what went right?
could it reach 10M lifetime?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying shipped units = sold units
>bing bing whahoo doesn't understand that capcom already gotten their money from the retailers before shipping.
It's almost criminal how Nintendo purposely held back this series as long as they could. Capcom finally gets make an entry for consoles without crappy hardware and it sells gangbusters. I bet they're kicking themselves for not doing this sooner.
I wonder how this will affect Capcom's relationship with Nintendo going forward.
It is as far as Capcom is concerned
So is this just going to be a giant thread about how people don't understand that to Capcom there is literally no difference between shipped vs sold through?
Everyone on my friend list was playing it over the weekend, even people I know that have never even heard of Monster Hunter. It's already a success.
Irrelevant. What matters is what the gamers think of the game which affects all future units shipped. And so far the evidence points that it didn't do too well. Units shipped =/= Units sold
>Capcom finally gets make an entry for consoles without crappy hardware
I didn't know MH World was PC exclusive.
>And so far the evidence points that it didn't do too well
Source: your ass
>He thinks world isn't already getting ported to Switch as we speak
The PS4 is shit hardware retard. You faggots would hate it if it had an Nintendo logo on it.
You think retailers would buy millions of copies they can't sell through? They have way more insight and analysis into this than you do
Does this means they will do more MHS?
Just accept that Monster Hunter no longer needs nintendo, user
May as well be emulating it.
>You think retailers would buy millions of copies they can't sell through?
They already did with SFV and MvCI.
Sometimes i think all wojackposters should be shot but then gems like this one pop up
Except it's not and it doesn't.
Monster hunter has always been a niche series and if it truly sold well, wouldn't Capcom take that to the press instead of Units shipped?
Appeal to authority. Those units will remain on the retailer's shelf forever until Capcom gives a discount so it can facilitate unit numbers and appeal to stockholders. Apparently you forgot to mention in your argument that units shipped also includes "digital units sold" although this still does not mean Units sold so the true number of units shipped could be anything.
10 mil is its first month. what did I say?
Capcom only posts shipped numbers. The other best selling MH game, which is Freedom 3, shipped 4.9 million in it's lifetime.
Of course it is, MH series was pretty much Japan-only and considered a quite obscure weebshit in the west. Now with all the normie media screaming about THE CONTINUATION OF LEGENDARY SERIES, of course MHW will get all the sales.
I bought my copy of MHW saturday morning as soon as Gamestop was open, and I bought the last copy they had (for the Xbox One no less). The game is sold out pretty much everywhere now.
Yeah because your individual experience totally represents the industry
They didn't ship 4.9 million right off the bat though.
The game had to actually sell more than the initial shipment to reach that number. MH World probably won't sell past the original 5 million shipment.
Yeah you're right, your baseless conspiracy theories sre far more credible.
I was excited about the thread and came to talk about the game... But it's already a cancer flamewar thread with so(n)yboys venting years of frustrations.
Why can't you so(n)yboys hate other consoles that much? Your mother's boyfriend can't afford to buy you more than one?
Man you got me. Actually, MHW sold a total of 14 copies despite the 5M units shipped.
Is this as good as 4U? I've played since the original and skipped the PS4/XBONE/Switch.
I didn't really enjoy Generations.
>build 5 million cars
>send them to retailers
>only sell 2 million of them
>Still a success because i sold 5 million cards to retailers
really makes a man think
Wanna know how I know you own a switch?
I didn't play Genrations, but we all know 3U was better.
Currently I like it better than 4U. 4U was also the least I played of a Monster Hunter game. Really was lacking what I wanted.
>Still a success because i sold 5 million cards to retailers
No, they sell the unsold units back to the publisher or they get discounts off their next game.
Do you have the numbers to support your anecdotal evidence? If not you need to shut the fuck up. You don't know anything.
You sonybros are stubborn and stupid
Does anybody else feel like when they finally buy a game it always ends up sells well or am I just crazy and have a sad life
It's a better Generations for the most part. Better and easier.
no they don't
retailers pay companies to put their products on their shelves
>for the Xbox One no less
No shit its sold out. Xbone version was understocked.
And if the product doesn't sell they get their money back. No way in hell retailers all demand hundreds of copies of an unproven game otherwise.
>Better and easier.
So it's worse than gens.
did anyone get their game revoked yet?
This game is going to sell a tremendous amount. A bunch of my super normie friends even picked it up. I didn't even tell them about it. The fact that they picked it up despite that is shocking.
I don't know what was up with Generations
>Cooking is more complicated now, the fondu looks ugly compared to the platters
>Upgrading weapons is more complicated and stats make less sense
>Lame monster intros
>Overbundance of gathering quests compared to previous games
>Hammer hitbox feels smaller, I'm whiffing far more than I did in 4U
>Literally killed my OG 3DS due to ram fuckery
If they sold 5 million is because retailers find public demand for 5 million. All games exceed shipped numbers in a breeze unless they flop on critics, also, digital sold numbers are actually included.
