Why is EVE Online still alive? What makes it so successful?
Why is EVE Online still alive? What makes it so successful?
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People enjoy a galaxy that changes based on the actions of players and these massive corporations.
>80% russian bots
ye "alive"
It's one of the few MMO's that actually use the MMO part of the name.
Complexity keeps the retards out
So, what is it with all the Russian flag chickens that gets posted these days?
No expenses to run and whale hunting.
It's not really successful because the numbers of non-alphas is steadily going down, excluding multi-boxing cos a plex is still being bought somewhere.
It's stagnating if anything.
There's a meme going around about "Russian hackers" being a boogeyman behind everything going on in the world.
There aren't any real other options if you want a decent spaceship based MMO though.
What does that have to do with poultry?
Because its only the only game where you can have a 2500 v 2500 sized fight.
Because its relatively easy to just grab some people and run out and kill some fools and take their stuff.
A lot of hardcore pvp games where death = tangible permanent losses start to die when they lose their teeth (ultima, runescape the list goes on and on) but EVE has been consistently a world where your ability to organise and manage your time matters more than twitch reflexes or raw time spent in the game. I make more money trading faction modules than I did ratting, go figure.
I just wish fucking skill points weren't a thing.
I mean, the whole sandbox part should really be the big sink. Getting rep, or getting industry rolling, or keeping that industry rolling, or rolling turf in PvP is the attraction.
If I can just grab a kit you have and man it for you to buff up your numbers, I'd chip in a few hours to help a team.
That said PvP is shitty too and needs a creative solution.
Funnily enough that was actually a big selling point for EVE back in the day. "No grinding! Just set your skill and it trains even if you're logged off!". But MMOs have become more casulized over time and you can literally have a raid ready WoW character in the span of a few hours while EVE takes months and months of training to become even vaguely competent at flying anything past cruisers.
You mean a 100 (2400 waiting phased out) vs 100 (2400 waiting phased out) sized fight.
it's called "proofster" and it dates back to times when russia was actively accused of attack on ukraine.
it's a Sup Forums meme.
Got it. Thanks.
No mate this isn't world of warcraft.
The largest battle I ever took part in was about 1200 per side, thats 2400 players in the same place fighting at the same time.
But user it's well known that EVE puts people into a waiting queue in large battles.
>Railed on for over a decade to remove SP because the way they had to rush to add more gates so people can't cap out a character (resulting in specialised characters on the grey market), and it's blatantly a money grubbing scheme since "You can pay by playing!" is bullshit when plexes don't spawn so SOMEONE is paying
>Dust 514 comes out
>Is even more fucking grindier because of limited revenue compared to EVE
>Getting a PC port and probably still have huge SP costs
God dammit CCP
>It fills an autistic niche that other games/MMOs can't fill
>Lots of autism and metagaming
>People are so autistic they'll happily sit cloaked and watch you and your friends for a week without you knowing your there just so they can learn your patterns and plan the perfect gank
>It's been around longer than WoW meaning it's got 15+ years of development and content in it.
>You can do what you want. Lying, ripping people off, scamming, ponzi schemes, theft, espionage. Absolutely everything short of botting or telling someone to kill themselves is fair game and considered a game mechanic.
>Because of the above it's a world where you almost literally can't trust anyone. People can and will pretend to be your friend for years just to build up enough trust to get a hold of all your assets.
>Big battles. Battles of 50-100 are fairly common. ~1000 players occasional. Once a year or so there's at least 1 battle with a few thousand involved (there was a 7000man battle last week)
>It's also a good-sized chunk of Iceland's GDP so they're really interested in not letting it die
>Only 1 server, so everyone shares the same world across all timezones and nationalities (except China cuz fuck China)
>Strong sense of community.
>Tear extraction and salt mining
>Comfy, chill game 90% of the time and the other 10% is you literally shitting your heart out and not getting any sleep from adrenaline (unless you're a miner/highsec carebear)
Thing is all the good PVP and fun is to be had in small ships. It took me until flying battleships that I realised that I had more fun flying Frigates and Destroyers so I do all my ratting and PVP in those.
Also to any newbros don't waste your time in boring PVE for money. Like said there's more money in passive shit that takes way less time, which means you can fuck around, do PVP or have adventures with bros more.
EVE is fueled by whales. Each one owns 2-30 accounts and has been playing for 10+ years.
If you have plenty of isk (or real money) and a ten year old character you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want while bullshitting with friends. The trek to that level of gameplay is beset by years of ZZZZzzzz however.
