What happened to bantz?

I remember back in high school when I played Black Ops online, and everyone would call me a faggot for using the FAMAS or the RC-XD.Was I offended? Fuck no! I laughed my ass off, and I even got a little excited. I want to taste the salt on people’s lips when I kick their ass, but apparently, enjoying a game is starting to become outlawed. What happened? Why do people have such thin skin nowadays?

everyone is a special snowflake now

respect my safe space you shitlord

It's more the fact that it's easier to put on airs at policing your game than to actually make the shitheap that is overwatch, actually playable

Nice reddit spacing

>I want to taste the salt on people’s lips

Fucking waste of time if you seriously want to crack down on toxicity. Holy shit

>YFW you don't play Overwatch

Kek get em by the neck

publishers caught on to the fact that shitty parents were using their video games as day care

People play games to have fun, not to feel attacked or belittled for perceived lack of skills or other factors they can't control.

Nobody deserves to go through that.


>get home from work
>start overwatch
>some 12 year old playing reaper yells at everybody
no thanks


>all people play games for the same reason
>everyone has fun in the same way
Some have fun just relaxing, others have fun with competitive banter. Interestingly enough, it's more fun for both parties involved if you just have some fun shit talk back to fire each other up, not necessarily that people are out to get you.

Fuck off.

>black ops online
>high school

Oh my god how old am I now? Holy fuck.

How old are you?

I misread that as "monetizing" and I was extremely confused.

Literally nobody gives a shit if you throw out the bantz.

If you throw 50 games in a row on youtube, I hope your parents beat you to death tbqh cuz.
That kind of faggotry cannot be cured.

>dude remember back when we were kids playin xbox live halo 2?!
Everyone hated you back then. No one punished you and you grew up thinking it was acceptable. But people still hate you and just refuse to accept the xbro culture you made.

What? What the fuck are you going to do about it? Why the fuck would you post this shit here? Its been neutered by god knows what and no one is going to do anything about it. No one is going to do shit about it. What? What the fuck did you expect? You want ironic responses and memes? Are you stupid? Why the fuck would you tell this place this? What's your end game?

>Interestingly enough, it's more fun for both parties involved if you just have some fun shit talk back to fire each other up
Your subjective opinion isn't objective fact. You want them to force people to accept your shitty personality. Instead they are forcing you to contain your autism.

>"waaaah why cant i be an asshole!"


Boohoo someone said a mean word at me :( Mommy! Ban the bad people who say bad things so I don't have to confront reality! :(

It's just a continuation of the the systemic persecution of men that continues well into adulthood.
Growing up, boys get suspended and expelled from school more often for being defective girls.
In adulthood, they get banned from online games for being too competitive and aggressive.
You're being told you're "defective" for wanting firery competition.

Seriously I shit talk in overwatch non-stop its half the fun

i cant remember what was said before "salty"
Now everything is Salty all the time.
what was it before? I cant remember like a universal word for it. only stuff in my first language....

Mommy this game won't let me be a douche!

>kill someone in Overwatch
>use character emote, don't write anything, don't say anything over mic
>ding dong bannu

I deserve that. I want that. It makes me feel happy inside, knowing everyone hates me.

>What happened?
Millennials who can't stand anything. Can't believe this are the sons of those, who won cold war.

>Sup Forums before
I think this is good. I agree with the devs decision.
>Sup Forums now
Oh wow look at me I'm so dumb and retarded and I hate this! I'm dumb and wtf have they done to this game? I can't be dumb anymore, fuck these devs!

What went wrong?

>>everyone has fun in the same way
>everyone would have more fun if they all played the way I want them too
Uhmmmmmm did you even read what you typed here sweetie?

>game is played mostly by 10 year olds
>dude haha, wtf, why can't I call anyone a nigger?

If you need validation by playing an online game and insulting people, you're not a man, you're an incredibly insecure manchild.

It's almost like all these games have had a mute function for decades.

t. 2010s newfag

>playing games over the age of 15
>calling anyone a manchild

>thinks Sup Forums ever agreed with the idea of banning people from old youtube videos and spamming voice lines or even daring to say GGEZ


Most overwatch fans are gen z turds. The youngest millenials are going to be 24 this year, and the oldest ones about 35. They're not wasting their time with gaming, they're too busy killing napkins, costco, watches, diamonds, applebees, and golfing.

