Hey Sup Forums. Just curious, why the FUCK aren't you playing The Division?
Hey Sup Forums. Just curious, why the FUCK aren't you playing The Division?
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both the gameplay and setting dont interest me personally at the moment
shitty tacked on RPG elements in a game trying to be realistic.
A lot of games I won't buy simply because my friends are console pleberinos and I have no desire to play with randoms. Why the hell isn't cross-platform a common thing already?
only thing that genuinely bothers me is the lack of diversity
>Why the hell isn't cross-platform a common thing already?
because PC players would completely wipe the floor with any console players?
its like combining special olympics and normal olympics.
between these which one should I play Sup Forums? And warframe is FREE so why does ubi deserve the shekels?
I don't have any friends and the game is unplayable without coop.
Also the PC version is riddled with hackers, console players might not enjoy having their game ruined
>because PC players would completely wipe the floor with any console players?
That's only an issue in FPS games, but they should still have an option to play, at least co-op. And anyway, Xbone and PS4 don't crossplay and I remember at least one big game that had cross play on PC and PS3 or 4.
>higher frame rates, higher resolutions and more details are only an issue in FPS games
Can't the same problem be found in the Pro and X compared to the originals?
Because I do NOT fucking enjoy bullet sponge enemies, capable of eating an entire clip of good ol' reliable Kalashnikov to the face.
And not only that but players on PC vary wildly in those same exact things as well.
It’s a PVE game you dumb nigger
well thats one of the biggest selling points for consoles, so why end it?
what would you like your missions balanced around? consoles, so PC players fall asleep during gameplay, or PC so console players dont stand a chance?
concede nigga
Because while they moved in the right direction with 1.8 it's still obvious that they intend to fuck the player over.
With the best gear dropping from Global Event Caches in "cycles" as they're being added to the game, you're fucked if you didn't play at that time.
It is yet another sign of the endless gear-treadmill that the whole game was designed around.
Go farm equipment where every roll has to be a certain way otherwise the equipment is literally USELESS - and you only get one (1) stat to reroll - when I said they're moving in the right direction I mean that you can now on Classified Gear roll two (2) stats instead, I hope we'll one day see us being able to reroll all of it.
I want to have fun in this game, but the fun is located behind a grindwall, which is not fun.
All of that, and then there's the bugs and things still not fixed despite it being present since release. It's clear, the developers are either incompetent - or don't have the players interests at heart.
Warframe is fun in solo and a group. but it can be quite daunting for a new player with some of the stuff gated between timers or platinum. While timers become a non issue after playing for a while, a new player can become quite discouraged with little content they are given in the first few planets. The fact they also lack proper mods, access to best credits/endo/resource farming locations, little variety of weapons and general lack of reactors will really make you want to purchase plat, and I think most people do. While there is a way to get premium currency for free, for a new player it's not easy. Quite honest it's not that easy even if you're an old player too, unless you somehow have a stockpile of rare mods/rivens/primes. It's way harder to farm shit when you're a new player with no plat than when you're a veteran, who almost certainly either has plat or has the ability to make quick plat if he wants.
Division is a much more coherent progression experience you'd expect out of ARPGs or ARPG hybrids, like Borderlands. Unlike Borderlands, however, the game lacks any proper end-game, which is funny because Borderlands end-game is shit. Warframe also has this issue: if you're good enough you can get a weapon/frame + mods that will crush everything in starchart+sortie+raids+poe+dark sector by mr5-7, after that it becomes more about you finding new fun weapons and trying to challenge yourself with self-imposed limits/trying something new. It's way harder to do something like that in Division, however, mainly because it's much less systems based and too reliant on scripted missions and events. You can call Warframe whatever you want, but only an idiot would say that it lacks weapon variety. Division doesn't have that privilege, it's much more of a number crunching game.
tl:dr: have friends - you can try Division. Warframe works good in both solo and team play, but much more reliant on you sticking with it.
bullet sponge grind athon 9000, fuck off
to grind your ass off, and 100X more expensive to complete
I'd say Warframe, there's less RNG and the real difficult items can be traded with players - plus you can acquire loads of platinum without ever spending a cent.
Warframe's pvp sucks though.
PC games being harder is a meme, people always refer to pre-2000 RPG games where the “difficulty” lies in terrible control schemes or not explaining mechanics
Why the fuck did my friend by this game recently? It wasn't even on sale.
A new patch dropped recently, that supposedly fixed a lot of things - but it didn't take long for most players to realize it'll take more than that to make it fun.
actually i am right now, fucking finally got my last set piece which was hunters faith holster from GE cache which completes my struggle to collect 4 sets in this event.Right now im running firecrest for fun and my brother rolls with tacticians, its pretty fun.