>it's blatantly a money grubbing scheme since "You can pay by playing!" is bullshit when plexes don't spawn so SOMEONE is paying
There's nothing wrong with this. It's trading time for money. There are kids with too much time on their hands and people with jobs who have plenty of discretionary income but little time. Selling game time for in game currency is an equitable solution that helps both parties, so much so that even Blizzard ripped it off for WoW.
It's a great sandbox. I wouldn't recommend it though unless you have severe autism.
>Look it up
>Announced 2014
>Scrapped 2016
>Announced Project Nova from it's remains to start over and try again
>Still CCP Shanghai
Jesus fucking christ CCP!
They could also make plexes cheaper or mandatory subscription and nobody would give two shits, if they also removed SP so you can just pay for what you want to play.
WoW ripped it off but then Blizzard inflated the gold price for tokens so high it's a blatant scam for guild leaders to consider exclusively.
Would I have fun just doing space trucking in highsec areas? I really don't want to invest in PvP so much, competitive games aren't much healthy for me. I'd love to chill out in space while shitposting on the chat though
>train 9 days of PI skills on all 3 chars on your account
>set up in a C1 wormhole or in a null alliance that doesn't care if you're not around
>in 27 days you're now earning enough to plex your account by clicking buttons 10min a day and hauling shit for 30min once a week
Wow so hard plex is literally pay to win
literally because you can lose your gear
Sociopathy simulator + money laundering platform
Not good money in it at first, but you could make your first few hundred millions easy by buying shit that's cheap in one place and hauling/selling it somewhere else where it's more expensive.
The trick to Eve is TIME = MONEY. Every second you spend fucking around is money lost, so if you wanna be a good space trucker you need to find the good contracts and items and move em in a way that your hold is always full and that you're hitting multiple destinations at once.
There are a few good big hauling corps that specialize in Space Trucking. Been a couple of years since I last played but they should still be around. Look up "Red Frog Freight" and they'll teach you everything you need to know. They're basically the in-game UPS of Eve so if you tell them you're keen to be a space trucker they'll probably take you under their wing.
No, you're one of those retards who can't be fucked reading whatever he was told in the first place and regurgitate incorrect information.
As much as doing loops in Elite, because chat is confined to local except whatever org and alliance you joined, but then prepare to get war dec trolled by Marmite so you're better sitting in NPC corps with random mutes.
Unlike Elite it's harder to truck for money because you're competing with a fuck load of people who have extreme autism in their setups including actual spreadsheets and RP logs that span years in terms of trade offers. It's like trying to break into CS:GO skin trading.
At least in Elite there's no economy as such so you can just keep trucking endlessly. In EVE there's no NPC consumerbase so you only sell what people want to buy in a specific spot for their convenience in a galaxy too big yet too small to care for anyone outside the hotspots (who aren't by themselves)
Oh, and in EVE you can produce your own industry chain from start to finish so you're self-sufficient. Because of jump freighting and such you can expect the only hauling there is once every few days/week on an alt for an alliance, and that would take months of SP training just to do that.
PLEX is everything wrong with EVE condensed in a single item.
You shouldn't be paying real money to continuously play a game.
You also shouldn't be paying real money for disgusting in-game advantages.
You ALSO shouldn't be skipping a fucking grind. The grind shouldn't exist. You should enjoy the time you have with a videogame instead of paying to avoid what is tantamount to a second job.
And at no point should you be condoning this. Not at all.
>I'm completely retarded, don't mind my complete absence of reading comprehension.
This is the typical EVE player.
Finding an empty C1 or nullsec alliance with lenient PI tax is like finding a fucking unicorn.
>Because of the above it's a world where you almost literally can't trust anyone. People can and will pretend to be your friend for years just to build up enough trust to get a hold of all your assets.
Biggest weakness of the game imo. It has virtually no solo content so they only way to get anything out of the game is by joining other players, but you're discouraged from doing that because trusting anyone in EVE will get your shit stolen.
You could fit cloaky haulers and use wormholes to get out into nullsec areas and seed markets out there. I had a friend quit ratting (killing NPCs for loot) altogether because he made more money from selling modules he brought in from highsec for a 500% mark-up.
This poster is vaguely correct, but also not a very competent player.
>As much as doing loops in Elite, because chat is confined to local except whatever org and alliance you joined, but then prepare to get war dec trolled by Marmite so you're better sitting in NPC corps with random mutes.
There are very easy ways around this. Only retards have issues with wardeck griefers.
>space trucking
It's shit money. Do it for fun if you want, just don't expect to get paid decently for it. Too many space trucker RPers doing it for fucking peanuts to make it profitable UNLESS you are a jump freighter for a major corp, but that's has a major entry barrier.
