Let's release the PC version over half a year later!

>Let's release the PC version over half a year later!

Why do devs do this shit?

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Some companies don't like PC ports because they feel like it's easier to get pirated. From the business perspective console games also tend to sell better than PC games in general.

Small market with stability risks.
They don't want any controversy and milk money first.

>Why do devs do this shit?

devs do nothing. it's a publisher business decision to treat the PC market as a secondary market akin to a bargain bin in a supermarket.

Double dippers.

Because PC is an afterthought. The console release must come first to maximize sales, if if are spreading around manpower, then the least important version can take the hit. Its a resource issue.

They already explained why, its their first PC game and they want to do it right, believe them if you want but they gave you an explanation you stupid faggot, not everything is a conspiracy out to get you faggots.

Incompetent jap devs, Ys VIII was delayed yet again for example.

Isn't it NISA that was doing the Ys port?

They already said it's because they had no enough time to work on the pc version properly. Can you really try to deny that when they didn't even have enough time to fix the PS4 fps.

>They want to do it right
Cute that you believe this.

They do it because execs see bigger numbers on the pricetag of console games. Someone "neglects" to tell them that distributing games on PC is cheaper.

It's to maximise sales, otherwise people would just pirate the PC version.

To get you to double dip

I got more than enough games tho so i dont care

Double dipping
Actually trying to create decent PC port (but isnt the game is on MT Framework)

Yeah user, they just dumbs dumbs! If onyl you were there to talk some serious business sense into them! Holy shit why aren’t you being payed by them righr fucking now?? Holy shit!

Because the game isnt finished, PC version is the one that will last

It's pretty clear why they do it. the real question is whether or not it's justified based on actual data

Because Sony paid for it.

It takes time to add more graphics

in this specific case its just paid delay

Companies want to get sales before they ship things out for pirate cucks to get.

Unlike consolefags PCfags actually care about optimization. Optimization takes time.

This is the real reason. We all know the PC version is going to be dumpster fire trash in quality anyway, so they shouldnt sugar coat it with "we're trying to optimize it!" when it's going to be modders who are going to fix the game yet again

So dont believe it and keep making up delusinal conspiracies.

Or keep making pointless threads to whine like a little sissy bitch with your fellow autismos and clog up the catalog, why not.

More interesting question is:
>How much did Sony and MS pay Capcom to keep it timed exclusive for 6 months?
2 mill each per month?

How funny of you to believe that Japanese companies care about optimization when they probably dont even know how to operate a PC.

because pcfags dont buy games

>Or keep making pointless threads to whine like a little sissy bitch with your fellow autismos and clog up the catalog, why not.

Eh that would be better. The sooner Sup Forums dies, the better for Sup Forums as a whole.

Either an incompetent port or were paid off by Sony

They have to know how, video games are programmed on actual computers

Unoptimized or not, the PC version will still run better than the console version.

Beig this delusional about the platfrom that will sell less wether it comes out today or 6 months from now

Then why is almost every port on PC that isnt MGSV such putrid garbage? It's fucking hilarious that the only Japs who know how to port games into PC is Kojima (which was his only first time to do so) and fucking Compile Heart.

Well it would obviously sell more today than it would sell more 6 months later. Compare other AAA jap games that got released in tandem with consoles like Dark Souls 3 and those that were delayed like Nioh.

>get’s released on xbox too

Most companies usually don’t do this nowadays, only those who need a tuck load of time to port them because they’re either incompetent, lack experience, or both.

MonHun team seem to fall one of these categories.

I wish that Koei Tecmo would stop flooding Steam with their godawful ports. It's fucking embarrassing.

No, not really. The only publisher who really releases games alongside PC is Bandai Namco. Everyone else purposely staggers the PC release date.

Consedering every other Capcom release on the last few years had simultaneous PC/console release, it’s not too much of a stretch to believe one of the few teams in Capcom that haven’t made a PC game doesn’t want to shit the bet on the first attempt.

Sony has exclusive rights in Japan for a certain time period, you're delusional if you think they aren't bribing Capcom to delay it.

and they have to double the amount of frames, it's basically making a whole new game.

Why do you care? It's obvious you're a shitposting soynyfag.
Nioh was a pretty good port. Runs 60 fps solid on toasters.

>let's release an unfinished pc port of a game obviously designed for console before we can properly port it!
Why do devs do this shit?

So does Capcom in recent years, MHW is an exception.

muh console sales muh console loyalty

meant for

Pc fags actually think this. Just like all your alive fight games amirite.

Nips cant optimize pc games worth a shit

Thats why you need a 1080Ti to even run the latest VNs.

Lol no I'm not. I'm a PC fag who wishes Jap companies would lay off the sugarcoating and just outright say that Sony paid them for the temporary exclusivity because this is how it always happens anyway.

Jap dont care about PC lol. If anything it's just change money compared to how much games sell on consoles and usually at full price, whereas PCfats pay only 30-45 bucks on Steam.

You say this as if Capcom haven't had a string of fantastic PC ports.

I refuse to double dip. It took all my will power to not buy it on PS4 but now in glad I didn't seeing the shitty fps issues.

There was interview about this with the producer of Monster Hunter World.
Two main reasons were to give extra time for PC development, that the main MH team hadn't done before, without delaying console version for no reason. And other was creating and setting up multiplayer servers, which on console Sony and Microsoft give, but on PC it's DIY, unless you go with Steam only and Valve's servers.