>someone is cussing me out, screaming, or generally being a fucking obnoxious dickhead
>mute them
Wow problem solved, now they don't have to invest millions of dollars and countless man hours into making sure people online don't say the heck word

>Blizzard continues to challenge EA for worst gaming company of all time
>People acting surprised

>playing smite
>middle of a game
>some dickface starts spamming my pms
>you can't mute someone during a game unless they are literally in the game with you
>I have to sit through 15 minutes of spam and name calling and phishing links

>reading comprehension
He's complaining about Sup Forums using retarded falseflags to express themselves instead of actual opinions.

Sounds like you shouldn't be playing shitty assfaggots games that don't let you block people.

>black ops
>in HS


I quit 2 weeks ago... I feel liberated.
But now I'm playing dumbass fortnite so im not doing much better for myself

And what if I LIKED being called a nigger in games, you strawmanning motherfucker? Where am I supposed to get my fix?

It's funny how every single one of these arguments consists of people getting buttmad they can't ebin trolle with impunity. Nigger nothing has changed. I remember sneaking behind people in MoH or CoD1 and writing in public chat how I was gonna melee them only to get banned afterwards. If you're truly out to get a few laughs getting kicked and or banned is worth a laugh as well. Your goal is to get people mad and have them react, so why the fuck are you getting mad when they cry to Blizz (or admin as people used to do back when dedicated servers were a thing) and have them kick you from the server

>play OW
>get banned from the game for saying meanie words on another website

You knew what you were playing, you knew what the game is like, brought this upon yourself. The issue wouldn't exist if you didn't play trash games like OW.

>thinks people wont be dicks to him at work, school, sports or club

if you fuck up really badly youre gonna hear it in every walk of life

Black ops came out 7 years ago

When I still played MP (from 1997 to 2014 or something) mics either didn't exist/weren't supported, or weren't used (where I played). People only used text chat. This American "bantz" culture to me is just completely retarded, and it's even more retarded that it's held up as some indispensable pillar of competitive gaming, almost like the game is secondary to being able to scream that someone is a faggot. It goes so over the top that I've seen people claim that real physical athletes, including fighters, aren't real men like us gaymurs are if they don't engage in "bantz."

Play single player noob.

Gamers are a special brand of unreasonable asshole because they will just get mad at you and fly off the handle other actually nothing.
Because of the lack of consequences they just make any threat or insult they feel like nonstop, and it's cancer as all hell

Because you don't get kicked from the server, you get banned from the entire game. For saying mean words in a team-based game with a mute function.

>get good at game
>stupid salty kids mass ban you for humiliating them
>get banned for being too good
>literally get banned again within 30 minutes of being unbanned

This isn't a new phenomenon.


when i was a kid we knew being good at games was what mattered

people trying way too hard and spamming nigger/kys or having an actual meltdown of rage is one thing, calling people bad when they ARE bad is something else entirely
when i still played i liked Lucio and spammed "Why are you so angry?" as much as possible at enemies and teammates alike, would that get me banned now?

yanks cant handle the bants that's why

>paragraphs are reddit

>I deserve that. I want that. It makes me feel happy inside, knowing everyone hates me.
You have come to the right place.

Welcome home brother. Now go kill yourself.

Hey at least you took a first step.


*bantz* became just being a racist that purposely sabotages group content. not that the former is bad but you have no clue what bantz are if calling somebody a faggot is your example. back in the golden age of pc mmorpg we actually had some wit and knew how to keep it related to game content. youre just a child that bookmarked Sup Forums in 2016. know the difference

>it's cancer as hell
you can't say that, that's horrible
just because you're anonymous doesn't mean you can make fun of terminal illness.

gen z is not millenial ffs kys

Millenials are Gen Y
Gen Z are after millenials.
You're fucking dumb.

And way back you had a dozen decent servers and of you got banned from two or three you could get shadowbanned from every single decent server. You guys are just retarded whiners. If I was still an edgy teen and these rules were in place I'd probably mess with people by being super condescending while I'm kicking their asses - hey guys you're really improving, you guys are very challenging opponents, etc. and laugh at them sperging out or try something else. Typing zoz after each kill or other shit that can't get you banned. Instead most od the crying here is done by people buttmad they can't go all: DROP DEAD NIGGER I HOPE YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY DIES IMMA BUTTFUCK YOUR DOGE. FUCKING NIGGER BITCH FAGGOTS to strangers in public chat

>35 to 24

Kill yourself for this post.