>Oh, and in EVE you can produce your own industry chain from start to finish so you're self-sufficient.
This is possible, but requires a lot of autism because the industry chain for anything worth making is looooooooooooooooooooong and requires SP for every step of the way.
Yea I can see where you're coming from. Best thing to do to avoid it is literally don't give anyone anything.
My personal main problem with Eve is having to be on voice comms with people all the time.
>Get spotted by nullers who happen to be online
>NBKOS hurr durr durr, someone trying to sell us goods? HOSTILE
>Owners are being camped out in off-peak to spoil anyone who happens to be online, will kill you because you might be seen as a blockade runner
>Owner owns industry loop and will kill you because they think they're self-sufficient
>Owners might try to kill you because you might be considered a blockade runner passing through
I never got cloaks but then that's outside of my playtime anyway.
>doing anything except freaking out and docking up when there's a neut 50 jumps away
>You shouldn't be paying real money to continuously play a game.
How would a developer fund development of a game that has an indefinite lifespan without a recurring charge? You seem a little bit naive to believe you should get regular content updates but never pay anything more than the box price.
>My personal main problem with Eve is having to be on voice comms with people all the time.
I've never gotten on voice comms once. Chat is sufficient for all communication imo
The problem is not only should you trust the customer to come back in support of you when they feel like it, and they will (or tell you why), you can also easily lower the cost to like $5/month and make plenty to recoup your expenses. $10/month out of tens of thousands is profiteering.
Maybe if they wanted to hire some fucking talent maybe, or maybe develop EVE 2
But the only expenses we have is the electricity bill for the servers and hiring fucking chinks to make shit spin-offs.
Depends what you do and where you live. I lived in NPC null for a while, moved to Sov (which is shit) then moved to Wormholes. Quit that and did Faction Warfare for a while because nobody uses voice comms for that.
>you can also easily lower the cost to like $5/month and make plenty to recoup your expenses
You wouldn't be very good at running a business user.
Obligatory viewing:
Project Nova: youtu.be
Mandy's review: youtu.be
Most games tend to live just fine with no subscription fee at all. Asides from WoW, there's really nothing else that comes to mind that has one.
What you lose in revenue you gain in a new demographic finding it accessible, especially with a multi-boxing culture being almost necessary. Least of all you can use it to make multi-character accounts viable to boot.
It doesn't actually change though. That's one of the major things that pissed me off. Players can't impact actual universe progressing shit, and their interactions with each other are too fucking restricted.
You don't need a recurring charge to sustain post-release development efforts.
>You seem a little bit naive to believe you should get regular content updates but never pay anything more than the box price.
EVE doesn't have enough substantial content updates to warrant the cost. The lack of diversified gameplay is killing the game.
Eve is free to play.
Making money to pay for an Omega clone (it's Premium) is piss easy unless you're a mouth breather.
Stop picking fights on the internet and talk about the game.
>The lack of diversified gameplay is killing the game.
This. After a few years you basically burn out or run out of shit to do. Nearly every expansion since I joined in 2012 has been balancing and graphics updates and fuck all content.
I remember there being 62k players online when I first joined and now it's less than half that. Everyone's too much of a risk adverse faggot to attack each other in sov space and would rather sit in a blue donut and shoot red crosses all day.
>Most games tend to live just fine with no subscription fee at all
They either don't have ongoing development costs or fund their ongoing development costs in a different way, e.g Overwatch loot boxes, Hearthstone card packs, TF2 feeding valve a cut of every transaction, etc. Secondly it's not about what most games do, businesses are not a charity and it's unreasonable to expect them to be run as such. Any business as large as CCP regularly conducts cost benefit analysis that inform them of the optimal price points to maximise profit. They don't use their gut feeling about these things, they have actual data that lets them know how many subscribers they gain if they lower subscription cost by X dollars and they weigh that against how much revenue they would lose by lowering it. Surprise, hitting the whales for all they're worth is almost ALWAYS preferable to increasing subscriber base by lowering cost hence why so many businesses are focusing on that kind of revenue model nowdays.
>You don't need a recurring charge to sustain post-release development efforts.
You do if the timescale is over 5+ years and you don't have any other way of generating revenue from the game other than box cost.
This is talking about the game, it's just harder than it needs to be because of retards like you defending shit game design and business models.
>Chat is sufficient for all communication imo
No, coordinating even the most basic shit on chat only doesn't work. We've tried.
Nah you're either just a poorfag or a lazyfag. Git gud.
>What is Aurum (that they simply renamed to PLEX because whaaaat? XD)
>What is skill injectors (if you're absolutely determined to keep that fucking retarded skill queue bullshit in)
It's really not that fucking hard mate.
