Gamer wedding


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how do you fuck up making an 'X' that badly?


The West has turned from God.

I swear that's a man.



>Making fun out of people enjoying their wedding
This has to be a new low.


Nothing wrong with calling a faggot a faggot user


>Having a wedding party
Some people(read: retards) just love wasting money

Will I ever make it?

>being so jelly&pathetic that you have to make fun for them on a fucking anime board

End it all...

Someone call the bull

Well there is when it's the current year and you're supposed to only focus on what you want out of life. Let other people just get on with what ever they want.

Sup Forums is probably the most conservative place on the internet but the only thing in common it has with the 1950s is that people just cannot mind their own fucking business with the gossiping and tutting like bored housewives.


>tfw no gf

>getting married



pretty hot but.

>Attacked like that
Including the 'attack' would sure help the context of this photo

>Oh did you hear what has been happening at the Petersons household?
>tut-tut well I wouldn't allow that in my house

I'd attack her if you catch my cold

What the fuck is up with and how does it go with potential kids? Do they get the double name automatically?





found the white girl


Yes. It's really not that difficult.

>I don't get to put my name on another human being?
>Muh balls ache ;__;

I sometimes just want to throw acid into the faces of stupit shitcunt whores like her. They don't deserve to walk this easily through life.

el goblino

>letting another man raise and provide for your child who will eventually grow up to despise you
Sometimes I don't know who the bigger cuck is.

im pretty shure thats two dudes


Why? Two people who are so connected they were able to have a wedding that was perfect for them instead of using the generic black suit, white dress in a church wedding most people go for just to fit in.

Motherfucker looks like Patton Oswalt. He has to be be loaded or hung like a donkey

Backatory behind this?

I hope the dude starts fucking the female nigger gorilla when she grows up



My girlfriend won't shut the fuck up about wanting to have my name, normal girls eat that shit up.

She wants to get married eventually, adn all this other shit, really I just wanna live together nad not have the gov or any religion recognize our relationship.

Dude I love pop culture

Man, this is so hot. Just think, 20 years time this will be the norm in every white family.

Fucking normies and their zelda

What's the BFD? She got knocked up by someone who cowered and ran instead of facing up to his responsibility. It's a situation that has existed for centuries.

Why is the woman to be blamed for this?

At least he will be able to fuck his daughter when she grow ups.

What backstory?
Stupid whore is a coalburning nigger cumdumpster. Gets preggers with his subhuman shitskin monkey seed. Shits out a nigger gorilla. Nigger poppa leaves (what a trope....) but because that bleeding cuntpiss whore is good looking she has no problem whatsoever instantly finding some white dude to take care of her and her brown orcling.


>I'm ashamed of my hobby
Why are you still doing it then, man-child?

>People being retarded cringelords in public
>Somehow this is ok

You are part of the problem.

Notice how it’s mostly Marvel/Sony characters

Because she's dumb enough to trust a nigger. Those "black dad" stereotypes exist for a fucking reason.

Brilliant, so that's what you're compensating for. You don't want to get married so you need to shit on people who did tie the knot by picking on stuff that works for them.


what exactly is the problem? do you want her to just remain a single mom for the rest of her life? does having a child preclude her from future relationships? sounds an awful lot like muslim logic

Because it's childish.
You don't see readers having book themed weddings or gym bros getting married to Stacey surrounded by weights.

burning coal has social consequences; shame used to keep that shit in check

Really obvious to the point where you don't need it.

She fell for a black guy,black guy got her pregnant. He left her and she had his kid. She keeps the kid a possible thing is that she tried to babylock him but he didn't want to be a father yet A white dude comes along and picks her up and obviously helps her out a lot in life. She friendzones him probably because he's a bitchboi who can't state what he wants if those pictures of them basically kissing are any example

That was actually my first post in this thread.

I think these dorky photos are sort of endearing, I just don't want to have a wedding myself.

>Because she's dumb enough to trust a nigger.
Man, whites run out on their children just as often, colour has nothing to do with it.

The worst part is that kid is going to have such a conflicted upbringing when the biological father thinks it's fine to turn up once the kid stops shitting itself and crying all night and be a 'dad' once a fortnight.

>In your life time you will see people with extra long hyphenated names

I already know someone who's last name is Delayne-Roberts-Smith thanks to this retarded notion.

>"I have never spent more than $1000 on my girlfriend at one time"

Is that supposed to be shocking?

>tfw your friend was an edgy athiest after his dad died and his wedding had quotes from Harry Potter instead

holy shit

Sup Forums has arrived! Another quality thread down the shitter

>Not people being dressed as spooky ghosts
Nope, only tossers like you ever got in the way of two people wanting to be together.


>Man, whites run out on their children just as often

who wears a fucking jansport to a wedding

That only happens in movies

I should know. Sadly.

now that is some genuine, dare i say, cringe


That's where you're wrong. Yes of course white dads also bail (I should know) but there's probably like a 85% chance that a nigger is gonna bail on you, compared to let's say 40% that a whitey will. I pulled those numbers out of the ass, but the point is there. Like I said, stereotypes exist for a reason.

>cringe thread

>Why is the woman to be blamed for this?
In her case you can tell she's well off enough to have an abortion or put it up for adoption. Just keeping it around so she can raise it on her own is intensely poor judgement and will suck out a lot of freedom and joy in her life but sadly your average woman will absolutely refuse to see it like that.

>That has honestly one of the most positive comment sections in history of the Daily Mail

>La la la! No that only exists in fiction!
You're a very sheltered individual if you don't think scumbag parents turn up and don't care about shaking up a home just to alleviate some of the guilt they have for bailing on their own kid.

This is really immature and weird to post pictures of other people’s gaming-themed weddings. Seriously, you’re no better than Cr*ngeAn*rchy or K*w*farms. When will Sup Forums grow up from this outdated “internet hate machine” mentality?

Bride must be fucked by every guest and virgin groom has to stand and watch it all.

That's kinda cute.

>When will Sup Forums stop being Sup Forums
Never. Reddit is that way

What a shitlife, how can you be so beta to get cuck ‘d and give your hard worked money and time to a dumped moma girl just not be lonley?

>stereotypes exist for a reason.
Because it's convenient for the people it doesn't attack.
>"I might be a dickhead but at least I'm not a "

It just worked for you. You admit to having no statistics but you've got the stereotype that was pulled out of someone else's ass to defend with.

Is it more or less weird and immature than the gaming-themed weddings?

>he says obsessing over other peoples wedding

>she's well off enough to have an abortion or put it up for adoption.
You heartless gimp. Maybe she loves her child before it's even born, I know most women do. They don't just shrug their shoulders and say "oh well" after a miscarriage for example.