Because dev's actually make a laughable amount of money from PC versions of games especially now with the increases in dev costs and the price drops on PC games.

PC games are literally to them a "if it's easy enough we can, and get some small shekels to pay for our server overheads or something"

It's literally peanuts at the end of the day. If gaming had to rely purely on PC gaming to sustain itself, it would be dead and nothing but pachinko porn mmo hybrids and that's it.

PC gaming is unhealthy as fuck, infact, I'd say the entire idea of a PC as an open system is cancerous to all media. The world was better when people didn't have "freedom of information".

The internet should never have been allowed to the masses in the first place, and the personal computer should never have existed, only computers created for large cost given to educational institutions.

1997 was like peak western civilization and the internet at this time was a tiny, tiny little infant thing with barely any users globally yet, and physical media was still king, people weren't forming mass networks of insane ideology like today, people had opinions only with their immediate surroundings and those that concerned them. The world was happier.

The world would be 100% better right now if PC's and Internet never became a consumer grade good. I say this as someone born in 89 and grew up with alot of fucking internet. It's a curse, we weren't ready.

China is advancing like fuck because they've made their internet basically 1997 teir and not all wasting time like I am right now shitposting.

Yeah like what? All their fighting games run like shit man and terrible netcode to boot. This is why every sane person plays SFV on console.

Capcom does really good PC releases.....

Resident Evil 7, Street Fighter 5 and Monster Hunter Online (the Japanese PC only version of MH) all run superbly on PC.

Why the fuck would you think it will be a dumpster fire?

u w0t m8?

So that’s the level of butthurt of the average consolecuck?
Truly amazing

Unironically this. PCs are a shitstain on the gaming world and is where all the redditors came from.


Sony moneyhatting it that way to get more console sales in Japan plus a ton of PS+ subscriptions.

At least we're enjoying MHW and Bloodborne right now and you arent. Face it, the PC port is cancelled.

But nobody in Japan owns a PC or xbone in the first place.

No, but it ensures nintenkiddies will also buy a PS4 to play their beloved MH like the little cucks they are

>Sony has exclusive rights in Japan


They play on console because it's a more portable system. Evo's Street Fighter 5 tournament used PC.

PC is getting more popular in Japan, and they didn't even release the Xbox version there. Not like they tried with the Xbox version anyway with its broken matchmaking and somehow worse performance on the X than the Pro.

Double dipping. They know cunts will buy the game twice.

Sure worked great for Nioh huh? GTAV was a one time miracle that will probably not be copied in a decade.


>those fucking faggots supporting the industry
no, shit for brains, they're making up for the copy you pirated. they have to make the money back somehow

Nioh was mostly a single player focused game so people had more reason to pirate it; especially if they already owned it on console. The draw for MH on PC is the multiplayer so it won't be hurt as much by piracy.

Nioh wasn't nearly as popular of a game as MonHun is.
The port still sold enough copies to be profitable.

>They already explained why, its [Capcom's] first PC game
u wot m8?

as most anons have already said: it's a business decision. and it's either Capcom on their own or Sony as well that helped make up their mind. publishers don't give a flying fuck if autismo captain limb bizkit doesn't like the port. if they wanted the game to be on PC, it would have been on PC.

Every game they port for PC is the first game they've made for PC since apparently nobody ever learns a fucking thing about how to do it.

And the multiplayer will still be dead in a matter of weeks regardless. I cant remember a game on PC that wasnt PUBG that immediately fell to the few thousands after 3 or so weeks.

Capcom is not one group that does one game at a time all together. MHW is the first PC game for the core Monster Hunter team.

they're gonna spend that time coming up with another 30fps

Not much considering the realy reason is
Also, in January nothing releases and around Summer there is the usual game drought that we've all come to love

Why does every game need to have a million players playing 24/7 though? I never understood this meme.
A few thousand players is more than enough to always find a game and peeps to play with.

Why do you think that new Valkyria game is coming later?

Lol no it's not? When I played Dark Souls 3 in its prime, it had around 30k players and I still barely saw any one and had to wait minutes to get a session. Now imagine if there were only a thousand players from all over the world playing.

But it's console exclusive though?

I doubt it

That’s not a smug face at all

Yeah, probably because that's a single-player focused game and most people were probably playing the single-player story at the time.
Fucking retard.

Was there a reason the Switch didn't get a release?

>beta ran well
>they want to do it right

No PC announcement for VC4 so far. Sega has a few missing brain cells though, so that might explain it.

>Dark Souls
>single player focused

My sides. PvE only fags need to be fucking gassed.

They think they're clever for not announcing it so people buy it for console instead of waiting for PC.

PCshits can't into subtext. 'we wanna do PC right' is always the excuse given for delayed PC version, and every time it still comes out months/years later with tons of bugs and shit optimization.

They can't realize they're being told 'fuck off and wait' as nicely as possible.

Weak hardware.

>VC1 sells 1 million units on PC
>Money is helped fund PS4 exclusive VC4


I'll show you PvP in real life, bitch. You better live in new jersey

You mad bruh

Because the Switch isn't a powerful enough system for what Capcom was trying to achieve?
I love my Switch, but this a pretty obvious answer and don't mind at all.

to cut down lost profit due to piracy