>Have to play all 3 phases of this boring ass story to unlock her

Arc Suys will buff her, r-right bros???

Too bad that Dragon Ball is garbage and Toriyama has disgusting artstyle.

Majin Boobs

extremely shit taste

I want to provide her sustenance

I want to bring back superbuu so he can eat her
all I need is the dragonballs

Does anyone have that pic of her lifting her butt with her fingers?
It was a bunch of pic of her in a single image, not colored

Who is the voice actors for android 21?

How do i get regular Goku?

my mom is not a thot

I think that she is the only OC DONUT STEAL dbz games character that actually fits and do not contrast with everything like Mira and other shits

t. boku no piko academia fag


Literally anyone with taste knows that Dragon Ball is not anything above maybe 5/10

>that feel when I finally got on S rank on Arcade

i feel.. progress.. and great joy







I hope so. She's part of my meme team, and her jumping light goes right over manlets like Vegeta.

>21 can be your mom and daughter at the same time
How can any other girls even compete

Shes so pretty on blue

How is 18?


they literally cant

Somebody post the webm already.


>Literally anyone with taste knows that Dragon Ball is not anything above maybe 5/10

Care to explain why you think that way user? Or are planning on just making sweeping generalizations?

>An android after cell who was explicitly stated to gero's masterpiece literally the culmination of the other androids
>An android using buu's cells
I'm not sure anything about it fits.

Serious corner pressure with 17.

Pretty bad short ranged lights, though.


aw shit really? they don't let us just buy her from the shop?

So what's the deal with her, is she a Majin in disguise or an "android" that can somehow turn into a Majin?

Would you?

>western a r t

Fuck yes

Vore is my main fetish


Is SSJ Goku as good as Black or SSB?
I love Goku but Black is too edgy for my tastes and Blue looks dumb

That's gross.

You're gross.

Stop being gross.

>ywn rub her tummy



>Paying attention to pedophiles.

But he asked you nicely. That's so rude.

Post the fucking webm fags.


If you skip cutscenes and rescues you can beat the story in under two hours

It's an average of 2.5 fights per map with around 40 maps

>cringy humor
>fights are way too long and get boring
>plot is nonexistent, literally every time someone important dies he gets revived
>the art direction and character design honestly looks like shit
>shit music
>terrible characters

cum inside

I don't think people actually *like* Dragon Ball - they just respect it because of how influential it was

Kill Son Goku

Do it for Mommy

we know, 16


so 21 is modeled after gero’s wife and 16 is modeled after his son?
do they have any mom/son moments in the story?

Le shadman funny door meme haha :)



ill be honest.

i just don't like this character. She's boring. Her backstory is boring, her entire gimmick being an android Buu plus sexy just comes off as fanfiction and the android arc itself is an absolute slog to get through after the game peaks at the Villains arc.

By the time I was done I was just so over hearing her voice, the good version of 21 somehow renders her even more boring.

It's okay to be gay.

never said anything bad about her waifu status.

she's there to be THICC with two heaving titties. But that's about it.



>Goku doesn't wanna use the Dragonballs to bring back 21

What a fucking asshole. I hate Goku now.

i thought big boy couldnt bring androids back to "life"

Didn't it work for 18?


She never died
Cell just spit her back up
They used the dragon balls to remove the bomb that was inside her after the initial wish to fully turn her back to human failed
It should work for 21 though considering she is just Cell but better

18 is also essentially fully human, just powered by nanomachines.

The entire planet earth was blown up by Buu and before that happened Buu ate her m8


This thread is a prime example of why female main characters ruin video games

But why is she a majin boo clone when the game takes place before majin boo was a thing?

when will this bitch be in Super?

>the game takes place before majin boo was a thing?

>the game takes place before majin boo was a thing?

>when the game takes place before majin boo was a thing?

Fucking hell what a prick

Sexy design utterly ruined by a character connected to vore and weight gain/stuffing.

Actually now the character has my interest

You’re not wrong. But muh dikku.

Oh shit you;re right
Didn't they use the Namekian dragon balls for that?
Those are stronger than Earth's

Dende hit the upgrade button on the earth ones, I think they are pretty much equal

I thought they were made weaker to not allow anyone to wish for immortality but they get 2 wishes instead?

Looking at that during a nofap is how you unlock the Super Ningen Blueballs power-up

8 DLC characters datamined

I wish they'd just made her original design playable desu.

Dramatic Finishers found for 4 out of these

Literally Fuu?


That's probably Kid Goku right?

No it's Kid Frieza

you're both wrong
it's obviously kid chi-chi

Kid Farmer with a Shotgun

had to

This is what they actually discovered.

what hex editor do you use?