it already outsold the entire dark souls series
It already outsold the entire dark souls series
Shipped != sold
I'm so fucking happy MHW will flop, its all good though they'll make all there money back over the next decade from the good boy microtransactions that faggots will slurp up
>ywl to hear people say "This is the Monster Hunter of _____"
Feels good. Cam't wait jntil Dark Souls is the Monster Hunter of action games
itll flop
>nintendo will NEVER get another monster hunter title
this factual statement is literally ripping the entire nintendo community to pieces.
>Digital sales + first shipment = 5 million
We don't know how many digital sales, and we don't know how many they shipped. This is completely meaningless.
For comparison the closest selling monster hunter was MH4U which "shipped" 1 million after 1 month in the west after selling about 2.5 million in Japan
It's nice that you're enjoying your casual western title, honey but the adults are about to get XX (a real monster hunter game) localized, soooo....
5million shipped is still pretty impressive but whats the sales figures?
>shipped doesn't mean sold!
If the retailers have bought them, it might as well be sold to capcom.
How dense are you retards
>implying nintendo will never get another MH
Seething. You're a fool if you think japan's switch market will be ignored. Glad you're enjoying the series though; it'll be on PC soon enough, and then everyone will supposedly hate it or not care.
DaS remaster will sale twice this much mate.
>Largest microtransaction is some 11euro that includes everything in the shop
>All cosmetics
Wow ded gaem mirite?
>actually sells 4 millions on Nintendo
>ships 5 millions between two other systems
>yeah, we're dropping Nintendo altogether, who would want to reap profits from all the consoles
I think we'll be okay.
is this bait?
Fuck off back to NintendoERA.
>Between Physical AND DIGITAL
How does that even work?? this read like pure PR aimend to just Display that 5M face front for teh sake of it
and if they linger on the shelves for a few months then the retailers will get pissed and Capcom will eat crow. You are a god damn fool if you believe that Capcom doesn,t hope to sell those shipment
>monster hunter which regularly sells 4mil copies in Japan alone
>Dark Souls which rarely sells 500k in Japan and not even close to 4 mill globally
What a fucking twist. Next you'll tell me that Pokemon outsold Dark Souls too?????
Kind of disappointed that 80% of the content is going to be DLC.
That makes sense because easier games have a wider demographic. Monster hunter has always just been a more casual version of dark souls.
>this read like pure PR aimend to just Display that 5M face front for teh sake of it
Well, Capcom does need to repair their reputation somehow. We really shouldn't have expected them to give actual sales numbers.
>actually sells 4 millions on Nintendo
Capcom have only reported shipped numbers on Nintendo...
is there actual proof that a single copy of monster hunter world has been sold anywhere in the world?
I have my doubts
unless you find me some prestine copies on the wild, years old games are shipped = sold
>Monster hunter has always just been a more casual version of dark souls.
Capcom only reported shipped numbers, your anecdotes are not facts
Nah it's legit salt, nintendinies are legitimately assblasted by this, it's fucking crazy
It already outsold the Nintendo Shitbitch in its first 7 months
Capcom are rushing around to get games for the Switch after underestimating its success. XX might get a localisation, but i think it would be a safe bet to say MH5 will be on Switch, and World will be its own series of games.
So, Quick math done wrong
I would Say Capcom Shipped 4M WW, and 1M from Digital = 5M shipped (from the PR)
if we go at an 70% of the Shipment sold then 2.8M + 1M Digital - 3.8M < this is my bet for how much did MHW really sold this past weekend world wide this weekend