Vidya characters who look like your father

I will start

I killed

I killed

quick what's some /bald, fat man with glasses/core

I'm not even kidding

I hate him




my dad looks like every generic shaved head protagonist ever




So you're a fat slob who does nothing but play vidya and smoke bongs?



My dad looks like a chubbier version of Scatman John, mustache and all

>not vidya
who cares

So now that you all the data on how user's look, you collect their dads info next?

There aren't a lot of Finnish miltary dads around.


He's also a scientist and has a doctorate coincidentally.

I'm black

Me and my father look pretty close in appearance, he just has brown hair, so I'll go with this.


I wish I was joking

I don't mean that he's bald and has a goatee, I mean he actually looks A LOT like Kratos
When he went to buy a ps3 for my birthday they also gave him a God of War shirt and my brother said the confused look on his face when he basically saw himself on the shirt was the funniest shit he ever saw

damn your dad is manly

Pics of your dad pls

Fella used to scare my guests straight when they came over.
My dad is not for sexual

Not for sexual user, just for reference.
I struggle to believe that anyone has a face as angular and naturally angry looking as that.