>With the best gear dropping from Global Event Caches in "cycles" as they're being added to the game, you're fucked if you didn't play at that time
well only new sets are dropping from GE, if you want to farm the ones before go do boss runs, resistance or west side pier courier drones, its by no means as fast as GE drops but its still something
>It is yet another sign of the endless gear-treadmill that the whole game was designed around.
its pretty hard to design games with limited funds on anything else these days and any big game on the market does so (wow,destiny,etc)
>Go farm equipment where every roll has to be a certain way otherwise the equipment is literally USELESS
it was retarded in first year, thats true, but with classified gear in most cases being build with 1 major stat in mind like electronics/str/or stam for most effectiveness 1 major and 1 minor recalibration is quite enough with few exceptions like backpack with no ammo roll and another shitty minor stat but besides that you need that 4+ rolls to modify fire resist?
>well only new sets are dropping from GE
Yes, so right now you can only get C-Tactician Authority, C-Fire Crest and C-Deadeye or something along those lines. You can no longer get C-Reclaimer or C-Striker which means you have to go farm them like everything else, which means it'll have like 0.5% drop chance or something along those lines because the drop-table is fucking massive at this point.
Furthermore the RNG of the item-stats itself is another way the whole thing is inflated in terms of grind.
It's simply not worth the time and effort. Furthermore chances are that once you got that perfect build a new patch will drop making your gear useless as a new item-level is introduced.
>Warframe's pvp sucks though
>implying division's is any different
Division has better pvp than warframe.
That's no feat though, they both suck. Warframe's pvp just suck on a different level alltogether.
>Because I do NOT fucking enjoy bullet sponge enemies
Literally my exact same reason. I just can't stand it in a game like Division where they're just regular dudes. Shame because I hear it's seen nothing but improvements.
They fixed the bullet sponge though
I was really hoping it'd be the kind of shooter where you hit someone's vitals and thats it
>It’s a PVE game
How so?
he's lying.
>tfw you revive two people and save them from getting killed while extracting loot but they end up killing you when you had no loot.
Because it lied about everything in it. It was the first ubisoft game i had been excited for in years and they fucked it up.
I keep wanting to get back into the division. I stopped right as they were starting to make some of the major improvements and between being busy and just moving onto other games I never got back to it except for sporadic bits...
I think some of the bullet sponge has been fixed but mostly just pushed out to being underleveled by a few levels.
My major issue was-- given I'm mostly doing solo-- the quests didn't give you enough XP to keep from having to grind the same boring side-quests. So I just stopped. Only so many times you can carry medicine around or run around apartments turning on antennas. A shame because Division really does have a lot of things I want to like.
Arguable. Enemies do die faster if you're soloing, but they're still bullet sponges if you party up. I understand it's for balancing and shit, but I also understand that some people find that ridiculous and it turns them away.
Highest world tier (difficulty), duo with a friend, elite enemy = minimum 100 bullets from an LMG or 5-6 headshots from a sniper rifle.
I reached endgame and do not know what to do. Not really into endlessly grinding loot for the sake of grinding loot.
Survival is kinda fun to do every now and then (since you basically start fresh), but it's pretty easy.
Pretty much why I stopped playing. There hasnt been any significant story related DLC or content added to the game and im sick of the DZ as well as resistance.
>haha that's absurd.
They've finally gotten to a decent place but there's still very little in terms of new missions or enemy variety. I guess the horde mode was kinda cool for the first few hours? PvP still blows balls but that's been a given for awhile so I won't necessarily count that as a negative toward the game at this point.
I'd like a steady stream of new guns, not even exotics really. The issue is that gun modifiers are completely fucked and you have a game that is entirely based around extended mags. There's very little reason to also use certain guns because they have a innate third talent that's just fucking awful like the G36 family or the UMP.
Underground hasn't been touched besides hunters in like what, a year? Wasn't that shit supposed to be procedural generated? New enemy types would help quell the same 2 -3 fucking maps over and over and over but they've been busy trying to unfuck their game for the better of a year. No one uses shotguns still outside of building stacks on striker, then you switch to your M4 or House and rape. Actually shotguns in generally aren't necessarily awful but outside of the Saiga and the Showstoper take a fucking year to reload (even with + reload) when you can just own with a AR.
So, as someone else said, it's a PvE game really. I don't know if there's gonna be a Division 2 or not, but it seems like the lead devs actually know how to make a video game after listening to awful players on reddit after the span of 2 years so we'll see if they'll just keep adding on or take the Destiny approach.
bullet sponges and it's another one of those faux console MMOs borefests.
>third person Destiny
This game would be so much better if they didn't tack on RPG elements to it.
>Classified gear sets incentivize using 9000 stamina to get even more bonuses
God pvp in this game is fucking godawful, massive has no fucking clue how to balance it.
