worthwhile xbox exclusives?
Not even Metal Wolf Chaos?
There aint any and all the games that have been emulated emulate like fucking shit.
Google it,if you’re too retarded to set it up then drop the emulators and buy the consoles
jeez bro
it's like you dont even know how to utilize you brain or something