We will never get the planned Wind Waker sequel with adult Toon Link because of backlash from MUH GRAPHICS

>We will never get the planned Wind Waker sequel with adult Toon Link because of backlash from MUH GRAPHICS
It still hurts

Maybe someday.

Reminder Aonuma left TP developement to work on Minish Cap

We've had two mainline game with pig disgusting cel shading

Two terrible DS sequels

All because you robbed a man of his dream sequel

At least there's Phantom Hourglass bro. I think WW2 is impossible at this point. Spirit Tracks takes place after Tetra and Link died, would be weird for them to go back to before that. Then again though, ever since A Link Between Worlds I think really anything is possible

We're getting another 3ds game. This I swear.

No, I doubt it. 3DS is dead.

Whilst that adult toon link looks really cool, it's inconsistent with the style

Didn't stop them from making 4 other games in the same style

It wasn't the graphics that were shit about the game it was the fucking ailing it was boring why do it man who cares about global warming shot

the one in the concept art does look a lot better
also looks more like Zelda 1 and 2 Link instead of the more modern Link designs like in OP's picture

BotW Link is a basically adult version of Wind Waker

Toon Link has had like 4 or 5 fucking games, user. Let it go. He's had more games than any other Link.

Funny thing is that by the time Twilight Princess had come out it was already
>Nintendo is for kids! I only play games for grown ups like Heylow and cowadooty!
So they might as well have stuck with the toon style.

That's a pretty manly looking link.

He probably would have seen some shit after 8-10 years at sea.

That's because it's traced over TP concept art.

Imagine TP with actual facial expressions.

Don't have to he emotes pretty well in-game.

Jesus, that's the Manliest Link next to OOTs. Looks Action movie tier.

That's kind of the point with Toon Link, he was far more expressionate which is what Link was supposed to be. He wasn't supposed to be cool, badass or stone faced in front of danger.

But western kids man, they just want everything to be fucking hardcore.

>Wind Waker sequel

Play Breath of the Wild, it has the same garbage quantity over quality/exploration for the sake of exploration design philosophy.

Oh wait I'm sorry you only care about artstyle and not gameplay, in that case you have
>Four Swords
>Four Swords Adventures
>Minish Cap
>Phantom Hourglass
>Spirit Tracks
>Triforce Heroes

Have fun!

imagine being this jaded

I'm glad I'll never be that assblasted about a series


Sorry the truth hurts.

[shitposts loudly]

>doesn't know what shitposting means

My post was incredibly informative and accurate. Go play those video games user!

This meme is retarded, TP link emotes a lot. Way more than in the n64 zeldas, anyway. Sorry he’s not cartoony garbage like in WW.

that's not the post that I said was a shitpost though now was it? ;^)


The Hero's Tunic in TP is so fucking good, hot damn. That chainmail.

I unironically love that Wind Waker never got a mainline direct sequel. Wind Waker ends pretty conclusively and the fact that it was the one-off quirky cel shaded Zelda game makes it special