Do you get angry playing the videogames?

Do you get angry playing the videogames?

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there would be no point otherwise


No because I'm not autistic.


Hey Sup Forums,

My girlfriend says if we get married she will take my last name legally but use her last name for her publications.

She was also really into pajeets before we met.

Am I going to get cucked?

I do get angry when I suddenly can't bench my usual weight at the gym, so yeah, I do get angry when I play video games. I am angry in mostly all situations now, even when everyone else is laughing or when I'm doing something that I enjoy doing alone. There is an expression that goes "you need to get laid", which I think that might be the root of my problems because I'm angry I can't get laid or a girlfriend (they used to be a separate thing, but now they have become one and the same), or maybe it is too late now. I've been looking for over half my life now for either of them. If I got laid/girlfriend in the past or earlier, I wouldn't be angry now, but if I did get laid now, I would still be angry. Also I have autism and I am sexually frustrated.

Anger is useless emotion with zero value 99.99% of the time
You you must be a child or a woman if you aren't able to control your emotions

That's right!

Im mad as fuck. Ley me yell yoy. These fucking congo nigs better work harder for those diomonds and what not for my games. Those mexicans building the consoles too. Same for chinks creating these games on pcs.

And you freaking kikes selling this stuff and makeing billions. Well, this better not waste my fuckin tiem!

>Also i have autism

Think we found the real root of the problem here.

Only at random crashes, especially in games with manual saves.

Mostly when game throws minigames at me.

I've broken a couple keys on my keyboard from slamming my fists against the keyboard because of this

only when playing fighting games because those are the only games i play with passion

The emotion you need help controlling is your ego. Lol

Yes, I am.

They other day I went full autismo at For Honor and ripped my shirt off while screaming, didnt even think I was capable of that
It was a nice shirt too

I wish. I can't much feel anything anymore.

Sometimes if a game is frustrating enough. If I get really angry though I stop playing and come back later after I've mellowed out.

That's right, Sup Forumsrother man.

Let tell you...

These fucken artificial suzy intelligence thinks it can beat me? I always play on the hardest difficulty.

Let me tell you...

These ais are faggots meant to get a beating from me for being gay! Enjoy the humiliation, ai!

People like you are the reason I type GG EZ at the end of a match

Huh? It was pvp, the only time ai has pissed me off is probably in Soulsborne

>tfw killed my dog because he made me lose a mp match
What is wrong with me?

what the fuck

Yes because getting mad is enjoyable for me. It's the only way I ever get any adrenaline

No because Im not mentally ill.

You're always going to get cucked. She's a female.
Your only option is to whore her out, at least profit from her innate nature. She is nothing but an object. A toy. A cooking device. A cleaning agent and a money maker.

i get angry when i drive, why wouldnt i be angry all the time

I can get varying degrees of frustrated. But I have never gotten outright angry since around the time I stopped being a teenager.
I used to have legitimate issues with it though. But I suppose my hormone levels balancing out after being done with puberty solved that issue for me, because now about a decade later I haven't gotten angry like that because of a video game since.

Used to play with wired controllers and my dog was running around and stumbled on it, the console fell in the ground and i kicked the dog in the face because i got mad. The shock to his head was to strong and it died shortly after. Felt like shit for weeks.

5 destroyed controllers, 3 ripped shirts, one monitor and several mobile phones smashed over my head. Rookie numbers, I guess.

Not anymore. Getting angry or feeling emotion of any kind just makes you play worse.

>several mobile phones smashed over my head.
thats gotta hurt

I used to get angry, I'd reee and bang my head against something. But these days not really anymore, I've embraced difficulty and challenge and learned to keep composure. Though I think I've generally just become more apathetic to everything.

Except internet arguments, that shit drives me up a wall. I try to avoid them like the plague.

only if the game makes me lose because it shat the bed (lag, slowdown, glitches, bugs)

that fucking PUBG gets you killed because the game is a mess right after you land, shit makes me livid

Only at FFX. I've broken three controllers because of that fucking game

True, but once you start tilting it can be hard to stop sometimes

Sometime i was angry at csgo or some mmorpgs, but in singleplayer? Never. Even in soulslike games. Never yell at all.

Not all at the same time. It is very easy to break screens if you slam them right in your forehead. And also I just remembered one shitty chinese touchpad slammed in half, but that is forgettable.


Only when I play battlefield. I'm used to topping the scoreboard so if I start playing badly and dying over and over I get frustrated. Never enough to break my keyboard or anything though

Occasionally. I used to get really mad at videogames when I was a little shit and shriek at people over xbox live.
Nowadays I just get mad when I lose in competitve multiplayer games if I lose either because of external circumstances (MUH LAG) or I straight fuck up a play I know I could've pulled off.

Never broken anything in a fit of rage though, I'm more the type of guy to bury his head in his hands and ask aloud why I even bother.

The only game that makes me angry is Tekken 7, anything else I play doesn't make me mad beyond the moment in which some bullshit happens.

