What's the last videogame you felt in love with?
Love thread
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you're mother
A Hat In Time. Easily one of the best games I have played in years. It's just so cute and wholesome and fun!
You can't just drop a screenshot without the name of the game
Have you been living under a rock?
>yfw you're plataforming your way to an abortion clinic
why is her pose so goofy?
Cloudbuilt. I thought it was an absolutely beautiful game with great music and good difficulty
then I got to the ending and felt fucking betrayed by how unapologetically dogshit it was. I think that I let it get too close, so it hurt me more
I have no clue what game this is. Looks pretty. I'd like to play it. What is it?
Yikes, you must have some pretty low standards.
Ori and the Blind Forest
because you got knocked up by a nigger.
>expecting everyone to know about every new indie game.
Considering how fast these games get pumped out nowadays.
Apart from Mario Odyssey I can't remember the last game I played that didn't have a trash ending.
Human Revolution. Before that it was dx1
She's bouncing/swinging her arms around. She has a skip in her step, like Marina and Mischief Makers. Actually she moves EXACTLY like Marina from Mischief Makers.
Love isn't real
like clockwork
Transistor. And then I fell out of love with it when the story went nowhere and everything was vague, and I'm talking real fucking vague like, Jackson Pollock vague. Also combat is fucking terrible.
Music is unbelievable though, 10/10 Darren Korb strikes again.
Hope fuck someone teach that artist anatomy
drawing is hahd
it's literally the story.
I managed to get hyped for FighterZ after 3 years of ceticism because of Phantom Pain.
Still haven't bought it because poorfag,
one day I'll get it
I was definitely in love with Danganronpa V3. Maybe Shantae HGH too.
bayonetta 2 and very briefly ffxiv i put 500~ hours into ffxiv didnt reach max level and dropped it
Persona 5
Celete looks OK but those graphics are absolutely nauseating. Reminds me of image related.
This cute af game.
Legend of Grimrock 2 & Ori and the Blind Forest
I haven't seen this version before. classic.
Subnautica. It's a love/hate kind of thing. I love exploring, learning about new species and building my bases. Hate because narrow caves and underwater caves give me the creeps.
Shame that the designs of the MCs scares away a lot of people. It make the game look like an eroge
>All these games with female protags
yeah, I love my new game's waifu too haha. She's so totally cute lol
kys retard
Your .gif says it already, though I fucking hate this game at times
I just want to pretend I have friends in an MMO.
I love this game. I can't wait until it's finished
Kinda like a battered housewife type relationship.
Lol you're mad because he has a point
I just made it to the summit. Can someone tell me what's up with the abortion stuff? Do I find out in the core chapter?
Loving it so far.
this game is the only one I enjoyed in the past half year
For real; the character designs kept me away for over a year. I finally got around to playing it last week and fell in love with it. The world is fucking huge and enough of the upgrades are unique enough to make me want to 100%, whereas in metroid I get burnt out on "wow another missile pack"
Use the merc or else, cocktane buster.
>tfw I can't get past zone 4 with Aria
it's good to have autism
>tfw can't unlock zone 4
I'm in love with Moritaka!
A Hat in Time
Not so long ago I have finished Pyre and fell in love with it. The last time that this has happened to me was in 2013 when I played Hotline Miami for the first time.
I'm excited for Ori 2
I thought the visuals for the first game were absolutely beautiful, but it really looks like they've stepped it up from what I've seen from the trailer. I'm also interested to see what movement powers there are, Bash was a lot of fun to use and I'm hoping it's back.
There are many husbandos, but this one is mine.
I'm 35 hours in and I still can't unlock Melody.
Emilie a best
I fell for League again recently.
Also SubaHibi even though I barely played it and I've only completed one route yet.
Does it get better?
You can usually spawn Leprechauns as early as the floor 2 in Zone 1, if you kill a red dragon with a x3 multiplier. just don't pick up the big pile of coins for 8 beats, then chase the Leprechaun into a corner and put a bomb one diagonal space away. It'll kill it, give you back all your gold, and drop a charm of luck. This will give you much better item drops and will make you always win at a shrine of luck, giving you even more items.
I'm sure Ribbon makes a comment like that at some point.
Yeah the gameplay is pretty good. Hell, I'd go as far as to call it superb and the fact that you can do 0% runs and the game is designed with speed runners in mind is amazing.
But yeah the designs fucking suck, hell even Erina's costume is fucking retarded and pushing moeblob levels of retard.
No, lad, it's just a made up joke
That's pretty funny. I'm gonna use that in the future.
Came here to post this. Glad I'm not alone
first and last
I fell in love with XC2
God damn Chie is very cute.
How can other P4 girls even compare?
I guess Chise is also cute but I've never played a Persona game.
Redpill me please.
My biggest problem is the Necrodancer himself, I suck at that battle, I can't protect Dorian for shit. I have no problem playing as Bard and Dove.
Prey and Titanfall2
rise is cute but there's no build up to her romance, she's just to straight forward and boring
chie acts very timid and feminine ironically compared to her
I never thought I'd enjoy jpop.
Anything else?
Where's Aegis?
>tfw still struggling with Cadence
>gotten to Necrodancer quite a few times, but choked
>other times I just get punted out by lol, ice dragon on the first stage
It's quite flawed, but I loved it regardless.
Just jumped into SMT after finishing Persona 3. Gotta say, I like it a lot more.
aegis is from persona 3 and is probably the best girl in that game other than elizabeth
Hyperlight Drifter?
Man god damn, I love Tomboys.
Imma gon buy a PS3 this week just to get the Persona games.
>Forgetting about Mitsuru.
user.. I..
Metro 2033, just an hour ago
My fucking NIGGA
No one ever talks about these two games and I just wanted to let you know you have excellent taste, have an adept
these two. haven't had this much enjoyment out of a playthrough since kero blaster got zangyou mode
i'll never understand people who "hate all indie games"
i ditched her social link after she couldn't figure out how to eat a burger, shes just rich and pretty unless i'm missing something
p3 fes is the best version
Sir, you may not realize this, but you are posting pictures of my wife.
I must ask you to desist.
First it was littlebigplanet
Then fallout 4
I agree for the cute side, but damn this level design is crappy
go kys you'reself
What's the context here?
Girls struggling to eat burgs is strangely arousing to me.
Why tho? I wanna hear the juicy gossip
This gif is very hypnotising.