Why is okay to have Stalin as a civ leader but not okay to have hitler as a civ leader even though Stalin actually did...

Why is okay to have Stalin as a civ leader but not okay to have hitler as a civ leader even though Stalin actually did kill millions of people?

>Your head would look good on the end of a pole.
Why do polish people get so butt hurt about Stalin?

Russia never had a mentally stable leader in its entirety history.

Because the nation he's representing doesn't get butthurt about him being the representative

That is all

Good post

Same reason why French are okay with Napoleon. Genocidal maniacs are okay as long as they're actually competent and achieve something of value

He won and Hitler lost.

Hitler was a bad goy


Because never forget the 600 gorillion, you little shit.

sid (((meier)))

because hitler lost, and that's it.
As long as the country the historical figure is from does not officially condemn them, portraying them too negatively is bad, and if you think that is hypocritical, you are mentally sane.

Stalin is a saint compared to Hitler simply because he's not a vegan drugged loser.

>get your shit pushed in so hard you lose half your country in six months, nearly lose your capital, go crying to the allies for aid and after massive shipment of supplies and allies military and economic assistance you slowly gain back the ground you lost in 6 months over a period of four years and still lose way more soldiers than the enemy despite them only consisting of elderly veterans and underage children and you outnumbering them 2:1

Napoleon lost, but not before he handed everyone their asses. Hitler kicked some ass before he went down, too. Usually Sup Forums is just memeing about the jews, but in this case the answer really is because the jews.

Stalin killed 20 Russians, Hitler killed 10 septillion gorrilion bajillian Gay Black Jews.

But meier is a thoroughly german name.
Your insinuation is retarded.

Because Stalin fought against Hitler and BTFO'd him, thus that made him a hero of the time. There is a world of difference between the slaughtering of defenseless Jewish people and the killing of Nazis in honorable combat .

Communist genocide is anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda

Stalins grand daughter lives in portland. Shes a hipster sjw.

+10 rubles have been deposited to your account

Isn't Sid Meier like some hardcore Christian irl?


yes, he got praised instead.
what a retarded country Russia


And killing millions upon millions of I presume innocent slavs?

He starved to death and deported millions of Ukrainians, Tatars, Chechens, Cossacks. Etc.

That's all you're getting.

I know if I try you will just bring some obscure fact, but I will bite. What about Petr the Great?

That's the joke, they also included Mao Zedong.

Though, really, Hitler didn't really accomplish anything compared to Bismarck or Fredrick apart from somehow being a savior to omega males

nazis are not people, easy

80% of the German land forces were defeated by the Red army. Soviets did the liberal world the biggest favor in human history. Also, Stalin's ruthless pragmatism revived the economy of the USSR and brought them nearly to first world status.
Kruschev was the real fuckup, which is why nobody likes him in Russia.

Stalin didn't set France and London on fire and also didn't ally with the people that bombed Pearl Harbor. Same reason why Mao isn't a taboo leader in the west, he did a lot of nasty things but the nasty things he did weren't directed towards us and didn't kill millions of OUR people.

The allies did a massive propaganda campaign to make sure everyone was aware the holocaust happened. The side effect is that to this day Hitler is marketing kryptonite.

because no sane person wants to play as a fucking loser with a shit fetish

Are you sure about that?


So Kremlinbots actually are real.

>get owned so hard your country is split in too
turn your computer off

t. butthurt bong

Any Japanese doujins where women from nazi germany were taken away by americans and russians and used as cock sleeves?

Hitler is a meme. Genuinely.
He's far from the worst person ever, and far from the one with the highest kill score.
He's just the popular poster boy.

Funny how when people talk about Stalin's death toll they always count troops that died during war, when no other historical figure gets that treatment.
Same with famines counting towards it.
It's still quite high without those, why do people feel the need to make it ludicrously high and mislead others?

Couldn't even spell Peter right, next.


Because Hitler wasn't a good country leader.

No one cares whether you believe it or not dmitry.

because history is written by the winners

>russians killed goirllions
>americans killed&enslaved goirllion black&native americans//invaded sovereign nations without cause/lies/for oil
>north koreans are still killing thousands in their camps

Not even talking about the British (Boer concentration camps) and Turks (armenian genoicide).

The actual answer is because communism is more sympathetic to Normies than Nazism. As soon as you involve race, people get uncomfortable, even if it is objectively correct.