Pics of shirt or ur lying

Why do internet arguments do that to you? They will have no impact in your real life

>about to shit on the guy who has been trash talking me the whole game
>the final stretch is near
>I lag out
>disconnected from the server
>reboot the game
>game is out of date
>quickly patch it up
>didn't make it in time for the 5min reconnect
>get an abandon and immediately sent to low priority

I was visibly shaking the entire day. Breathing heavily, I can hear my heart pumping frantically and everything moved so slow I felt ike Im going to lose consciousness. Good thing no one was around me around those times or I might have probably been in jail already.

>check the end game stat page
>we lost
>guy who trash talked me kept on trash talking in the replay comments

That was the day I quit this fucking game

>been in jail
Nevermind that. By the looks of it, you nearly had a heart attack and probably would have probably died in your autistic rage.

I get can get pretty frustrated sometimes, but I don't yell or punch shit if that's what you mean. At worst I'll just be in a lesser mood.

Only with Online games, but rarley and never enough to break or hit something.

I always end up breaking things because of my anger someone help me pls

No, I've never understood why some people get mad at games. I maybe feel disappointed if I ruin a good 1cc run at a difficult game or something but I never really feel angry. I guess it's because I usually feel like it's my own fault and not the game's if I lose. And if it is the game's fault it's not that big a deal, it's just a game.

I never thought I would see Dota 2's community get worse then League's. The community almost makes this game unplayable.

Congratulations. You are not autistic

The only time I get angry is when RNG fucks me over.
Other than that it's mostly just frustration.

No, I'm not a 10 year old.

I only get mad at PUBG

I get upset at most, even that is pretty rare. Then I'll do something else.
Usually it's losing progress due to some gameplay stupidity.

Doesn't apply to games like Getting Over It where I can expect it to happen.
Curiously enough, getting angry also seems to be connected to my room temperature. Too hot = I get pissed off eventually.

At fighting games, though less angry and more just more upset with myself. It's the idea that I'm not improving, no matter the time and effort I put in. I play only with a group of friends, so I feel I never get anywhere because my winrate seems to never budge. I know it's logical that they're just improving along with me, though, so while I don't win as often I must still be at least getting better somehow. They're just getting better too, just enough to keep beating me. Still feels bad though.
I rarely play online with other people too, so I often go into matches expecting to do OK but keep fucked on because I have very little matchup knowledge. That's at least easier to adjust to.

I get annoyed.
>Playing Ghouls vs Humans : Multiverse
>Playing as a choke because he's my favorite
>Some guy complains about me and other ghouls camping

First of fucking all this MULTIVERSE, humans are ridiculously overpowered and the retarded modder RUINED choke by adding stupid blood ball altfire that slows down the bloodball, you're running around with a super shotgun, rocket launcher AND a BFG, I have a slow moving projectile and a melee attack.

Only when playing against other people. If an enemy is computer controlled then no.

Usually I only get upset when a game freezes on me but I if I die enough to a boss I tend to get mad.

Its probably at a nearby landfill by now

only when I'm drunk as fuck
>replay MGR
>fight sam
>almost won
>have to hit his hand in blade mode
>can't get this done and lose after 10 tries
>almost get an aneurysm because of my rage

>My girlfriend says if we get married she will take my last name legally but use her last name for her publication
probably, why would she do shit like that?
it's like she plans to cuck you

Used to. Then I started playing chill games and shit like Dorf Fort and stopped caring.

at get angry at street fighter 5. i cant not win against higher ranked players unless i play a top tier character

>tfw chun-li is still SHIT

Try getting an unavoidable nemesis crash 6 years into a fort. DF is prime rage material.

I wouldn't trust that tier list. It's probably better to go off what pros think. For sure, Abigail shouldn't be that low.
This is still early in AE's life though. I wonder how it will change later.

I've found that getting "fake angry" and letting yourself yell over stupid shit helps to diffuse actual anger.
That being said, I once threw a Wii U Pro controller at an air matress during Mario Kart. Shit went flying. Nothing broke, though.

My roommate just can't shut up while playing vidya. Frustrated moaning, loud "what"s and desk slamming, I just want to kick him in the head.
If you do this, kys yourself.

i've been slamming my desk a lot lately when playing crypt of the necrodancer
i can usually contain it but god fucking damnit

Only in online shooters
Best decision of my life was to stop playing that crap

rarely, typically I am smart enough to realize it's a gayme and means literally nothing.

Yes, but I treat it as an exercise in discipline. I have a mood disorder that I have often been on medication to regulate. I use video games like Castlevania and Shovel Knight as a kind of mental toughness training to learn how to stay calm when I feel like raging at everything and anything around me.

I don't get pissed, I rather analyse what the hell went wrong and try a different tactic. I like trial and error.

i love this MEME!

It depends on tehe reason. If she is doing this because of feminism than yes. But if she is doing this because she already has a "brand" under her name, than no.

Ego is not an emotion.

>Wh*te women

>get mad during the match
>win anyway
>ask my opponent if he's mad
>he blows up

honestly you should feel like shit forever you dumb bitch