I was playing the free trial two days ago and the enemies are spongey as fuck if you're in a group.
Having a name is the most powerful status in the World of the Division. If Satan uses his dark power to give you a name you will be an invincible god.
shit game that had boring loot
what's there to play? run those shitty sewer levels ad infinitum for the chance of a slightly better gun? Fuck that
the game is boring beyond measure, there's nothing fucking to do
Played all the content except for DLC and I don't like grinding or the game's PvP
>5-6 headshots
>100 rounds for a single target
>this isnt bullet sponge
This is kind of the inherit problem in the game design when you are designing around a game that always starts you with several hundred rounds of ammunition that are easy to replenish.
The entire foundation is fucked.
I see you have some issues with reading.
Strange that nobody complains when a high level human boss in other games takes 100 fireballs or 1k sword swings to die
the division doesnt even have battle royale amd has been dead for the last 8 months
>Strange that nobody complains when a high level human boss in other games takes 100 fireballs or 1k sword swings to die
Armor stops swords from cutting and piercing. A wool face mask can't stop a fucking .380 bullet.
Because it sucks
Oh yeah, let's nitpick. Then how does armor stop a soul-melting bolt of pure chaos? Yeah, fuck off. Video games will never have realistic mechanics because that would be fucking grade-A boredom and that's why it takes 1k chaos bolts to kill a boss in WoW and that's why you have to headshot a boss 6 times in the Division
Because it fucking blows.
>go in building
>clear room
>grab x, plug it into y
>survive waves
>le lootiez
It's third person borderlands with better graphics.
>Then how does armor stop a soul-melting bolt of pure chaos?
By being magical armor of pure order you fucking idiot.
Magic can counter magic. There is no magic in the Division so you can fuck off with your stupid mental gymnastics.
I played it for a bit and then lost interest.
>mental gymnastics
>term popularized by south park
Neck yourself.
There's definitely magic in the division you dimwit.
There's a support station that can heal your wounds on the fly, healing projectiles to bring people who just got obliterated by a grenade back to full health.
Also you have backpacks with near infinite storage space.
There's plenty of magic in the division, it's just explained as NANOMACHINES SON
Why couldn't they figure out how to transfer the infinite ammo nanomachines from pistols to primary weapons?
I am but I have so much fucking loot I don't know what to do with it. The game just throws greens and golds at you once you hit WT5. My stash and inventory is full, and I don't feel like micromanaging that shit.
There's a perk that lets pistol headshots give you thirty primary rounds
I don't know, why couldn't warlocks figure out how to use plate armor in WoW?
Deconstruct it.
>Shooting someone in the head with a pistol materializes 30 bullets for a completely different gun
Retarded as fuck
Yeah but the problem is I don't know what loot is good and what loot is bad.
go play ARMA
i don't feel like dumping a whole mag on a single enemy.
Get a better gun. A lightweight m4 with the right talents and optimized shreds people. There are also some rares like the house and the big al that do work
Depends on your builds, but watch marcostyle's videos on what the best rolls are on the gear-pieces.
Basically you want +health rolls on anything that gives +10k health and a combination of Crit/Health on Kill if you're firearms-spec'd.
Overall it depends on what you want to do. Look up Marcostyle on youtube he has by far the best videos for the division.
Casual as fuck PvE game that thinks it's a PvP game. There's literally no reason to get classified sets unless you want to autistically solo legendaries/incursions.
>There's literally no reason to get classified sets
Literally this.
Warframe by a mile. I play(ed) both and Division takes a dive once you hit max level and world rank 5. It goes from a cozy co-op RPG to a seriously RNG bullet sponge loot grinder. The drops are abysmal, the enemies are abysmal, you're pushed into specific group comps like an MMO to complete content and rarely rewarded adequately. Warframe tends to never really get bullet sponge like, but the enemies do get increasingly more deadly to the point where the game can force you to play gimmicky frames to survive super high level survival missions. Note that those aren't exactly the standard content. In terms of money Warframe you can do a whole lot without paying and unlock 99% of what is in the game since it lets you trade cash shop currency between players. That being said its a grind to get what you want, but its a fair and reasonable grind for most frames and weapons.
I've put like 150 hours into each. I'm voting the division just because you don't have to wait 3 days whenever you want to build a new gun or set of gear.
That said, I've probably had more fun with the actual gameplay of warframe. it has good gameplay, but the P2W shit takes it down like 3 pegs for me.
if warframe was just a paid game without the autistic microtransactions it would be god tier
Warframes PvP is on a whole different tier of suckage. The divisions PvP is at least serviceable. Warframe PvP is so bad it shouldnt be in the game, I'm not exaggerating. its that bad.
You don't win anything if you pay. You skip time/content.