>not a game for people with ovaries

instead of banning players, they could actually make some content


>playing soyzzard's games

truly pathetic. in cs go you can call everyone a nigger and nobody will ban you

Unironically this. This shift is really weird. Xbox live completely changed the online environment for gaming and was constantly ridiculed for years because of its annoying fucking userbase. Now people are holding that kind of community up as some kind of gold standard because they're nostalgic for it.

Annoying, racist, obnoxious behaviour has never been a "staple" of online gaming. I've run popular servers for games like Quake 2 and TF2, and the second anybody ever started that shit everyone else was calling for a ban from the server. Not because their feelings were hurt, but because it was fucking annoying.

If your idea of "bantz" is just saying uncreative bullshit like "fuck you nigger" or "suck a dick faggot" then don't cry when you get banned from the server like the annoying, repetitive bitch you are.

If you want a place where you can "banter" to your heart's content, get some friends together and fuck with each other on discord, like normal people do. Oh wait, you probably don't have friends because nobody can stand to be around your sorry ass for more than 30 seconds at a time.

What game should we play that permits banter and toxicity?


>people dont like to be belittled for lack of skills
Then don't play a competitive game where skill is needed or git gud at it so you don't get belittled
>inb4 overwatch isn't a competitive game
Blizzard would like a word with you
Seriously isn't hard to understand and what do other factors would people hate being called out on that they have no control over?
I only have like 2 or 3 and they don't count because you don't need to tell people about 2 of them i will give the third one to you though. They are
Your age
Your race/religion
yoyr gender


Posting the only acceptable opinion from the alst fucking thread.

Mute Button

Probably because 97% of the player base doesn't speak english

The mute dosnt mute text. Because Blizzard are smart

You deserve to get belittled when you think playful banter is hurtful, how much of a fucking millenial faggot are you user?

there's 2 seperate options, one to mute text and another to mute voice, side by side

this is so if someone is mic spamming porn audios, you can still see what they're typing
stupid nigger

This a thousand times
I mute people all the time when i play csgo
Sometimes i just like the peqce and quiet other times they are annoying 12 year olds

>Back in high school
>Black ops
So this is the type of dumb underage faggot who makes these shitty threads.

I'd rather play with a sperging russian than someone who reports me to the cyber police for posting "gg ez" At least you can have fun with them if you actually play on the same level.

>Blizzard spends more time banning people hurting fee-fees than attempting to make decent games


This. Also people whine about muh Blizz rules, muh Steam rules, etc., while forgeting (or being to young to experience) the glorious days of getting banned from a popular server because you killed the admin's gf or killed the moderator one too many times.

>imagine feeling scared and physically assaulted by words
>imagine losing your composure because someone called you a mean word over the internet
>imagine being over the age of 10 and wanting to cry because someone said "KILL YOURSELF NIGGER FAGGOT" to you on the internet

fuckem overwatch is gay as fuck anyway

the people that think spamming nigger with their mouths over and over again until everybody has a headache from listening to sperg tier screeching are the little brothers that would delete your save after you tell them not to


I can't tell if this bait or not.

>taste the salt on people's lips
Boy...relax. You sound sus as fuck.

But there is a difference between being obnoxious and just posting the word nigger once.
I agree with you if someone starts to spam shit when he gets salty, but a little "fucking faggot" on the side never hurt anyone in the old days. You had a laugh about it, because you knew you were superior to him in that moment.
Also a mute button is ten times more effective than just banning them.


>I agree with you if someone starts to spam shit when he gets salty, but a little "fucking faggot" on the side never hurt anyone in the old days.

It also won't get you banned from overwatch. It takes tens of reports to get someone banned, so if you space them out far enough and don't be an obnoxious faggot who can't keep your dick in your pants for a single game then you should be fine.

And then you won't get banned anyways. You'll just get muted for a while. Do it some more and you'll be muted for longer, etc.

The alternative is to actually be creative with your banter without resorting to slurs, but I don't expect that anybody browsing this website has the capacity for that.

just disable the chat if you don't like it


>imagine being over 14 years and writing KYS NIGGER FAGGOT and thinking you're a witty rebel