You have 5 seconds to tell me why you aren't playing PSU on Clementine right now

You have 5 seconds to tell me why you aren't playing PSU on Clementine right now.

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Do they have Episode 3?

holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
my pc sucks and it can't run runescape much less psu.
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on that though. I always wondered if it would be possible to get a 360 PSU pserver up since that's what I played on most.

because PSO on bluestacks is better.
Universe fags can eat a dick.

You mean like the story on the 5th floor GC? If so then no, no online story missions yet. There is some JP content that's playable/usable though.

360 private servers aren't possible because of Microsoft having tight ownership over Xbox Live, but PC development has been smoothly progressing for years now.

PSO was ok as a rough draft, but there wasn't much meat to it. PSU fixes all that and adds a ton of things to do. Only thing that got worse was aesthetic (which is fine in its own right just not as good as PSO) and arguably music.

Nah. Still playing PSP2 Ifinity. Fanslation patch any day now...

PSO sucks shit. Once you go PSU and beyond, theres simply no going back.

>PSU fixes all that
fuck off with this nonsense. Youre the reason we got that shitty ass game PSO2

>360 prviate servers aren't possible
and just like that I don't care.

PSO2 sucks I agree, but PSU never sucked. At worst it was wonky in v1 until AOTI came out and the English servers were mistreated. The core game was great and there's a reason it spawned so many sequels.

But why? You can plug in a 360/XB1 controller into PC and it will be the same thing.

Last time I tried installing it, I kept getting an error, so I gave up.
PSU is the best Phantasy Star game with IV being a close second.

When was last time? I used to have problems to with the manual patch, but if you download the latest one, it should work flawlessly.

Here it is if you are interested!

It's been a long time, probably over a year ago by now, if not, very close to a year ago. I'll check this out, though. I've had the itch for Phantasy Star lately, and PSO, nor PSO2 scratch what I want, and I don't have anyone to play Portable 1 with. Thanks man.

I remember being on PSU on the 360 with my two best friends at the time for like 2 years straight. Spending hours on all the new updates. the casino. the hoverboards when that was new.
Last time i talked to either of them were YEARS ago but i remember those times like yesterday.
Ill remember PSU forever man i swear.
Does clementine have that pink chinese planet? would like to log on and just chill there for old times sake to be honest.

I know how you feel. I wish Portable 1 had all of AOTIs or PSP2s content. PSP2 and its expansion were alright, but I didn't like how they tampered with the gameplay. Really messed with the flow and destroyed a lot of fun PAs because you have to watch chains to do any BIG NUMBERS like you could in PSU/P1.

I was in the casino not to long ago. That planet you are thinking of is Neudaiz. All planets and their lobbies are functional. I almost shed a tear being in the hot springs, icy caves, waterfall, casino, ruined city, etc...Come on over and chill for nostalgia sake.

I might. it wouldnt be the same without those faggots but i might.
Dont think ill spend TOO much time on it. But i might just do a tour for nostalgia sake.
How about all those bosses? any of the crazy ass bosses on clementine?
I remember i was some sort of healer with a crazy ass staff that could heal just about anything and had a guitar case that shot out bullets or something.
Honestly would like to get into contact with those guys again for this. But its been like 5 years...

>Really messed with the flow and destroyed a lot of fun PAs
I'm glad someone else feels the same. All the folks I usually play games with feel the exact opposite. I just couldn't fully enjoy the combat in Portable 2. I admit, I didn't give it much of a chance as I only put in a fraction of the time I put into Universe/Portable 1, but it just felt like...maybe not necessarily a step backwards, just a step in the wrong direction.

I'll never forget PSU either, man. I played that game religiously for years, and it basically got me through high school. Universe is definitely a special game. I still get bummed out remembering the day I canceled my sub.

Is it actually running? Every time i get interested in PSU again and check for servers, its always not ready or down or in closed beta or something.

I remember cancelling my sub a few months before the last day and watching it live.

>I know how you feel. I wish Portable 1 had all of AOTIs or PSP2s content. PSP2 and its expansion were alright, but I didn't like how they tampered with the gameplay. Really messed with the flow and destroyed a lot of fun PAs because you have to watch chains to do any BIG NUMBERS like you could in PSU/P1.
PSP2/I are great. Infinity even did rebalancing of stats to allow your "muh big meaningless numbers" earlier on. Having to find higher level PA discs rather than level grind the skills does suck shit and feels like PSO wanking.

sorry this was in reply to you not for myself

Do they have a pay2win donation shop?

It happens. You were thinking back an on emotional rollercoaster, anyone would've quoted the wrong post.

Nothing wrong with a tour. I didn't fully appreciate it before, but just being alone in the lobbies and listening to the music, I feel like they tried so hard to make every lobby a sociable, comfy place. I'm in the hot springs right now, remembering talking to some funny guys years ago. Bosses are in...sort of. A lot don't function properly but they exist. Go ahead and contact your friends, its worth it, trust me. Right now, the teams biggest issues are rooms.

It's running. You might have an old or outdated client. I suggest just deleting the game and reinstalling the latest version where everything is properly and automatically patched.

There's also this Twitter run by the admins where they post updates.

That's how I see it and I think they saw it that way to, since PSO2 didn't bring it back outside of a skill. My dream would be Infinity with Portable 1s gameplay...I will never have to worry about losing my characters again.

The server will always be free to play, but there is a Patreon to help support them if you feel so inclined. Personally I throw them a $20 every month because of how important and special PSU is to me.

Waiting for the final server wipe for official release. They're finishing the new rewrite up now (which will entail a wipe on its own,thats two) so we're at least getting closer. Once the rewrites done completely they can work on rooms, partner machines, grinders, bosses, and finalizing the drop charts.

You are smart, really it's dumb to get so invested into it because its still a beta with wipes to come, but I just can't stop myself. Going through Sakura Blast and White Beast is just to nostalgic for me. You sound like you know a fair bit on what's happening behind the scenes, how much would you say is done, percent wise?

are you the guy I suggested this server too maybe 8 hours or so ago in the PSO thread?

>Going through Sakura Blast and White Beast is just to nostalgic for me.
You've just reminded me why I'm glad the various handheld PSP games exist. I can run any mission I want at any time without being severely hampered in any way. Variety! It is something which can only be experienced solo!

Special shoutout/fuck yous to the TTF and EN spammers back in PSO for that matter.

Didn't even know there was a PSO thread 8 hours ago.

I did much more than those, but those were some of my most played missions. I just really enjoy the graphic and art design of each area, as well as the music. Mizuraki CD is one of my favorite tracks in the game. You could also play PSU missions solo you know? Some of my other favorites were True Darkness, The Dark God, Distant Memory, Military Subway, Seed Express, Lightning Beast, Scarred Planet, Mad Creatures, The Dual Sentinel, and Awoken Serpent to say the least. The Guardian Branch missions were also GOAT, loved The Egg Thieves and The Temple of Traps.

because Phantasy Star Universe is god awful


get a load of this faggot

I tried. It had zero quests but like 2 level 40 quests, I couldn't do anything, couldn't go anywhere, and overall it's just completely unfinished and unplayable. Who the fuck actually plays this?

so rooms are not working then? i remember thats one of the things me and my two friends spent a LOT of time on.
That sucks. i loved having an item shop in my room

Whens the last time you played? It's very different now.

No, the main programmer says that rooms are very difficult to understand and rewrite. They will come back in some capacity soon though.

Because is far from being finished and I like to play PSOBB:Ephinea too much

I sees him cletus

This. Universe was awful.

I'm waiting for rooms and the server to be closer to having all features implemented.

Should hopefully be by summer, brother.