Sorry ninten.drone, Sony won this time, good luck selling your switch without monster hunter.
Really hoping it actually didn't sell that much so i can pick up a copy at half off within a month.
Dude, Gamestop, Amazon, EB Games or others don't usually track the number of games they sell and especially don't give them to the public like that. The only numbers we have is Capcom's 5M unit shipped, and generally, 5M is a lot of units, especially on a console exclusive.
>Nintendo fan and Sony fan
>Just happy Capcom took a risk with the series that paid off
Almost had me worried that the franchise was dead. There's still hope yet.
>Cooking is more complicated now
What? There was nothing complicated about it.
>Hammer hitbox feels smaller, I'm whiffing far more than I did in 4U
That's just you losing your touch. I can land headshots with insane accuracy in Gens
Im not him. Im just telling you to shut the fuck up if you have nothing to contradict it. 5 million shipped units is no joke.
> sonybros
Ah, so its a local Nintendie autist let out of his cardboard.
You do know the game is multiplatform, right?
I just didn't like the styles removing movesets and stuff, also the weapon upgrading wasn't improved at all just made different.
The monsters were okay, I hate the gathering quests that aren't the mandatory learn the area ones.
someone leaked a review code earlier and a bunch of people (me included) downloaded the game
The absolute fucking state of crapcom fans
But I can go back to 4U and use the hammer perfectly, it's nothing about losing touch
>Hammer hitbox feels smaller,
It still uses the same ones as 4u.
That's what we call a placebo effect. That or you suck. My money is on the latter.
When are consolekiddie warriors going to be gulaged?
Kill yourself PC Cuck
>But I can go back to 4U and use the hammer perfectly
If you're whiffing in gens then you're whiffing in 4U dude. Aside from the arts there's nothing different.
>This mad at bait
Shipped doesn't mean sold, if they meant sold they would have said sold.
This. Pokemon Sun/Mon shipped around 10M, which got properly sold in around 2-3 months.
If anything, this proves that Capcom will consider World a success once it sells over 5M worldwide at minimum.
what are the pros and cons of this game? i popped into a stream very briefly and saw someone fighting a diablos and it looked really really tame from what its usually like. im still on the fence about buying it
Units shipped does not equal units sold when will you useless sonigures learn to read? You can start by reading the thread, your argument has already been refuted.
So after all the reviews I've read. What I've gathered is MHW is easier and shorter than past games but nearly everything feels more streamlined and accessible. I'm generally okay with that as long as the amount of content is brought back up to par in MHW ultimate or whatever. I'm not gonna pay more for less game. Don't make me pirate my favorite series, Capcom
So how much do you think G-Rank will cost? 29.99? A whole new World G release for 59.99? Free maybe?
>>Overbundance of gathering quests compared to previous games
The vast majority of those were optional and they were good for collecting certain material in large amounts.
True plus Pokémon print money
If monster hunter 1/4 the success of Pokémon it'll be the best seller of the entire series. Pretty good for a niche game
No way to know with Capcom. They can be your best friend and give everything for free or absolutely jew you.
>what are the pros and cons of this game
>graphical improvements
>slower monsters
>arts and styles are mandatory
>flies targeting everything
>lock on can target any monster regardless of big monster being in the area
>considerably shorter main game
>stealth mantle removes the only fun in egg hunts
>Jho is DLC
>Comparing MH to Pokemon.
Eh I'm caving and buying.
>Never evers and wait a years don't understand basic economics
Man you guys are just grasping onto any straw in sight, aren't you. You lost, kiddos. Get over it.
I haven't played it so I dunno if these are true, but why do people need better graphics for games like Monster Hunter? The game is all about the gameplay. I'd play it if the monsters were cubes and spheres and I was a grey manikin.
It's ok bud, you still got Mario and pokemon
>Implying Capcom doesn't want MH to become the mature counterpart of Pokemon sales wise.
There is no need to be upset. If you're lucky you may get scraps thrown to you in the form of localized XX sometime next year.
Not that I doubt it will sell the most since its casualized and had insane marketing budget but still
I still can believe they made a monster hunter game that's shorter on the PS4 than on the 3DS.
Less monsters, less weapons less everything on a "Graphical powerhouse" PS4 compared to the little juggernaut the 3DS is the more Jew thing I've heard so far this year.
>r games like Monster Hunter
They're easily impressed. Game play doesn't matter half as much as how it looks to them.
Here's some information.
Can anyone explain what the elder melder is for because I’m a brainlet and still don’t get it
i have no doubts mh will sell well but
really nigga
Its Capcom. What did you expect?
Kamiya and his crew were probably the only Non jews there.
Usually the number of shipped copies are similar to sold through costumers
And Capcom makes dosh with every copy sold
Sp your argument is a sophistry
>Usually the number of shipped copies are similar to sold through costumers
No. Sales never reach the final shipped numbers.