>history is written by winnders
This statement is a lie and only used by butthurt revisionists.


Goyim don't count.

the simple fact is none of those people fucked up so hard their nation got split down the middle by a giant soviet cock, you nazi cuck

It is Petr in russian, you illiterate fuck.

Well there you go. If you can't prove that Stalin's regime killed these supposed millions of theoretical people, then why should I or anyone else believe your lies?

Pider the Grate

>Hitler didn't really accomplish anything
>pic two tiny allies
>lead and handle a battle vs the entire world
>near conquered it
I'm non-white and for the size of my nose i have some jew blood, but i'm not hypocritical.
He is a great leader, for wrong proprorse.

no, it's pyotr

You shouldn't now fuck off.

>the entire world
>near conquered it
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

The constant spelling errors make you quite obvious you slav ape.

Stalin killed dirty kulaks and revisionists, nothing of value was lost.

Because liberals are dumb as fuck Commie scum.

Stalin killed millions of people to achieve his goals. Hitler's goal was to kill millions of people. That's the difference.


If history is written by winners, why does revisionism exist?

Don't let mama Merkel catch you defending Nazi, Hans, you will be sent to jail!


>Civ4 has WW2 leaders but only for the winners

Oh gee I wonder why.

>getting rid of corpses

holocaust is not real though.
So his intention was never killing ziggalion of jews.

>didn't survive for more than 10 years
>still exists, incredible force for most of the 20th century


Stalin decapitated the Soviet military with purges, worked a million to death at the Kolyma complex, engineered farm collectivisation that starved yet more millions, deported and expelled tens of millions, and butchered untold millions more in political repression. You are quite sickening.

>liberals are communists

Are stormtards the prime example of sore losers?

Communism has literally never been implemented, and every attempt to do so has led to massively deadly totalitarianism. Huh...

>dumping bodies in a frozen lake

It wasn't real fascism, dummy.

>>>>>incredible force
HAHA, god joke.

Nazi Germany wasn't really nazi.
Fascist Italy wasn't really fascist.
Confederate States of America weren't really confederate.

Stalin ended up being pretty awkward too, that's why he isn't in more recent Civ games
The more recent a leader, the more controversial they get

>engineered farm collectivisation that starved yet more millions
They were legitemate bad harvests during that time. Stalin's plan actually made less people starve than they would normally.
For how it would go without it, see Ireland during the potato famine.

Oh, you're a retard, alright you can stop posting.


>wow only took all of you to beat us

Even if we ignore the jews, Hitler's plan for Lebensraum involved a lot of slavs having to 'go away'.

I don't see the issue.
Digging graves is a waste of resources. Resources that could go to something better.



Ah yes, communist farm collectivisation, which always leads to immensely deadly famine, see Ethiopia, Cambodia, Ukraine, and China, wasn't what killed people in Stalin's case, I see now you absolute dipshit.

It would be an interesting culture if Japan hadn't surrendered, and had kept all those islands and shit. Archipelago nations are one of the most interesting settings in fiction to me.

Harvests were bad but Stalin took the food from people so he could export it while people were starving to death. There are records from actual people who survived from those times. You were dragged away if you tried to hide some food from the commissar or whoever the fuck did the food collecting

>which always leads to immensely deadly famine, see Ethiopia, Cambodia, Ukraine, and China
Weren't all of those different?

>be skinny manlet
>approach a gang of niggers
>kick one of them
>get shit in return
>"woooow it took an entire hood to defeat me my ancestors are proud zeig hiel (t. 1/64th kraut)"

>you're on Sup Forums you retard
and you're clearly not from here judging by your post, that's an age-old vidya quote

Fuck off with your circular commie arguments, people try to implement your rhetoric, it leads to mass repression, starvation, and political violence.

>and ask if they have a very tiny auschwitz behind the counter
every time

>be lolbertarian
>think that the bad thing about communists is...
>their socialist economic policy that isn't efficient enough or something
Kind of embarrassing desu

>samefaggotry of this magnitude
Teenage commies really are embarrassing.

>you have to be either a retarded libertarian or a delusional commie
nu-Sup Forums in a nutshell

WW2 is the least interesting war in history since the Axis was destined to lose from the beginning.
The only way they could have won is if they got nukes first but even then its questionable if the Allies would surrender.


>a very tiny aushcwitz behind the counter

Ethiopia has famines because it's a nigger-filled wasteland