Skins, to sell boxes, to make skins, to sell boxes, to...
Most of the money actually comes from Arena because it's *like* competitive! only not.
The game itself has only one non-cash currency and it is far too hard to get a hold of so it's basically pay to win
Also it's a fucking card game, it has no expenses.
Read: Steam
But assuming none of Steam's money was used to pay TF2, TF2 is mostly carried by the community anyway and should have effectively been released by Valve years ago as these kinds of games go (Doom, Quake etc).
I'm not entirely sure what you're arguing. Companies like Blizzard subsist on flash in the pan titles like Diablo 3 and Overwatch for years. Microtransactions and subscription fees are an afterthought outside of something like HotS.
CCP is doing its best to kill it, don't worry.
You're not really talking about making a fun game from a games mechanic standpoint though. You're arguing CCP should slash revenue streams for...reasons.
>Skins, to sell boxes, to make skins, to sell boxes, to...
Maps? New characters?
It was originally related to Ukraine happenings where russians would keep asking for proofs
If the game was more fun than it is now (which isn't a lot) people would actually pay attention.
Hence the autism meme is so relevant, only those who find no fun elsewhere in more recent releases really stick to it.
And it would be very easy to turn that fun into revenue as a result by simply removing the bullshit that is intentionally anti-fun, trying to milk morons for money.
But those morons are long gone, because you tried to milk them in one-offs over a decade.
oh right, those things once every year or so
We're arguing that there are viable alternatives for an otherwise boring game. This isn't an anti-corporate conversation. Stop shitposting.
Actually you're both wrong.
It's to pay for the OWL. $20m per team isn't quite close enough to break even, making those logos and titles is really hard work.
I've already told you that CVP (which is what I meant before, not CBA, my bad) proves that you're wrong. If you were right then companies would be moving towards models of lowering the price of their products to lure more buyers. But they're not, the industry is moving entirely towards monetizing with more microtransactions, more in game shops, more ways of creating revenue after the game is released. Now why is that? Because it makes them more money than what you're suggesting maybe?
Don't get me wrong, I do think there is a lot that can be done to improve the game, but expecting any company to just reduce profit for literally no reason other than "The game would be more fun if I didn't have to spend as much money on it". Well no shit, I'd like the price to be free too but this is the real world, not fantasy land where opinions like "Companies should forgo higher profits to make me happy" are valid or relevant.
Chicken means a bottom bitch in russian prison slang. Russians would ask for proofs that it was them occupying crimea and not Ukrainian separatists.
Adding these two means that russkies are fags who can't own up to their actions
>Pricing down loses money
>Pricing up means less people buy, less word of mouth, and results in losing money
Fortnite literally died because it was F2P with an expensive pre-order tiering bullshit like many other games.
If it's a singleplayer game you price fairly. If it's a multiplayer game, you price LOWER so you can get MORE PEOPLE IN, including friends bringing friends.
If it's a software package or a 2+ year old game, then you start nickel and diming.
Many studios and publishers are complete retards but instead of taking responsibility and making some effort, they just cut developer costs and royally fuck over consumers.
The argument wasn't the game would be more fun if it cost less. The game would have any fucking retention if it cost less.
Making the game fun would compound the increased interest from new players and also spread a wave of word of mouth. You need to think of a game's life cycle and the community as a whole and in momentum.
EVE is long overdue for a sequel if anything but it's just content to do fuck all. Kinda sad actually because while it's floundering, the games that are supposed to give it good competition rushed out of the gate, got delayed and decided to stay singleplayer between the three of them.
>Sup Forums
>knowing shit
>the capacitor is empty
Good to see /dog/ showing up
>What makes it so successful?
The autistic playerbase
Eve is kept alive by a handful of whales spending thousands on PLEX.
Even is a fantastic game in the hands of talented developers who are directed by a bunch of completely incompetent fuckups who have no idea how to run something as big as Eve is. Eve is also propped up by having one of the most talented art departments in the industry.
But seriously, the upper management at CCP are totally incompetent. You can see it not just in the changes they make to the game, but the scope of their side projects, they consistently bite off vastly more than they can chew and end up flushing large amounts of money down the drain because they over-reached. the VTM MMO they were working on is a prime example.
Eve itself suffers from an enormous amount of feature creep which prevents new players entering the game. In 2005, a tackle frigate was actually useful, in 2018, the only value a shitfit tackle frigate has is in the single shot it soaks up before it dies. Things like Jump freighters, non-dictor bubbles, and stupid implants should have never been added to the game.
your understanding of plex is pedestrian at best
and that's not what feature creep means